How would you fix WoW

We need better in-and-out of game moderation. The forum lets people create an endless supply of alts to troll.

If you can eliminate the trolling than it gives the developers incentives to start communicating with the playerbase again.

  1. skip for covenant campaigns if already done.
  2. skip for intro shadowlands campaign if already done(there is for Legion and BFA)
  3. Less content on end game borrowed power
  4. More content on Raids, Dungeons, Battlegrounds, more class and race identity quests, adding more classes and races, etc etc

That is good for a start


Yeah no. LFG is trash and now you want to be qued into a game where you have no control who you’re partner with.

Ps it’s already in the game. It’s called arena skirmish.

Yes it was. Class identity is why classes got pruned and extremely hard for people to play multiple specs.

Tokens are not ruining the game and removing them would change absolutely nothing but cause players like myself with real life responsibilities to quit the game.

Me buying a token every once in a while to buy raid mats like flasks and potions doesn’t affect you in the slightest.

Honestly devs should never listen to class forums especially from places like GD.

It’s not about bringing everyone back. It’s about getting and retaining new players.

  • Chat moderation in LFG - this alone would fix a lot of the issues with retention
  • Drop the grindy, time-gated borrowed power systems. New players level and then realize they are hopelessly behind on ash/soulbinds/conduits and give up. We can’t just gear them up to raid or do M+
  • Omit the “on-rails” campaign that has to be played solo and fix party sync so there is actually a leveling game
  • Raid logging wasn’t a bad thing. Give us time to enjoy alts.
  • Transportation around the game world is still an issue and opening the Oribos portal on alts in the covenant is A) too grindy and B) doesn’t really fix it. I shouldn’t have to be a mage or engineer to get around the game world.
  • Leverage older content better. Timewalking is a good start but the implementation isn’t much fun.

A few simple things.

  1. Stop designing content around raiders.
    • Torghast didn’t need to be a progression system for raiders, it should’ve been its own thing with its own reward structure.
    • Island expeditions didn’t need to be designed around raiders, they should’ve just been a place to hunt cosmetics and earn a treasure map, that should’ve never had AP and Titan Residuum.
    • The Garrison should’ve been its own thing and not been a way to build up a mission table that fed off of raid progression.
  • This stuff needs to be self-important in its own way. All that designing this stuff to have raid value does is make raiders feel like they have chores, and then the devs ruin or completely abandon the features because raiders don’t want to do them.

  1. Stop adding ridiculous restrictions to the few things that aren’t designed around raiders. The covenant stuff being as restrictive as it is (having to be in the correct covenant to use it once obtained) has made fetching it feel significantly less valuable. If I earn a mount on an alt, let me use it on another character. Otherwise, what’s the point of the account-wide collections systems? Same goes for toys and xmog.

  2. Stop designing temporary expansion investments as casual content. One reason I don’t care about growing my covenant features is that after this expansion it’ll have been for nothing. I’d much rather have had something like the Garrison or my artifact weapon bleed into future expansions and be updated than have a new system to abandon.

I don’t want every expansion to be a new game, I don’t want every patch to be a new game. I want to keep growing this world I’m investing my time into.

  1. Bring back class features outside of combat. Class stories were the hallmark of this game for the longest time, whether it was questing for your totem or your mount in the old games, or hunting down artifact skins or tier sets, the absence of class-based collectibles and stories are hurting this game for me. I don’t care about a new raid, for example, because I have no new tier set to collect.

  2. Invest in professions. With things like the collections systems in the game, there’s absolutely no reason why these features should feel so empty. Why aren’t there these big investments for prestigious cosmetics? That would keep me so occupied during content lulls. These could be completely optional progression systems for people that are invested in customization and collections.

The scope of the game has grown so narrow. Leveling has been a streamlined and watered down experience. There’s no reason to invest in your character anymore, because every update makes the previous stuff completely irrelevant. Yeah, this used to be the case for raiding after TBC, but now it encompasses all of the game’s content. It sucks.


"Yeah no. LFG is trash and now you want to be qued into a game where you have no control who you’re partner with.

Ps it’s already in the game. It’s called arena skirmish."

Ah yes, I do, like the majority of games out there today. Do you have LFG in league of legends? No. FFXIV? No. Most mmos? No.

ELO accounts for differences in skill, you should be matched people of your skill level.

Look at what top Arena players say about a queue system and then come back to me.

“Yes it was. Class identity is why classes got pruned and extremely hard for people to play multiple specs.”

And now is better? Most classes are basically the same story. There isn’t any real identity difference between classes like there was in classic.

"Tokens are not ruining the game and removing them would change absolutely nothing but cause players like myself with real life responsibilities to quit the game.

Me buying a token every once in a while to buy raid mats like flasks and potions doesn’t affect you in the slightest."

I don’t care, influential people have already discussed the toxicity of tokens with ample evidence, people do buy them to get boosted, this is an undeniable fact. Go listen to pyromancy’s rage about it, its literally a soft pay to win scheme.

You have jobs, daily quests, and world quests, mission table quests to farm gold.

I work a full time job and go to school, how you sucking that bad at making gold?

We aren’t talking about other MMOs.

You already have solo content. It’s the random BGs and arena skirmish.

It’s a class not a character.

I never said people don’t buy them for boosts. I said removing tokens won’t change anything.

Boosts have been around long before the tokens and would continue if the tokens were removed.

Basically removing the tokens changes nothing.

And I don’t care what influencers think. It doesn’t change the facts and this isn’t a pay to win game.

I never said I suck at making gold. I work 65 hours a week and would rather drop a half hours worth of work every couple of weeks so I can spend more time with my family.

