How would you fix PvP

Uh, a more complete UI would go a long way, I think. There isn’t a DR tracker, and the entire PVP learning curve is very daunting especially for somebody going in fresh instead of with a friend to kind of show them the ropes.

It’s cause there’s so much waiting time between battlegrounds they have time to come here. (Half kidding)

Funny how your first easy basic idea is also terrible. You’re telling me that, through no fault of my own, I’d be locked out of doing anything for anywhere between 5 seconds to the complete duration of the battleground?

Oh, yeah, because that doesn’t have the problem of the small portion of the player base that reads the forums being able to vote in that over 100 times if they want to.

Most common PvP achievement from start of the expansion indicates that participation is less than 2/3ds the number of people who full cleared Vault.

Battlegrounds bore me. The problem is how unfun everything is. Blizzard has basically said, “okay, here’s you gear” and then left PVP and BGs the same since 20 years ago.

They should introduce ways in BGs to increase how much honor everyone receives on a per game basis, like have some hoops noobs can jump through that’s easier than winning the game.
I also think the rewards are kinda boring.

Echoing what other people said: we haven’t been able to see any type of DR thing since ever? You’re supposed to just memorize what shares DR, it’s dumb.
The UI is actually crap.

You literally need addons to play this game.

Truth be told I don’t think they can fix it, DF is a far better balanced Xpac from what the past few that we had before; however dude it being so well balance you can now really highlight the problems with the game.

  1. The game is too busy thanks to the stay of rotations that most classes have and then top it off with the 4 CC’s that just about every class that needs to made into a Ctrl or Alt version for off targets in arenas. This one is fundamental to the state and pacing of the game.

  2. Tools in the classes are getting really silly. That one is just is what it is, classes have so many tools now all of them strangely hurts the game play. Classes are built more and more to work within their CD time frame you end up doing everything around it. You see someone do damage mode you use a Def CD and the same is true for the other side. This reduces the game down to the battle of the CD’s vs a battle of spacing and timing.

  3. Movement spells are crazy, once again these just need to be fixed. I do not see the reason for every class to have so much crazy mobility, most classes can easily move 50 yards within a few seconds this means that positioning is less important to the game because how quickly it can change.

All the above can be fixed by reducing player power and making EACH part of the team have a role to fill with least overlap on jobs. I know someone will read and say “Why should each player be made weaker?” Because it is a group game it makes roles in the group more important. I could say that blizzard should change mana so that some classes are not just CD based but based on the ebb and flow of mana; but I don’t see blizz looking into any of these points because it be too costly. Even though the game is needing a reimagining from what have right now.

Basically everything most people have to download an addon for atm built as options in the base ui. More solo que options. Better in game tools to explain macros to newer players. Make class base defensives available in forbidden reach and a quest there where u die if you dont press it. Could even add it to the part where your being trained about builders and spenders. Most of these changes are to bring easier accessibility to newer players while teaching people what a defensive is early on. Pvp will continue to die if new blood isnt fueling the machine.

Where do you see that?

You’re telling me YOU SHOULDN’T???

OK … then for the next 5 years, you will forever be put on the team with 10 players, and I will be put on the teams with 15 players. Oh I can’t wait for this! Fun Fun!!!

I mean, this has been going on for 18+ years, so 5 years is hardly anything. And you seem to think this doesn’t matter anyway, right?!

You’ll love it! In fact, let’s put you on a team with 8 v 15, which I’ve had happen.

If you can’t agree to FAIR TEAMS … in a TEAM GAME … you simply are not a serious person.

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If you don’t value my time, you’re not worth any attention.

Starting a TEAM game… without EVEN TEAMS … is, to your point, WASTING the time of ALL of the players on the under-manned team.

Did you fail first grade? Can you not do basic addition?


I don’t care. I queued on the bg to play, not to be stuck in place for an unknown amount of time because rando guy #12 decided to decline on the queue.

Dmg and healing spike health bars too much. I’d end that real quick.

I’d go super heavy handed on diminishing returns. All the CC spam possible especially from some classes is just ridiculous.

I like Epic BGs. Blizz needs to find a way to keep ebg’s epic instead of encouraging people to make them as short as a regular bg just for a bit of extra conquest. For starters:

Back in Legion? Bfa? if you were within I think it was 10 resources of the winning team in AV (not sure if it was the entire expac, but it was for a time), you had a “defeat” but you still received full credit on honor and conquest and the box. This made people keep trying. I still remember specifically calling out that we were really close in one game and pointing out we could still get the reward if we killed x more people before they got us to 0 and multiple people responded “really?” and folks started trying again. We did get it down to a 3 resource difference and got the rewards. It was a long game. It was fun. But some folks need a bit more incentive to keep trying.

Maybe set an “expected” time for a win. If it goes over, start adding a maybe 5 conquest every x number of minutes up to a max number. This would have to include something that checked for actual gameplay, so 2 teams didn’t just afk to max time.

Allow conquest gear to be upgraded without a rating. You could do that in BFA. You could make it like the current PvE gear even. Let it upgrade 1/2 way without the rating instead of all the way. Lots of folks play just to have fun, not to compete for a rating.

A “beginner bracket” for random bg’s. If your ilevel or honor level are over certain thresholds, you can’t queue for it.

Balance in random bg’s based on average team ilevel

Remove faction lines in random bg’s to speed up queue times.

Those honor mounts higher levels up are criminally grindy like no one’s business. Haha in mmo game that’s just a silly thing to say right? Haha…

Usually they will cite a third party website that pulls from API, though they don’t pull from too many people’s API - which is why they should be taken just as seriously as mmopop websites (Which is not at all)

new maps
better rewards
resilience gear
easy accessibility
better ui

Venruki did a video about this recently. Basically, modern gaming culture doesn’t mesh with the depth that WoW requires to start. You need to level, you need to gear, practice rotation, defensives, CCs. Can’t just jump in and learn as you go. You will be flamed out of Solo Shuffle if you decide to do it without gear and you constantly die. But the problem is if you fix that, you are going to alienate existing WoW PvP players. So there’s a conundrum. What makes WoW PvP fun for some is a deterring factor for others.

Copy games like Hearthstone and make rewards on a track. Win or Lose, you’re still rewarded for playing. Atm if you’re learning, you’re aggressively punished by the game and a lot of people simply stop early on.

You could have brackets for unique end of season rewards, but this aspect of the game needs more of hook.

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