How would you finish Tyrande's story arc?

Forgive is extreme but i love your idea!

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understand what,exactly? she is not katherine, sylvanas is not her daugter and it happens to be that sylvanas is actually guilty of what she is been accused off.

Sylvanas needs to die, and hopefully painfully.

As for tyrande, i would like that she take the mantle of high queen just to see how the rest will react, will be they let her or will they actually do something about it?

And of course she has to decapite nathanos,sira, delarynn and sylvanas.


Every story needs to end. Otherwise you end up with characters like Thrall or Sylvanas.


Dying is exactly what Sylvanas has been trying to prevent, she’s terrified of dying and being left in the Maw or where ever she was with child Arthas in Edge of Night. I see this ending one of two ways; A. Tyrande slaps Sylvanas and reminds her that literally nothing she has done so far (accepting the warchief position to start a bloody global war, subjugating the Valkyr forcibly, and blighting civilian lands and raising Forsaken etc) has helped herself in this regard ending in a REALLY long sojourn in Revendreth to purge her of her numerous crimes and character faults. or B. Sylvanas is killed (obviously) as a raid boss and gets what she deserves (likely also by Tyrande’s hand or ours collectively) and ends up in Torghast herself. I’d take either one to end Tyrande/Sylvanas’ arcs, we’ll likely rescue and return the Night elven souls regardless since renewing and returning the innocent souls of pre-legion/all of BFA seems to be our overall end goal.

I pretty much assumed that taking on the mantle of the Night Warrior ultimately means the consumption of the one doing so.


All of that just to barely stand against Nathanos though

The Night Warrior ritual seems to be pretty weak, especially if what you assumed is right and Tyrande would have to die for it.


Or perhaps the spare magic of Elune doesn’t quite stack up to the death mana of an island full of souls.

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Only two ways it will play out, based how Blizzard has written potential villain characters for both factions

Alliance style: They get several cinematic dedicated to their personal drama. Go though a ordeal and pull back from the brink of villainy.

They are still hostile to other faction but no longer danger of losing their morals

Horde style: They are giving several big cinematics depicting how evil she is. Several quest references to her eating Orcs babies, and wearing Tauren skin fur slippers. All the while Blizzard are urging angry fans to wait and see.

And they are depicted on the next expansion as the obvious evil raid boss.


A cgi cinematic of her covered in blood and grinning whilst holding Sylvanas’ head.

But knowing blizz, she’ll probably disappear and never be heard from again after she finds her answers in Ardenweald


that would probably not go too well with the game’s age rating :sweat_smile:

 but Tyrande holding Sylvanas’ head is something I could get behind.


What would you have the Horde do to earn Tyrande’s forgiveness?

Nothing. Absolutely nothing because the Night Elves have already forgiven them as of 8.3 even though they regret absolutely nothing. Tyrande is only after Sylvanas too.

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Aww, you’re right. :frowning:

How about her standing over Sylvanas’ corpse, with one foot on her neck? I mean anything to show that Tyrande finally avenged the fallen lol.


Yea, anything that would atleast be a minor satisfying conclusion to Teldrassil would be nice.
Sylvanas dying is definitely not going to happen though and that means that there can’t be a satisfying conclusion to it when the one that burned Teldrassil, killed and tortured its civilians gets redeemed and seen as a hero for her actions

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Help pull all the victims of the Teldrassil out of the Maw and to Ardenweald, weakening Sylvanas and leaving her more vulnerable to Tyrande taking her out.


This and have the whole Horde council apologize, help rebuild the land and towns they destroyed and then get the hell out of Ashenvale (and Hyjal) and never ever step foot into it again


I constantly hear about how Elune is weakened and it was confirmec at Blizzcon. But all they said was: “We’re gonna learn more about Tyrande’s story. Obviously, she is still very upset about what happened to her people. That’s going to lead her to Ardenweald. She’s gonna get some answers to some questions, and there’s gonna be some stuff coming with her that’s too spoiler-y to talk about but there’s more Tyrande
. All I can say is she has a pretty big story moment in Ardenweald. Very big role also.”

Where did this rumor even start.

Edit: I meant weakened or clouded before the Night Warrior ritual when she got most of Elunes power as confirmed by the 8.1.5
leatherworking questline quest Irenaus and Lannan brought up.

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It feels a little hollow as an atonement, since it was the Horde whose surprise war on the Kaldorei is what put those souls in the Maw in the first place, and the Horde is also fighting to free their own dead at the same time. And even if released, they will still all be dead when this xpac is done.


What rumor?

I think there was a quest that involved a leather recipe that doesn’t work anymore because Elune can’t power whatever ritual.

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