How would you finish Tyrande's story arc?

she dies on her quest for vengeance hence why she is in Shadowlands…:wink:

Maybe Nathanos does kill her after all…

They can get new heroes. Fresh Blood to lead them from now on, and to start a new chapter. This is the last paragraph which you skipped. They’d still keep Malfurion, but Tyrande dying in heroic manner would save her from villanbatting or forgiving the Horde or falling to obscurity.

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Good points, and you make a compelling case. If Tyrande dies though, I would like her death to achieve something more, like restoring the dragons to fertility, thus earning the Kaldorei a powerful ally, or returning the Night Elves to a state of immortality.

I fail to see how deaf of elf would affect dragon fertility. The only thing that comes to my mind would be as if parts of her body would be changed to some sort of “blue pill”.
Like some people do on black market with animal - parts.

And it would be still be extra weird considering that Tyrande was implied that she was infertile herself.

I also disagree that nelves need immortality, quite the contrary. They need to reproduce. They need to feel that they don’t have entire life for that, and need to hurry up.

Excuse me ?

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Reproduction does not conflict with immortality, on the contrary, I rather wonder what would bother you if the night elves got it, again?

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Simple. She’d be dead.

Then her death is the catalyst for Malfurion to go insane and open the Emerald Nightmare across Azeroth like a plague, reasoning its the only way to utterly to destroy the Horde and claim revenge.

Because it’s in opposition to circle of life and death. As a race that preaches about nature so much they’re dreading the most natural thing in nature - death. And actually yes, immortality affects the breeding process. Each race that is affected by it isn’t keen on reproducing. It was implied that Tyrande is infertile in her leader short story.

The wild and dead gods itselfs are immortal…life and death are as concept mortal, but their representatives are both immortal.


Wild gods are gods, Nelves aren’t gods last time I checked and they cannot reincarnate in Emeral dream.

they are the guardians of kalimdor^^


I disagree, as, if anything, the Horde doesn’t know that everyone is going to the Maw, and should rightfully feel horrified about finding that out.

I think you might not have quested in Suramar and seen all the children there.

We already had to watch our warchief die in the most unheroic way at the Broken Shore and got bfa trash faction war story as a result, thank you very much.

But I guess that doesn’t count because we all know Night Elves have a monopoly on suffering.


There are some, just like there are nelf children, but as a race they’re not that much pushed into breeding. Unlike reaces who live shortly.
It’s pretty common thing used in other fantasy settings.
Longer life = less inclined to breed
Short life = faster and bigger breeding

Wow chill out. It is a game. A lot of people here have good ideas, including Horde players (like me). I don’t see a lot of people wanting Ole Sylvie to get off the hook.

Frankly if your goal is to wish for other people to have a crappy game experience because they play a different faction then you…in a game…is pretty terrible. I’m not here to ruin the game for anyone and want people to have fun.


“LmAo JuSt KiLl HeR oFf.” Stay in your own lane.

Expecting sympathy from Nelf Fans while suggesting Night Elfs fans receive more garbage treatment in their story to amuse yourself. Class act.

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Dude, have you read entire post of mine? I didn’t say kill her for the lols, I actually wanted to give her character proper conclusion, and that conclusion was to kill off the one who caused her people to die, and free the Souls, AND tie the consequences of Night Warrior risk into the story, to show why it wasn’t used before and was dreaded off.

She would still turn out heroic instead of becoming raid boss or get even more insulting plot. In exchange to get new fresh blood, new direction, new chapter to actually start to work on recovery.

It was not written in bad faith.


I think the shorter life expectancy, despite being nigh immortal, for Nightborne is due to the fact they lived under a dictator/oppressive caste system. Those Low born gotta breed if they keep getting murdered for burning the quiche or staining some A-holes favorite robe. Heck even the Highborne could end up dead for angering the wrong person.

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I don’t know what is with this person but they are taking this waaaaay too seriously.

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The risk is that performing the ritual has a high mortality rate. She already survived the risk. You just want to kill off an Alliance character to feel better about yourself.

Anything that ends in her death is insulting. The Night Elves have lost enough and so has the fan base. Suggesting more loss is indicative of where your motives truly lie behind the facade.

We don’t need fresh blood. We don’t need new direction. The new chapter of recovery and rebuild can be done with Tyrande, Malfurion, and Maiev laying waste to the Horde in Ashenvale and turning Hyjal into a proper capital after also cleansing it of any Horde presence.