How would you change the conduit system to make it better?

You’re wrong. Using the abilities you’re set with against all forms of content is more challenging than choosing the best ability for each form of content.

It was still a restriction, much like Covenants are now. Gold making was harder during Vanilla and each swap grew more expensive.

That’s your opinion. You think having the luxury of picking the best ability for every scenario is a challenge, which is objectively false. You’re confusing efficiency with strategy.

But it’s not surprising at this point.

Hey guys I timed a +10 with the worst covenant for my spec, isn’t that AWESOME?

Hey everyone i know I did less damage and healing purely because of my meaningful chocie(citation needed), but isn’t the true test of skill the friends we make along the way?

But the point is you still timed it, despite the ‘handicap’. I guess your idea of ‘challenge’ is choosing the path of least resistance.

Good to know.

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That’s the only change I’d suggest to be honest. Having all conduit energy reset per day would be so nice, rather than the current system. It seems like the current iteration actively encourages keeping a character logged out until you’re able to adjust that toon’s conduits to fit whatever content you want to be participating in. I have personally ran into that exact problem on a couple of my characters now, to the point where I had to wait a few days before I could change the conduits to match the spec I wanted to play for the content I was doing.

Hey guys, I managed to time this extremely difficult key which is a +10, I know you can purchase carries of +15 but you don’t understand I’m special because I picked my covenant for visuals and not power HAHA! Take that elitists

Mark one down for the good guys, elitist try hards

I even came sixth on dps in LFR Sire today LMAO!

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How can a Mythic raider be this salty? Are you that mad that no one takes you seriously?

In my opinion, so long as you completed the run in decent time, being a bit below optimum in numbers doesn’t matter.

I mean, succeeding despite a handicap actually shows greater skill than using a cookie cutter build.

Not according to THAT Mythic Raider. You either copy someone else or you’re a pleb.

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Reason why I stopped doing group content was the obsession with the perfect build/dance. That, and repeating the same run, over and over, is boring. Once success in an instance, and I’m done with it.

I’ve always gotten more enjoyment out of doing things in a different way, to see if I can.

This has never been about balance at the lower end (nothing personal). Covenant choice has 0 impact on people doing +10s, pet battles and lfr/normal raid as their primary content. You could argue even Heroic balance is very hit or miss but i’ve also done enough pugs to know that I’m not considered a good gauge of what easy/hard content is.

The point that keeps getting brought up time and time again is that this covenant restriction only hurts people who want to push their characters their hardest. People doing +25’s in keys ,Mythic raiding, Rank 1 glad pushes.

On one hand restrictions hurt those while not punishing casuals, where if covenants were opened nobody gets punished and everyone is happy.

But it’s not based around mythic balance

That’s not the point, the point is this current system only punishes people who want to push it hard. The alternative hurts nobody.

I mean I’ve shown you so many points of reference and evidence of how people not using the best covenants can hurt their raid/m+. At this point you either understand it or you’re got a bigger problem than reading.


In Mythic. No one cares. Get Key Stone Master and Ahead of the Curve, who honestly cares about min/maxing for Mythic?

Which is ironic, since people who do ‘cutting edge’ just do the path of least resistance to begin with.

Because the game isn’t balanced for that. That’s why people barely attempt them in the first place.

People…who…do mythic? I mean KSM is a awfully low bar for people who want to push their character. We’ve always been able to push our character in the past so what makes this any different?

Challenge modes were one of the best inspiration for this.

Interesting, can’t seem to see any cutting edge achievements on your profile. Maybe you should stop pretending like you have any kind of idea what cutting edge content is like? Hmm.

Ok so you’ve absolutely got reading problems apparently.

There’s a flaw in your reasoning - you mistake having an optimum build with what “pushing your character” is. You can push a character to the max in greys, greens, or BiS, with any build.

Like I said, succeeding despite a sub-optimal build is more impressive than doing it in the top gear with a cookie cutter spec.

I’m not saying they should keep things locked, because I don’t care either way. I do think they should have made conduit abilities actually interesting and powerful.

Is it? I don’t see a clause on raider. io for people who got a +23 where it puts a gigantic asterix next to the run where it says (actually two people in here weren’t the best covenant so please treat this run as the same as a person timing a +27). Like nobody cares in a game that has leaderboards and timers to beat.

If you’re doing less damage than a counterpart of your spec then you are actively hurting your teams chances of pushing the content harder. Like absolutely nobody cares if you’re going out of your way to be a special snowflake in harder content.

I donno, have it craftable by different professions.
Mats could be from every day SL expansion ones so you get multiple uses for the various mats.

Upgrade them by doing profession quests to have your profession ability in SL more powerful. Gate it at some ilvl 'till season 2, 3, etc come.

Just rambling.

Soulbinds could of had small generic things that you take with you on your journey [but don’t need to if you dislike that] and each had some fun thing later on unique to itself that you could switch wherever you are but has a little CD.

The whopping ten people out of thousands?

Mythic + is an infinite treadmill, so balancing for that is impossible. Using the KSM as the standard makes sense because that’s where all the incentives stop.

So, you agree you choose the path of least resistance at least.

You say its not about Mythic balance, yet complain it affects cutting-edge players. Sounds like the error is on your end.

No one cares about the leaderboards either. Just look at MDI and you’d see how big of a joke ‘competitors’ in WoW are.

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If Blizzard didn’t think it was worth making content for those supposed “ten people out of thousands” they would have dropped mythic raiding a very long time ago and m+. But they haven’t, so maybe you should suck it up and get with the times.

How is making covenants freely changeable/abilities a talent row balancing for the top? - It actually allows Blizzard to try more things and make the abilities more impactful because they don’t need to worry about keeping everything super balanced. Every spec in the game has half a talent row of dead talents, you don’t hear about it because you just don’t pick them.

I don’t see how you got that from what I said at all, I said you have no experience so maybe you shouldn’t try to weigh in.

Cutting edge is arena, m+ and raiders now?

MDI is not raider io. Would you like to try twisting my reply to fit your narrative again?

Like that matters? Because some add-on doesn’t tell you, the concept isn’t true?

hitting 120 in a Ferrari on a track is less impressive than doing 120 in a 82 Chevette on a gravel road.

nobody cares that you’re a special snowflake copying guides in a video game, either, bud. Unless you are in the top ten world wide players, none of your cutting edge runs are anything but also-ran.