Better rewards. Really good rewards and not just for rated and bg’s but for wpvp too.
Have events similar to the Nomi event, things like that. Untether the bosses, some or all, so that those who want to can kite them into cities. (If they’re still tethered, I’d heard they were)
That would make it entertaining and exciting again.
I haven’t pvp’d yet this expac, didn’t at all last expac either. When I did pvp, I usually just did bg’s and wpvp so I may not know what I’m talking about with some of this based just on that.
They need to mix factions when joining BGs, to lower queue times.
Their queue system in unrated needs improved so it does a better job at balancing skill, based off honor level, gear, etc, mixing factions would help offset queue times.
They need to allow raid joining in epic BGs so the system can properly match premades, i.e. raid against raid.
Conquest for alts should be reduced, the box was a nice start, but requiring 1400 means it’s only for people who do rated. Preferably something that gives like 50% more for wins, 175 for epic win instead of 165, keep in mind this is with cap, so not like they would be gearing faster than others.
Make everyone below 70 use templates for gear, low level PvP is wildly imbalanced, especially with party sync. People should be able to go in their leveling gear and have a fighting chance, if they want to take a break from questing.
Scale everyone at 70 to green level PvP gear, so they aren’t totally useless.
Add new BG maps.
Give increased rewards for joining BG in progress.
Add bots to fill player slots instantly until they can be filled by actual players, or give understaffed team a damage reduction buff for each player missing.
One thing that would help pvp (and the game in general) is if all instanced content were balanced completely independent of all the other instanced content.
I do have to say one thing about wow pvp is that sometimes things are… unclear visually or in the sound department to where addons do need to be needed.
I’m all for addons and I use them with sounds to help me since I can’t see all that well, but I would like better indicators in game.
Other MMOs have a clear indicator, “this is bad don’t stand here” or “this enemy is buffed up watch out!” without having to look at icons etc.
You just see it or hear it from the spells effects.
I think the single biggest thing would be to reduce CC.
Other things I can think of:
No premade groups in random BG’s. If you want to group up you get put up against other groups, if you don’t want to wait solo que against other solo qued people. Nothing is less fun than getting farmed by people who already out gear and out skill you but also have the ability to coordinate as well.
Give tanks back some of their survivability or at least give them the dps that dps players have in pvp. Last time I qued on my VDH I took more damage than I did in havoc and did less damage despite being a VDH main for years.
Fix the rating system. I face people that curb stomp me and I start to wonder if I can even get a chance to get better. Considering I die in CC without being able to do anything the answer is no so I stop playing pvp.
Despite really really wanting to farm the honor for the bear skins (best bear skins in the game) I quit within a couple of BG’s every time I decide that I’m going to attempt to farm them. Pvp seems like its one of those thing that you had to be part of in BC and grown with in order to be good at it now days. For people just getting into it there is to much to learn about comps, diminishing returns, your own spec, etc.
Which is kind of odd because I did a lot of random BG’s in vanilla to Cata/Mop and had tons of fun. I don’t know what changed since then.
You get like 25-50 conquest per win and you need like 12000-13000 conquest for a full set.
Now if your main focus is pvp you take pvp vault options and craft pvp gear so you gear up faster but if your focus is pve, like me, gearing up feels so slow that it isn’t worth the time. I used to love getting full pvp gear and doing bgs for fun with friends but that juice isn’t worth the squeeze.
Solo shuffle is also great but you can spend hours in que and then playing the matches and not see any conquest at all. If you have a 20 min que and then spend 20 mins in the match and you don’t get any conquest it feels awful.
So the changes I would make are:
-You get both your pve and pvp vault items
-Reduce the conquest cost of items by half
-Greatly increase conquest rewards from wpvp and random bgs
-Add profession materials to pvp rewards – double for gathering professions
I’d approach it like other MMORPGs do; grind focused and more “for fun” than a truly competitive experience.
