How would you change the conduit system to make it better?

An actual game designed for competition, not a PvE game that’s been morphed into ‘indirect’ competition via raiderio.

Even if the population was 3 million active acounts, 300,000 is 10%. Minority numbers.

I’d actually argue that conduit energy is a good thing, so long as the conduits are worth the swap. As it is now, the conduits aren’t good enough to warrant a swap each time you switch from raid/m+/pvp/world content. I’d suggest to make conduits extra powerful and lopsided (aoe, st, cleave, utility, etc…) so as to make the decisions actually matter. We already got a glimpse of how OP a single conduit could be (the SB conduit for locks in the 9.1 PTR before it was nerfed), and having more of that would actually make CE matter.

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Hello, Hi. I heard you were having an emotional meltdown, and came to /popcorn

dude you are 1960 in RBGS after 139 games played.


I thought the farming would have been over now that mythic raiders have stopped but i guess that was wrong. I’m sorry for what my brothers and sisters did to you.

He’s definitely getting there.

Please help I’m being attacked by a group of super cool wrymcrest rbg players LOL.

hey guys, what’d i miss

Super-elite Mythic Raider coming to terms with being in the minority.

Yes, that’s me. Hello, how are you?


I’ll RP walk at people when the lock has slows at me and then blow them a kiss in character.

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That is the point. It is the laziest way to do it. It caters to a WoD 2.0 audience. The goal should be to improve the design, not redo WoD and hope it goes different this time.

why is it always mythic raiders

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dance for me, timbob

i was promised entertainment and i WILL have it

Because they cry the loudest

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Which is ironic because RBGs are the minority of the minority. It was only popular at the start because raiders had to get their free(sorry) 2400.

What ten million players?

Reaching, somewhat, for justification? At this point, I have to assume you are arguing just to argue. So I shall call it a day and go seek more interesting conversations.

Yeah not sure about ten million, WoW definitely has millions of players still but I don’t think anyone has had a good grasp for numbers in a very long time.

Do you think covenants with restrictions have improved on any design?

i can’t take this timbob shaman seriously with how ugly his mog is

he should be ashamed

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But I don’t see RBG players as deeply affected as Mythic Raiders. If the progressive stack is believed, RBG players are victimized even more than Mythic Raiders, so their opinions are more valid.

Don’t forget to take your loss with you.

That’s okay, I’m glad you exist. Thank you for being the literal foundation for half of the 2100 gear raiders are wearing.

Thank you for sticking with RBGs for so long.