It’s literally THAT easy lol. We’re not asking for much, we’re not wanting to payback the Horde in genocide (We never did like malfurion stated) We just want the Horde to ACTUALLY show some form of sympathy and help us free the souls and kill Sylvanas.
Unless the Horde can give the dead back their lives, I don’t think this is much of an atonement. Especially since the Horde seemed somewhat enthusiastic about the whole WoT, if I remember correctly. I will have to reread “A Good War,” but it didn’t seem to take much to convince your average Hordie to slaughter the Kaldorei.
The Horde will have to do something really special to reasonably be considered atoned for the last xpac. Unless they want to pull another War Crimes and simply blame everything that happened on the War Chief again.
Resurrect everybody?
I one thousand percent agree with your view point!! I just want something lol, anything that shows that they care!!
Not sure, the quest in reference is Making Some Noise, wherein you’re trying to make some Drums of Primal Might.
We have everything we need to craft the drum, except Elune’s blessing.
The drum is but a vessel, like a cup. We need her to imbue the drum with power, filling the cup so that we may drink.
With Tyrande donning the mantle of the Night Warrior, much of Elune’s power is taxed. Asking for another favor is not insignificant, but I must try.
You asked about forgiveness, not atonement.
My ideal end for Tyrande’s arc in BFA would be a political crisis. Essentially, she refuses peace entirely. She continues open war against the Horde. Upon regaining control of Darkshore and Ashenvale she’d launch regular invasions from the trees, attacking and destroying strategic targets in the Barrens and Azshara. Anduin would ask her to stop, but she would send back the same reply, each time. “You’re either with us or against us, King of Stormwind.”
Essentially, the Alliance is forced to choose between their long-term Kaldorei allies, or the Horde. Anduin argues in favour of greater peace, but the Alliance nations decide to vote on the matter. Anduin, Mekkatorque and Velen vote in favour of trying to preserve the armistice. Anduin because of his pacifism and hope for the new Horde, Mekkatorque in grattitude for the Horde’s aid of his new people Mechagon, and Velen because his people have seen enough war, and he simply wants it to end. Jaina, Genn, Alleria, Turalyon, and Moira (on behalf of the Three Hammers), vote to support the night elves, if their hand is forced.
As such, the vote is carried out. Anduin refuses to lead another war, so Turalyon, who has been Alliance supreme commander once in the past, resumes his old mantle. The Alliance decides to reject the armistice, and fight for justice for the Kaldorei. They sail their full might across the sea, in a direct attack on Orgrimmar.
A resolution is made; the Horde shall not be exterminated, but occupied. All Horde armies will be dissolved, and the Alliance will take over administration of their capitals.
Long story short, the Horde loses. Orgrimmar is occupied, and the other capitals voluntarily surrender, given that their leaders are all convened in Orgrimmar to form the new council. The Alliance wins the war, and tries to rebuild the Horde from within. That’d be fair on the night elves.
Can we just kill all the forsaken?
Pretty please? Sugar on top?
Well I meant weakened before the Night Warrior ritual.
As in something clouding or suppressing or leeching ect. Her power and so Tyrande got scraps or spare power as Drahliana put it and thats why she couldn’t beat Nathanos or didn’t get blow up or get torn to shreds or all manner of grisly deaths.
On to Elune herself with them claiming thats the reason she didn’t stop the burning or do much else during the WoT.
Both Tyrande and Sylvanas meet up in the Shadowlands and Tyrande begrudgingly agrees to help her earn her salvation and defeat the Jailer. Anduin probably is gleeful about the sudden case of “unity,” or something.
In the end of a beautifully rendered cinematic that’s normally reserved for sad orcs and sad humans, Tyrande and Sylvanas defeat the big bad Jailer and “free” Azeroth from the Shadowlands grip as well as resurrecting or freeing all the night elves that Sylvanas sent to Maw…
Right as Sylvanas turns around with a smirk on her face, Tyrande shoves her moonglaive through her back. Shocked, Sylvanas looks to Tyrande, with fear in her eyes.
“You said that you’d help me,’ Shouted a fearful Sylvanas. 'That you would spare me from your wrath!”
“I promised you salvation,’ Tyrande replied. 'Not your life.”
Tyrande then brutally hacks Sylvanas’ head off, damning her soul to eternal torment in the Maw. Somewhere in the Tower, a tortured Arthas is for but a moment, supremely smug at the irony.
Later in the story, Tyrande walks in on Anduin and the Horde Council negotiating a true end to the war. Right as they get to the topic of Ashenvale and the rest of the Night elven homelands, Tyrande walks in and declares that the horde with completely withdraw from the night elven territory outside of Splinterspear Post. The lives of any horde member that tries to harvest trees in those lands is instantly forfeit. When Lothamar or any other horde member speaks up to question why, She thorws Sylvanas’ head onto the table.
“Because I alone did what your kind lacked to courage to do,’ Murmured Tyrande. She arcs the point of her moonglaive at both the Horde and Alliance parties. 'Because my people paid the ultimate price while you were drunk on bloodlust and conquest.”
