How would you fix PvP

Let’s assume you don’t made an immediate response like “remove it from the game” and that some ideas about keeping in the game would the the aim.

I see many comments and many posts over the months about the flaws and issues of PvP in WoW and being someone who does very little of it, my initial curiosity would include:

  • How to attract more people, both from inside and outside WoW, to participate in PvP, and
  • How to improve it generally, specifically and in detail.
  • Has PvP ever been excellent in WoW, if so when and how.
  • Could Blizzard learn anything positive from other games that have PvP, and if so how could those things be applied.

That’s the sort of thing I would find interesting to hear about. I have no cause to champion in regard to this topic. I’m interested to hear what YOU have to say, though I’d prefer positive takes rather than simply bemoaning how bad it is and that nothing can be done. It’s easy to say that sort of thing rather than coming up with positive ideas.

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What exactly is wrong with it right now? I like the gearing system a lot and they’ve toned down random one shots.

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Honestly treat it as a minigame cuz theres 0% chance itll ever be balanced

Mays well make it a For Fun mode instead of something “competitive”


Truthfully, given how little attention is paid to PvP by Blizzard (from what it appears), removing it from the game and placing its rewards in other areas may not be such a bad thing.

Bring back resilience.

Screw the raiders.


Make solo shuffle 4v4 with 1 healer. Force people to play more defensive and position better, certain classes are too forgiven for bad positioning and simply drain their teams externals against 2 dps, against 3 they’d quickly learn otherwise. Could maybe drop it to a 3v3 format once you hit elite or something.

Does this mean removing raiding because less people raid than those that PvP?


That wouldn’t affect me so I’m indifferent.

this poor, poor horse. Surprised PETA hasn’t come for Holinka yet…

Well, I would start by adding a new BG, a 5+ year content drought is a bit much…


I have played 1000s of BGs across my characters over the years and I just feel with the dwindling population there is not much you can do to improve it.

Arena are the only ones who get new maps and Ion is focused on raiding.


Gear should not be a variable in random pvp. I just want to get in, not get oneshoted by ubbernerd, have fun, and get out. Don’t worry, your precious rated pvp stays the same.


All comments are on random regular BGs (not epics), since they are the core of WoW’s PvP IMHO.

I don’t care for Arenas and would rather see it deleted, so I won’t comment on it.

Solo queue rated BGs mode: no/small gear variance and templates
It works for every other game, but Devs refuse to put it into WoW for some arcane reason.
This alone would entice many players from other games and quite a few who are already WoW veterans.

It would cost money, but have a very aggressive anti-bot squad banning/modding people and bots on sight and make the PvE equivalency for rewards worth it (EG: make a win give 2k gold or something and a loss 25-50% of it). Also Conquest acquisition should be doubled or tripled, and losses should award SOME conquest (10-25%) instead of none at all.

As it is right now, you get 0 gear, 0 conquest and a pittance of honor for losing.
There is pretty much no incentive for sticking to the end on a losing BG other than sheer willpower or drive to win. The 15 min. debuff is even better sometimes since it gives people time to make some real progress on the world (gold etc).

Random, phased World PvP events (think of something like scenarios), with decent rewards (a temporary buff, exclusive access to a dungeon/raid for the winning side etc.) on the world would be a very welcome addition.

New BGs, or new BG skins would make the stale state of BGs a lot more fun.

This goes for PvE too:
Requirements for player power shouldn’t exist in the game: Time/dedication should be enough.
Let the reward for elitism be much faster gearing and unique transmogs and mounts, not item level. Let PvPers fully enjoy PvE gear progression too.

Finally, I’d focus on either 1v1 balance between specs and completely remove dedicated healing from PvP, as all it does is make encounters last longer or frustrate DPS, since one single heal can negate 10s of seconds of DPS.

Healing being so powerful only makes healers the #1 target in BGs.
CCs should all be slightly longer and on a single DR category.

