How would you finish Tyrande's story arc?

To be fair, we don’t need that much convincing to shoot Orcs either.

Anduin didn’t turn his back, she was literally asking for something he couldn’t deliver, but he went ahead and sent his most important asset. YOU.

That’s official player canon.

That’s because of the whole “Scythe of Elune” connection.

To be fairer, we don’t need that much convincing to not shoot Orcs, either.

We teamed up with Saurfang pretty quick, without even questioning his having lead the War of the Thorns or how he got out of the Stockades.


Official player canon is meaningless. For every Alliance PC helping Tyrande there’s a Horde PC helping Nathanos. They can’t both be canon at the same time. So they cancel each other out.

As it stands the only person who sought to not screw over the Night Elves was Genn because he wanted to repay the Kaldorei for saving his people. Anduin turned his back on them. I don’t care about how much you posture about the Siege of Dazar’alor and how they sent more Night Elves off to suicide themselves. The siege didn’t need to happen. All they had to do was strap C4 to some boats, hit detonate, and go home.


You don’t understand the definition of player canon.

Player canon is YOUR experience of the game. That means each player, each charcter of that player, has their own solipistic view of how the story plays out.

There is no such thing as one unified canonical story, there are several parallel tracks of canon, each with signfiicant differences, just like the two very different endings to the original King Kong vs. Godzilla movie.

That’s why the story of Astranaar in the War of Thorns plays out very differently for Alliance and Horde players.

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My characters personal story is that she never left Darkshore. She never stopped fighting. So even by your standards I’m still correct. In my “parallel track of canon” Anduin turned his back on the Kaldorei after asking their survivors to commit suicide in his name for a siege that didn’t need to happen.


You are totally absolutely correct as long as you put in the rider that you are stating your own PERSONAL canon instead of claiming some global truth.

Now we have actually agreed on something you might want to go check on that Black Moon for a big crack in it.

I’m sure it’s fine. If you stopped being such an Anduin shill we’d probably agree more.

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Why should I stop? I’d kill to be that blonde.

You know what they say about Blondes.

It means that the story, the lore itself differs in ways, some subtle, some not so subtle depending on how it’s experienced. In one example the story of Astranaar in the War of Thorns is literally different for Alliance and Horde players on the game. It’s also different in the novella as it depicts a battle between Malfurion and Saurfang which does not take place or is even referenced in the game itself.

Some of the game’s lore remains the same no matter how you approach it. In other ways it differs greatly.

Trying to argue that all head canon is “”“Personal”"" canon.

That is essentially the meaning of “head canon” after all.

And is not what people should operate off of when judging the story.

When people are putting in their own conclusions on what’s going to happen “next”, that’s exactly what they are doing.

Assuming that Tyrande will be either killed off or become the next villain is operating based on previous experience with the company’s fanfiction dot net tier of writing. As is the case with assuming that Sylvanas will get a redemption.


At the moment no. But if people start sincerely pushing the idea that Xavius take over the Night Elves and ‘reform’ them, I’ll probably become more sympathetic to the more entitled Night Elf fans becoming hostile.

Redemption? Doubtful.

Humanized villain who had terrible methods but noble goals? Probably.

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That’s not a redemption though… you just find out what the villain intended. Not many villains these days do evil for evil’s sake.

They think they are doing it for the greater good but they are the villains.