How would you finish Tyrande's story arc?

As am I. Your idea of diplomacy is that Tyrande should have only acted in a certain manner given the situation. My stance is that she chose to act in a certain way based not only on the current war but also in proper accordance of who she was dealing with and their past and present pattern of behavior, all of which is relevant to diplomacy. Tyrande or any other leader is not going to be overly civil to a faction that has a well documented history poor decision, decisions that have negatively affected their own people and everyone else. That’s just dumb! If all you got out of that was feelings and emotions, then based on that we should be done becuase clearly your idea of what’s diplomatic is one sided and basic.


Didn’t stop Varian from making peace with the orcs on several occasions. The fact is, Tyrande has a well-known history–let’s call it what it is–sheer bigotry against anyone she doesn’t personally approve of.

Exhibit A: Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos: The very first chapter of the Night Elf Campaign:

Tyrande: Outsiders! They killed Cenarius! Let’s go storm their camp and slaughter all their soldiers!

Logic that Nobody Listens To: Lady, one group of orcs killed Cenarius, and that was after they drank the blood of a demon. Those guys down there? Yeah, those are humans.

Exhibit B: Later on in the Night Elf Campaign

Malfurion: The outsiders do battle with the undead. We should ally with them.

Tyrande: Never! They killed Cenarius! They’re all savages!

Logic: So, again
ok, you know what? Screw it.

Pretty much the one thing she did right was freeing Illidan, and even that she managed to screw up by shrieking, “Demon! MUST KILL!” after Illidan undergoes Metamorphosis to slay Tichondrius
which, let’s face it, really shouldn’t have been that big a shock to her, knowing how Illidan operates as a tactician.

So yeah, in sum: you can approve of/disapprove of her actions all you like, but the Nightborne were always going to go Horde, so long as Tyrande was the official spokesperson for the Alliance.

Anything else would’ve been totally inconsistent.

Their spies overheard Grommash speak of a warchief and his settlement needing a great deal of lumber. The fact that a second group of orcs this time with more allies showing up would be concerning, especially when the human commander speaks of the orc warchief as well.

Also how convenient for you to cut off before the final mission where she admits she was wrong: “You’re plan is a bold one girl, Perhaps I have misjudged you outlanders. May Elune shine upon you” as well as ignoring her aiding the blood elves in TFT. Or her welcoming the gilneans into the alliance during Cata.

And she proved herself to be a caring ally to the Furbolgs. What with her taking the time to rescue Furbolgs (the orcs were capturing them) and tell them about their tribe leaving in “Enemies at the gate” while in “Brothers in Blood” she saved the same tribes shaman when he was poisoned by a giant spider.


So, let’s start with the easiest one:

  1. the Gilneans. That was more Malfurion repaying a debt re: the Worgen. Tyrande had very little to do with that, aside from dispatching her Sisters to Gilneas (again, primarily aiding Malfurion’s druids).

  2. Yes, while she does admit she may have been wrong at the beginning of Mt. Hyjal, you notice that she also repeatedly displays the same hostility toward the orcs of the Horde throughout WoW–the Warsong Gulch conflict is an excellent example of this type of “argument without a solution.”

  3. As for the blood elves, that sadly seems to have almost been an exception rather than a rule, as we come once again to how she treats the Nightborne. Frankly, I’m surprised she didn’t have any comment on the Highborne in The Frozen Throne.

Varian reluctantly discussed terms with Thrall but that was only a cease fire. The two faction were not at war, it’s how they got the Orcs got the lumber until Sylvanas screwed it all up. Snd then another cease fire after SoO.

Oh great more outdated and misrepresented quotes from W3. Even though the Orcs did murder Cenarius, the humans were working along side Orcs, she eventually did work along side the orcs and humans, and she risked her life to save Kael’Thas and his people.

She’s didn’t know that and as I said she saw the humans working with the orcs.

Lasty who do you think is responsible for giving shelter and aid to the Dreanei and saving and admitting the Gilneans back into the Alliance? Come on now, keep up.


The dialogue at the end of “The howling Oak” says otherwise Tyrande Whisperwind says: Good evening.

Gwen Armstead says: Priestess Tyrande! We did not expect you. Good evening.

Tyrande Whisperwind says: I hope my people have been welcoming to you. These are burdened times, so I fear much may be competing with their good graces.

Genn Greymane says: Not at all, priestess. We are very grateful for all that you’ve offered us here.

Tyrande Whisperwind says: When we spoke previously, you offered to repay the favor. I may have to act on that sooner than I would have liked.

Tyrande Whisperwind says: There is trouble at Lor’danel a village of ours across the waters from Rut’theran.

Tyrande Whisperwind says: If any of your people can be spared, I fear war encroaching upon us in Kalimdor.

Genn Greymane says: I know the perfect people for such a task. I will send them immediately, priestess.

Malfurion Stormrage says: Thank you, Genn. I am glad to see such poise and composure from your people. Perhaps your curse does not define you afterall.

Tyrande Whisperwind says: We will take our leave. Again, welcome to all of you.

