How would you change the conduit system to make it better?

Well, maybe not for these guys, but the people who are actually good at RBGs absolutely meta-slave more than any form of content. The meta for RBGs is the most sweaty thing.

Do you have any numbers to back up your source fo ten million?

Covenants in their current state? No, they are shallow and lackluster. The answer is to make them meaningful by increasing the depth and investment so they actually create diversity and interesting gameplay.

Covenants should have been a way to un-prune and add diversity between classes and specs, rpg elements and story content.

Unfortunately the feedback has almost never been “how do we make them better,” it’s always been “remove power.”

Not sure why people think removing anything of value from non-raid content will work better this time.

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what are you even ranting about? i’m talking about transmog and yours is ugly as sin dude shaman has so many good sets and you’re not even utilizing them wtf

I’m only going to be Venthyr for another week so I figure I’d get my use out of the set while I can.

you figured poorly

you looked like you just accepted your first quest in hillsbrad.

if that was the theme you were going for bravo.

mine matches, you’re over here looking like someone scribbled red sharpie on a rock. disgusting

I think this is the best option.

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Agree, conduit energy is either unknown to you becasue you don’t use it or it punishes you.

What a great system designed to encourage people to try more content.

Of course it matches it was probably handed to you during a quest chain.

you’re over here talking about quest chains but you get the covenant sets FROM quest chains

which is why its so whack you hating on me when we are two peas in a pod. Greetings fellow lacking creativity gamer.

don’t put me in your corner, i don’t buy boosts

obviously, i don’t think groups even offer sales for 2000.

don’t think anyone is accusing you of buying a boost with that rating.

my rating means more, i actually earned it

you ever seen 3k mmr?

probably not but here you go.

cope here m8

Sorry, I can’t.

  • Allow every character to complete every covenant campaign. Access to the covenant HQ and upgrades unlocked at N renown
  • Remove conduit energy (but require changes at a covenant HQ)
  • Tie covenant abilities to the active soul bind. Allow switching any time talent switch is allowed (or at covenant HQ–no strong opinion)

I still don’t understand why we can’t help every covenant after we’ve helped every covenant.

Before someone jumps in and claims “you just want everything for free!”–I don’t. I want to be able to increase what I can do with my character by playing more. Time gates prevent that.

it’s easy to see that high of a mmr when you get boosted win after win, as the enemy team’s mmr goes up each time you dont lose

not really the one up you wanted it to be, just proves my point

Set cope to overdrive

Any more salty rbg mains want to weigh in

hEy GuYs I eArNeD mY 2000 rating tHiS GuY is SuSpiCiOuS

hey guys isn’t it so suspcious the names in the screenshots are all(not all sorry drama/butters) in my raid team… very strange…

yes, post more screenshots of you being boosted where you do sub 100k dps as shaman, even though you are in teamfight in one of them so you cant really use the excuse of ‘oh i was sitting’

again, going up against super high mmr teams even though your cr is much lower SCREAMS boosted

bad mog, bad attitude, bad ethics. that’s the last of what i have to say really