How would you finish Tyrande's story arc?

They are just worried that Tryrande going to end up being a dumpster fire.


To be forgiven there must be some meaningful act. At this point, Tyrande’s character would have to transform into Anduin’s after she finds out the Horde’s WoT didn’t just kill her people but also put their souls into super hell, and then forgives the Horde because, while rescuing the souls of the soldiers who died massacring the Kaldorei, they manage to also free the souls of the Kaldorei civilians they butchered.

Tyrande has far too good a reason to hate the Horde forever. Fixing an atrocity that they committed which she doesn’t even know about yet isn’t good enough to warrant forgiveness.


I would finish Tyrande’s story arc by having her eat a donut bigger than her face.

Ask Blizzard.

Any one else notice how in Ashran the Night Elf trophy is the most violent? Every other race you loot something like a tooth, a snout, a nose. Night Elf you loot the entire severed head. There is some sick puppies at Blizzard.


From the third paragraph of “Super-Powered Evil Side”.

Trope names are not necessarily literal.


Is it? I mean, I would say they’re all rather gruesome.
Blood Elf Ear, Goblin Nose, Tauren Hoof, Troll Feet. You’d definitely need to cut all these parts off, probably with a bit of effort. Same with Draenei Tail and Worgen Snout.

Forsaken Brains, Pandaren Hide (which is for both sides), Dwarf Spine, and Severed Night Elf Head would all be fairly violent in extraction.

Tuft of Gnome Hair, Human Bone Chip, and Orc Tooth are, as you say, probably the simplest.

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I wonder who came up with these, and how would you know it’s a forsaken brain? If it’s rotten it could also be Anduin’s brain :sweat_smile:


Oh they are for sure all gruesome. But the whole head? I don’t know, something about severed heads always strikes me as dark and symbolic. I think there is also a novelty quest chain in Dazar’alor that involves fetching a “preserved night elf head” at one part.

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Just not seeing how that’s worse than digging through someone’s skull, cutting out their spine, or skinning them.

Maybe it’s just me getting hung up on the symbolism of the “severed head”; like the way the head is kind of what makes and identifies a person, so it just struck me as the darkest to collect that as the trophy, as opposed to just random parts, which are none the less still violent and ghastly as you have pointed out.

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So Blizzard doesn’t have Ardenweald’s questing involve saving Horde soldier souls. Can save that for Maldraxxus or something.

For Ardenweald, have Teldrassil itself brought to Ardenweald as one of those sky trees:

And all the souls that were on it come with it and are freed out to Ardenweald.

There were no Horde on the tree when it burned, so problem solved, what you’re complaining about wouldn’t be a factor at all.


That would be sooo amazing but it’s so unlikely

I can very well see Sylvanas or the Jailer consume the souls in the maw to become even stronger or something

That still comes across as weak tea when you consider that it was the Horde who waged the WoT and burned Teldrassil in the first place. But, given the direction that Blizz is taking us down, where “the banshee’s blood” is the only thing keeping her from signing yet another peace treaty with the Horde, this will probably be enough for Tyrande.


I think this is the best option and what should happen. It would be cool if some of those souls could have the option of resurrection but only if they consent to it.

The writers should probably get at it then, which they should have done in the first place. Horde Druids should not be kicked out of Hyjal, especially when they have continually helped protect it. Agree with the Ashenvale part though.


My ideal path for Tyrande:

In Shadowlands, have her be instrumental in freeing the night elf souls from the Maw and in slaying Sylvanas.

I think that ressurecting the souls wouldn’t solve the issues the plot leading to their deaths caused, but having them join Elune could be neat (While explaining that Elune was weakened both by the loss of Anima and by spending 99% of her remaining power keeping Azeroth alive from the sword wound).

And I like the idea of Genn and Lor’themar+the next Forsaken leader taking out Sylvanas’ physical form so that Tyrande and Loa’jin can then destroy her banshee form together - even if it’s grudging cooperation. She can be cold to the Horde characters and the Horde player, but don’t put them through another Val’sharah where the only option is her constantly insulting them even while they’re working with her.

Include some Ambassador NPCs in each capitol who are starting to discuss what the actual terms of a post-armistice treaty might be, showing what each side is offering, demanding, and overreaching for in an ongoing process.

Also, as part of either a Shadowlands patch or the next expansion, have Tyrande and the night elves retake Ashenvale in a -playable- scenario with lasting phasing effects, destroying the remaining Banshee loyalists. (This can be part of a bigger patch-/expansion plot, perhaps as part of tracking Sylvanas down or weakening her power sources/whatever, so it exists for a reason beyond -only- showing night elves being victorious.) Afterwards, let there be roaming stealthed Black Moon sentinel squads (and maybe Tyrande herself, too) that act like Fel Reavers for Warmode Horde in the zone. Except there’s no warning rumble. Just doom.


I think best way would be for her to be crucial in freeing nelven souls from maw and killing Sylvanas together with Genn somehow.
But since Night Warrior was a risky ritual it had to have it’s drawbacks so it put a danger of Elune and further drained power from this entity. So to undo it she dies at the end. She dies as a hero. Elune is restored and the souls of nelves are free to go whenever they like.

The new generation is rising in power to take over the leadership of nelves.
I don’t think Vol’Jin has to be involved with Sylvanas I’d like him more if he would be crucial in stopping Jailer since he was the one who messed him up and in a way it would redeem him in picking Sylvanas as his successor.

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Most of this scenario is acceptable to me as a Horde player. Although I REALLY don’t want another team up with Tyrande at all, I’ve accepted it will happen, but if Vol’jin is around I’ll be able to bear it. Preferably there is no Ardenweld team up at all and her questlines will by Alliance only, while Horde pal around with Vol’jin.

And I as a Blood DK relish the challenge!

The Alliance should also have a “enter if you dare” zone. Hillsbrad could work now that Arathi is Alliance, and a questline could involve securing it and focus on the Forsaken’s rebuilding. Hecular-Empowered Deathstalkers or Dark Rangers wandering the zone would make swift work of any Alliance who try to encroach.



All these Horde players dictating what should happen with Tyrande is laughable. All of your ideas are absolute garbage and show how fake you are when you pretend to care about the players on the other side.


I’m not exactly opposed to the Night Elves losing something more, but shouldn’t there be something to offset the losses they incurred?