Thats not even getting into the number of sentinels guarding the boat and glaive throwers out in the field at “They Have Allies, But So Do We”.

  1. In canon it ended at classic and started up again at cata then ended again at MoP when the horde was allowed to keep Azshara. Between TBC and Wrath their was a lumber trade agreement that ended because of the Wrathgate.

  2. Thats because the night elves hatred of the arcane became a thing in WoW. Do you really think the Maeiv of WoW would help a warlock? Take Gul’dans shadow orb? Its one of the weirder retcons Blizzard did between 3 and WoW.



A) You’re downplaying the impact that a “cease-fire” has given how often these two factions go to war, and over how little

B) If you mean the attack at the Wrathgate, it’s been established that wasn’t Sylvanas’ doing.

Pretty sure that was an actual peace accord. They actually had a trial for the real criminal and everything. You should look into that.

It’s outdated because you don’t agree with it? Also, why is it “misrepresented”?

You literally just used the “guilty by association” defense.

As I said, her aiding what was essentially a group of outcasts from her own own people is an exception, not the rule, compared to the majority of her behavior throughout the rest of the series.

Yes, and you employed the “guilt by association” excuse.

Perhaps you should start a sentence with something other than “Huh?!” if you want people to “keep up.”

The fact that the night elves helped out the draenei–whom they originally mistook for demons anyway–and the worgen–to whom they owed a debt in the first place–doesn’t make them any less xenophobic.

Ironically, night elven xenophobia actually stretches back to the days of the Empire
the same one that regularly practiced Arcane magic ala the Nightborne.

You do realize that it was a priestess of Elune who was orginally in Gilneans provinding aid, not the druids right?

No I’m being precise. It wasn’t peace.

Her stupidity allowed that situation to happen. I expect more from a so called tactical genius.

While there was a treaty in place the fought continued on Dreanor especially in Ashran. So that I’ll give you.

It’s out dated becuase its outdated. Her future actions and even actions in that game contradict her so called xenophobia.

Becuase you failed to credit her later actions in the conflict.

Her lands were invaded by unknown beings that mudered Cenarius and the humans were working with them. This is what she saw. It is gulit by association. It’s not her fault that the humans caught aiding them after the orcs killed a demigod.

But she treated them no differently than the Gilneans or Dreanei. She willingly aided all 3.

The “huh” was supposed to be for


Dude Afrasiabi confirmed in 2018 that Sylvanas ordered the wrathgate.


While I’ll first point out that what a Dev says in a Q&A is meaningless to in-game Canon (they have been wrong repeatedly about what has happened, and shown wrong about what will happen), there’s actual hints at this in Chronicle III (or it might have been outright stated). Sylvy was, more likely that not, behind the Wrathgate. Even at the time, Thrall in-game was skeptical of her innocence and said as much.

I might not agree with this trend of ignoring any potential flaw in Tyrande and think whitewashing her character does nothing but damage it, but she had cause to cut off trade after the Wrathgate.

Surely it’s relevant after the war?

I would like to see her soul saved from being overcome by the Night Warrior’s call for vengeance by all the wispy Night Elf souls she rescues and for her to be lit in a column of moonlight.

At that point she realizes that all that death lead her to that point not to just free the Night Elves who died on Teldrassil but all those unfairly trapped by the Maw.

At that point the combined might of the Cenrarion Circle , Dragon Aspects and Elune finally finish restoring Hyjal and the Night Elves gain their immortality back.


Oh! I just got an idea that they could have a cool throwback idea to WC3, only this time instead of Malfurion blowing the horn to summon the wisps, it is Tyrande freeing all the souls in the Maw to attack the Jailer or whoever the final bad guy is.


I really like this.

I actually said that but it wasn’t accepted.

Thank you. This is a beautiful tribute to not only Tyranda but also to Elune. :heartbeat:


She wouldn’t have been driven to the Night Warrior had The Horde not burned all those souls alive and had Anduin not turned his back on her.

No the Night Warrior’s downside was a high mortality rate on performing the ritual. She survived that. Anything short of killing Sylvanas and revenge on the Horde isn’t good enough.


It won’t be good enough then because the Horde is already forgiven since they were able to use Sylvanas as a scapegoat and Sylvanas will be redeemed in Shadowlands.

The only thing that could still happen is freeing the Night Elf souls from the maw and send them to Ardenweald where they can choose between rebirth and staying there, but that idea is so absurd I wonder why anyone would even think that something that good is going to happen to the Night Elves.

As I recall he pointedly didn’t. The controversy was that he raised the issue at all - prior to that canon was that she had nothing to do with it, whereas now the canon is “who knows?”

Whether she was involved in the Wrathgate or not is irrelevant. She still massacred civilians and sold out the Horde to curry favor for her death god sugar daddy. Though I would prefer if someone like Saurfang meets her in the Shadowlands and frees her head from her shoulders, it honestly won’t matter that much as long as someone does it.


Won’t happen I’m afraid. She will be our hero.

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