It’s called time management.

"We aren’t talking about other MMOs.

You already have solo content. It’s the random BGs and arena skirmish."

You haven’t convinced me faithfully enough that a queue system would be bad, just that in your opinion you don’t like it. That’s strange bro.

“It’s a class not a character.”

So you don’t think class-specific quests and combat uniqueness isn’t good?

"I never said people don’t buy them for boosts. I said removing tokens won’t change anything.

Boosts have been around long before the tokens and would continue if the tokens were removed.

Basically removing the tokens changes nothing.

And I don’t care what influencers think. It doesn’t change the facts and this isn’t a pay to win game."

Uh yes it is, you can literally be gladiator just by buying tokens and having someone carry you. There is a full business system in it, you can literally have mythic raider gear and never have to learn anything just by buying tokens and paying in gold. How the hell is that not pay-to-win?

"I never said I suck at making gold. I work 65 hours a week and would rather drop a half hours worth of work every couple of weeks so I can spend more time with my family.

It’s called time management."

That’s a you problem, not the games fault.

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What I want be a game apart from what World of Warcraft hath o’er the years become.
To bother elaborating thus proveth naught but a fruitless endeavor, in particular because, being a company which yet raketh profit herefrom despite all, Blizzard hath no reason to theyr ways changeth.

I would bring back 10 m raiding and just have it drop a lower item level. I would bring back tier sets. I would ban the people selling boost in the looking for group tool. I would probably change mythic plus so it doesn’t drop as high of item level as 25-man raiding. I would put in something like final fantasy parkour runs and stuff for fun where people could you know play games and just have fun I don’t know what else got to get back to work

Well that’s alot to think about but here is my go at it…

No mythic plus timers, all you have to do is finish the dungeon for your key to upgrade.

No upgradeable gear. Gear will drop/ be purchased at its intended ilvl.

No gear rewards from the open world or questing will be higher ilvl than heroic dungeon ilvls.

Removal of lfd and lfr. Forces people to communicate again instead of most everyone being solo.

Do away with borrowed power. That time will be dedicated to improving/ tweaking class design each expansion

Bring back class specific sets in raids.

Bring back tier set bonuses that are spec specific.

Pvp will regulate your character to a certain ilvl with higher ilvl gear being only a small percentage of power increase. There was an expansion they done this. Can’t remember which.

Solo que for arenas.

More focus on making the tier sets amazing visually and functionally.

More focus on tweaking specs in general.

More focus on balance, which will be easier without so much borrowed power and systems.

More/longer in game cinematics to tell the story.

More character customization every expansion for every race.

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Simple: I’d remove the ability to attack Consumption before he’s 62. This daily trolling is really making me want to just skip that rare from now on.

“Removal of lfd and lfr. Forces people to communicate again instead of most everyone being solo.”

Can’t have this until boosters are reduced to ash or to a point where it doesnt overload the integrity of the game. Guilds would have to be alot more relevant than they are now.

Just que a skirmish and wait till you’re paired with a tank.

You could buy glad and mythic raiding achievements long before the token was even introduced.

People sold 2200 weapons all the time in wrath and Cata and people sold glad and tank 1 titles for real money.

So like I said removing the token isn’t going to change that.

Also the game isn’t pay to win because the boosts aren’t exclusive to real money and can be purchased by anyone.

Blizzard isn’t offering the services either.

Actually the token is a you problem because it’s not going to go anywhere.

Sorry you can’t comprehend this.

“Just que a skirmish and wait till you’re paired with a tank.”

Then don’t allow tanks to queue? Or find a way to make them viable?

"You could buy glad and mythic raiding achievements long before the token was even introduced.

People sold 2200 weapons all the time in wrath and Cata and people sold glad and tank 1 titles for real money.

So like I said removing the token isn’t going to change that.

Also the game isn’t pay to win because the boosts aren’t exclusive to real money and can be purchased by anyone.

Blizzard isn’t offering the services either."

Do you have any idea how bad it is. They might as well promote it at the store dude, you’re being clueless. If you think there isn’t an epidemic of people spamming tokens for boosts then idk what to tell you. The hash you smoking is way too good.

"Actually the token is a you problem because it’s not going to go anywhere.

Sorry you can’t comprehend this."

Stop with the copium and stop defending this deplorable practice.

I’d remove transmog armor type restrictions. For example, Mail wearers should be able to transmog to plate, cloth, or leather.


Honestly it doesnt matter what we say. The lawyer and DEVs have become so arrogant. WHat we say doesnt matter anymore but why not?

  1. Fire the lead dev and other leaders that make final game decisions.
  2. Stop making currency grinds for progression and calling it content
  3. PVP gear not tied to rating or PVE content like it used to be when it was fun
  4. Do away with borrowed power from passive crap like conduits
  5. More dungeons/raids/BGs because thats content not currency grinds or rep grinds.
    renown is just another word for rep and its stupid boring
  6. Make the stuff you already did account wide so alts dont gotta repeat it too.

The list could go on but it will fall on deaf ears as usual.


Then you’re limiting what people can play. What about healers?

And what you fail to realize is that won’t ever change even if the token is removed because those people buying boosts will just go to websites and but them that way.

Again sorry your comprehension is so bad.

Remove conquest tier ilvls, have only one set of conquest

Make honor gear more accessible, remove renown 59 required to upgrade it

Class balancing and tuning more than once per season

Remove faction queues in unrated content and have players be randomly assigned to team red or team blue

Elite sets per class, not per armour type

Conquest catchup for alts until they’re at most 2 weeks behind