Anduin steps forward with a serious stare. “I understand you’ve suffered a lot, Tyrande-” He begins.
Anduin breaks off into silence as Tyrande stares him down. “Suffering. You know nothing of that word, child.’ She hisses. 'You may have read about the word, but you know nothing of it, ignorant boy.”
“It is apparent that my husband and I were wrong about the need for a ‘high king.’ Pronounces Tyrande with a somber tone. 'Little did we know that we would endure a sheep when we needed a lion. No longer will the Kaldorei defer to Stormwinds needs blindly.” Genn Greymane meets her eye and nods solemnly.
Tyrande marches out of the mud-covered hut. Both the Horde and Alliance, humbled by the avatar of vengeance, negotiate to restore both the Night Elves and Forsaken their original lands, with new capitals.
There. The undead Kerrigan trope is averted, Tyrande gets some redemption for the abuse and shoddy stories over the years by a unmotivated writing staff, and Anduin gets his first taste of humble pie and the worthlessness of the High King title is made bare to both the Alliance and Horde.
I was worried about that from the very beginning honestly, when they introduced it in MoP.
The original Alliance in the Second War was founded on the basis of no one King having authority over another. They would be a league of nations - a council, with a Supreme Military commander in a time of war, and all Kings having sovereignty over their own lands.
High King was trouble from the start. I hope it gets overturned somehow.
Myself as well. It was blatantly apparent in my eyes that it was a blue warchief. It was made even more so when the marketing team went ham on Varian vs Garrosh artwork and advertisements.
It was no surprise that after they admitted that they had serious difficulty writing for the Alliance, that their first reaction to “fixing” this was to copy the Horde. Varian was basically a Orc in a human body, and there was no way that a “high King” would have been accepted nor tolerated by the old Alliance council. High King is a Horde fanboy’s attempt to simply the Alliance story. Maybe it was sign that Metzen was distracted or out of ideas, or that Kosak was the wrong person for creating a Alliance narrative. Who knows at this point. Blizzard will never admit the truth.
So many good possibilities that wouldn’t even affect the Horde negatively that are never going to happen…
I don’t even want to think about what we will actually get anymore because of how stupid it will be… not sure if I will cry or laugh when Nathanos kills her 5 minutes into the expansion or something.
She dies.
If there’s any indication of the future for her development. She’s ran her course and only serves to be thrown under the bus or used for humorous deconstruction of any interest the Night Elves once garnered.
I’d rather she just dies and the Night Elves fall behind Maeiv and Jerod Shadowsong for leadership. Because knowing how Blizzard is going, we’re going to meet Elune and it’ll destroy the mystery and interest behind the goddess.
I mean it’s kind of a mess.
If she goes full vengeance we’ll have to kill her because war is bad.
If she forgives the Horde then she’s basically forgiving genocidal monsters who haven’t changed since they first formed.
I guess I’d probably try and refocus her goal on liberating the Night Elven souls from the Maw. Maybe even using her connection to Elune to somehow leverage the Goddess into bringing them all back to life (Basically undo as much of BfA as possible) and THEN have her not-quite forgive the Horde but at least lose interest in pursuing them further so she can look after her people. Wrapping up her arc with her founding a new Kaldorei city somewhere (Moonglade?).
I mean the last option would be a bit cringy. But ultimately Blizzard wrote themselves into a corner. The best they can do is undo some of BfA’s consequences.
But that would mean Blizzard building something instead of destroying it, so the city part would probably end up scrapped so we can pretend they all live in Hyjal.
From here I’d basically use her to show the Alliance dissolving from an Empire back into an actual Alliance again. She’d make sure her people remain independent of the High King’s will.
This it’s beautifully done. I’m afraid that it’s too good for blizz. I’m still afraid of what they’ll do.
Sure. Tyrande goes crazy with the power of the Night Warrior/Phoenix Force/Nine-Tailed Beast/Avatar State/ and becomes unable to tell friend from foe, forcing us to face her down in questline (raid optional).
But, after getting a nice butt whooping in a battle, followed by a melodramatic cinematic in which Malfurion or Anduin or someone embraces her warmly. [We’ll see the inkyness fade from her eyes, she’ll regain her senses, then look down at her hands and exclaim, “By the Light, what have I done?” It’ll then be explained that anything questionable she might have done was due to the overwhelming power of the Night Warrior.
Theeeeen she might die- for a little bit. She’ll likely get better. I mean, this is the expansion where we travel between the lands of the living and the dead.
Warcraft’s a long running action melodrama running on rule of cool, aimed at people in their teens and early twenties. It’s nominally fantasy, but that just means they sometimes mix laser beams in with their swords and vice versa. It’s basically a super hero comic/shonen manga and uses so many of their tropes.
You linked an article called " Super-Powered Evil Side" but the Night Warrior is neither super powerful nor evil.
some massive disappointments ahead because they don’t treat the Night Elves like a playable race, instead they treat it like some NPC faction that nobody cares about.
What is with some of you and your torture obsession
Just pat my head instead, it will make you feel better