The best state for PvP gearing was WoD. You could actually get BiS without touching rated Arenas.
I can’t say PvP balance was ever great though, but it’s never been too bad for too long - we had at most 1-3 under/overperforming specs.
IIRC the best patches for PvP balance were the last patches from MoP or WotLK.

  1. Better rewards, make more cosmetics, more mounts accessible to the honor pvp’ers.
  2. New battle grounds and new brawl modes we need a AV “blizzard” verson.
  3. Bring back unranked SS. And keep the ranked version.
  4. MMR needs to be addressed, and before the next season.
  5. Wow pvp has been excellent in the past. WoD, Legion, and Mist have proven that.
  6. Blizzard can 100% learn from other games, they do so all the time, its how we got Tmog library’s, seething shore, borrowed power, and loot boxes. learning from other games and company’s can be hit and miss

Other then this I cant think of more ways to make it “better” when this season is already full of better commentators on the subject. I’m just a casual, who’s hardly observant. :dracthyr_tea:

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So, I love PVP, but definitely needs some SLC…

First, I would make honor pvp dirt cheap to buy. Like 10 gold for the full set, so people could jump into PVP with decent enough gear and see if they are enjoying it.

Second, I would have more people gain more rating per win and lose less. It definitely feels like a slog when you only gain like 10+ a win. Especially if you play SS and get those dreaded 40 min queues.

Third, more content. We need new maps and things to do.

Fourth, Ban boosting, even gold boosting.

Fifth, players should get more conquest and weapons should be cheaper for classes that have weird weapon requirements. Mostly Fury, haha!

Sixth, you shouldn’t need a rank to increase conquest gear Ilvl. If you have full conquest.

Seventh, better rewards. Yeah, a cool armor recolor and a mount is nice, but give us more battle pets or allow people to unlock older armor color with tokens they get as they do more pvp.

I could go, but these are my main points.

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Gearing is fine.
Damage across the board is too high, nerf that.
Throw ALL CC on the same DR, increase their durations back to pre-nerf.
Random rated battlegrounds could be interesting.
New BG and Arena maps.
Bring back 5v5.

All I can think of atm.


It’s just not simple enough, the learning curve is too steep, you’ve got basically 20 years of collective class knowledge to catch up on. Burst is also extremely high right now, so any mistake will pretty much leave you dead, lol.

You’ve gotta understand the following, to be on the same level:

  • Class abilities like Druids’ Cyclone, including the spec-specific ones like Bladestorm and Mortal Strike for Arms Warriors. How does a Boomkin play to a Feral druid, and what to look out for.
  • When exactly to use cooldowns (timing) and save your defensives right when the enemy uses their cooldowns on you, and vice-versa for using your offensive cooldowns to create kill windows.
  • Crowd control, interrupts, and using those properly, such as throwing out a stun on a healer to open a kill window on a nearby DPS player, whilst also remembering when they have their 2-minute PvP trinket available, so you can play around it.
  • Positioning, learning how to line-of-sight ranged players to block their spells when you don’t have an interrupt available, not running in and dying lol.
  • Probably the most depressing part, but the meta. Not all classes are created equal, and some will have a much easier time ranking up than others. Same deal with M+ and PvE at the top end, really.

That’s enough for most PvE-centric players to just throw their arms up in defeat before they’ve even got a chance to get started, lol.

It’s fun for what it is, but it’s just too complicated, at least compared to earlier iterations of it, like in Classic, which is just slower and easier to understand for that reason. There’s just too much to know, unlike PvE, where you just need to know the encounters, you don’t really have to know exactly how your friends’ classes work.


I would do heirloom honor/conquest gear so you don’t have to regear the same characters for pvp every season but that’s just me. And probably about 10 less buttons per class but that’s just a general change, not specific to pvp.


Utilize FFXIV’s system as it’s vastly superior.

Then again, the WoW dev team tried to copy XIV’s crafting system but did a poor job at it, so not sure them tryna emulate their PvP system would go all that well either.