How would you change the conduit system to make it better?

bad player in denial can’t believe their primary form of content got walked over by a bunch of raiders who don’t even do pvp.

look I’m sorry we violated your primary source of content. they nerfed the gear so we won’t be doing it again. You can live in your safe little 2k bubble.

i smell cope

set copium to 2k levels captain.

edit: hey i got a great Idea I’ll give you a great deal for 10/10 M carry so you can get some of this SICK pve gear we used to wreck in rbgs

set boost levels to 3k mmr captain

can you point me to a single boosting website that was doing sales on 31/12/2000? lmao

god what else is going to come out from captain cope.

Ditch the energy. It is honestly just annoying.

Remove the RNG from Venari - increase the cost for the deterministic conduit, and leave the rng one as is (a cheaper alternative for completionists).

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lol you got boosted lol

and no thanks, i’ll use the gold i save to get actual decent mogs

We could probably boost you to heights you can only dream of if you like, hit me up in discord.

2100 grants awesome upgrades for you.

are you that desperate for people to talk to you


Delete it, along with the anima grind

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Here here, anima grind wouldn’t be so bad if there weren’t world quests still giving 35 anima…

[quote=“Vieria-moon-guard, post:28, topic:960557, full:true”]
4). Make it so that if you get 2 of the same conduit, the 2nd automatically upgrades if one’s already sitting in your bags, or at least put a sale price on them so I don’t have to delete it. I hate it when I get XYZ Conduit that’s 150 i-level and then before I get back to the soul thingie, another 150 XYZ drops and it’s 100% useless. That or make it so you can’t have two of them in your inventory simultaneously, and it’s forced to give you a different one instead.[/quote]

I would like it if you received a repeat conduit it would drop at that current conduit level and you can take it to your forge to upgrade it instead of having to delete it. The only “rule” that would make sense would be to limit conduit upgrades at your current highest conduit level.