Literally the only reason I didn’t main swap to XIV is because I can’t do Crystaline Conflict unranked with friends. The main thing I do in WoW is spam battlegrounds / wPvP with friends, of which, most aren’t good enough to do well in rated anymore with how deflated things are. And rated’s become grab 1800 for set, wait a bit, grab 2100 for enchant, and then go back to grinding HKs with friends now. It’s not even fun anymore.
XIV still has CR rewards, but the bulk majority of the season rewards come from simply playing.
Less focus on arenas.
Don’t even need to go into detail why. They considered it a mistake, and forcing it for this long and watching it be the feature to struggle and die out the moment the game’s population dipped is proof we’re just chasing nothing at this point.
New battlegrounds.
More ways to just enjoy killing the other faction.
Simplicity is good.
It’s actually nuts how much the wPvP areas popped off at the start of the season simply because you could get a transmog set and gear off doing it.
Rewards matter. It’s an MMORPG. People just wanna collect cool stuff and kill dudes.
The gearing system is near perfect, they really listened to the community concerns on that during SL and improved it so much. On the gearing front I’d probably just add vault access for unrated PvP (LFR and +2s give vault access, so I don’t see why unrated PvP shouldn’t) and add a bit more conquest catch up on top of spoils of war, especially for people that don’t want to farm solo shuffle or 2s for their entire cap. Spoils of war and conquest boxes could probably come sooner too.
Repeat wins in randoms giving 15 conquest is a joke, they should definitely increase that by a good bit or at least let you get your weeks worth of first wins on whatever day of the week you can play rather than needing to do them daily. But definitely increase the repeat win amounts.
Balancing really wasn’t too terrible until the ret rework last season, they have shown that they can do frequent balancing changes that can address outliers when they want to, but then they let other things slide for so long that it cancels that benefit out. They need to just address outliers much quicker and probably don’t do entire reworks (or adding new specs…) in the middle of a season.
I don’t do rated PvP anymore so I’m not gonna comment on what they need to do there, but their efforts to address the lack of healers in solo shuffle have seemed really lackluster. They gotta figure something out there, but I’ve got no clue what they can do at this point.
PVP is the main thing i do in the game and i love it.
They need to dump a lot of time and effort into BGs. More CapFlag maps, more NodeCap maps. Personally i think Temple is an amazing map but honestly the pvp players arent brainy enough to enjoy it. So you cant mass produce that one. It seems everyone hates Seething Shore but im 99% sure thats because its too big, so id shrink it.
The Epic BGs. Which are the most forgiving to new players, need to be simplified. I play a lot of BGs and i still havent found a resource for what the hell is going on in IoC or Ashran. Because i was here when AV and WG came out i feel much more comfortable in them. But for example in an IoC last night someone said “Get Quarry, it adds oil to the ship guns and makes doors go down faster”
When was I supposed to learn that?
Epic BGs should have 3 things going on.
Cap Points
Tokens to turn in to do XY or Z
End Boss
And all BGs need to be new player friendly. As somone said about - full honor set should be 50g. End of story. And damage in the randoms must be normalized. Being one shot when youre trying a game mode is losing a customer.
Apologies for any typos, im doing this on a phone.
A BG should NEVER start without equal teams. If the opening has a 10v15 … then the team with 15 will have 5 players “locked” in the starting area. When the team with 10 gets a new player, one of the five “locked” players get released, and so on, until it’s even teams.
That fact it doesn’t already do something SO BASIC is why PvP is such a joke in this game.
Note: this doesn’t even have anything to do with player inbalance!!! This is just about EVEN TEAMS in a TEAM GAME.
I would also like a “match making” system where the game recognizes I might not be a (sic) 3000MMR, Glad player … but I know not to fight in the roads, either. Stop pairing me with people that don’t even know the BASICS, or worse, lash out like children when those basics are explained to them.
Let those players and the AFKers waste their time in a pool together. Let me “advance” to some bracket with people that know how to win!
I mean… the list of easy and OBVIOUS things is so HUGE, it’s no surprise PvP is a laughing stock in this game.