How would you change the conduit system to make it better?

no conduit energy, and actually get some good conduits for rogues, everyone else can suffer

Yup, something similar.

Just remove the conduit energy is enough for me. Just like there is no cd for changing talents.

I would first of all make some actual interesting conduits lol. Secondly I would remove conduit energy and allow people to switch conduits anywhere in the world just like talents. The game had soft locked us into 1 spec since Legion and I absolutely HATE that type of design. Idk why blizzard insists on making multispeccing such a handicap.

Get rid of it and all systems in the game, they are ruining it.

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I would get rid of it.

The selling point on conduits as announced at Blizzcon was to allow further customization of our toons.

Most every class/spec uses the same conduits/tree.

Where is the customization here? This is just a dumbed down version of the talent tree that was supposed to allow for character customization but has been min/maxed in to every one using the same talents for each spec.

Conduits and talents need to somehow be made more useful in practical game application so that there is a real reason not to go with the current meta, making each a viable option depending not only on mechanics but individual play style.

That is what customization means.

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I would gut all covenant abilities to their bare minimum structure.

Example 1: Convoke is channeled, last 4 seconds, and casts 16 spells. That’s it, no reference to what spells.

Change conduits to adjust the covenant ability as you see fit. In the convoke example above, maybe a conduit to add or remove select spells from the spell table. Another conduit might reduce channel time.

Example 2: Divine Toll casts X spell with a Y chance to proc additional spells. Available every Z seconds.

Have a conduit that inserts one of a few select spells, or reduces the cool down but also the potency of the ability.

Covenant abilities are controversial in their current iteration, but some of the conduits are just as troublesome if not more. I’m looking at you mage conduit that adds x healing to my shields.

I would throw the conduit system in the trash and give every class a new talent row.
Ditch Cov abilities as well.

+1, this is a damn good idea. I love the idea of being able to customize a skill like this.

Blizz hates us being able to change things but that’s what I would do differently with conduits.

I’d rather have a situation where I could try out and create different builds with conduits and have a lot more variety with the conduits. For example, maybe I’m going gathering/farming/old raid stuff and want a build with better run speed. Maybe I’m trying to solo something and want to try and get as high mitigation as I can. Who knows.

Probably now is conduits are uninspired and the systems that surround them make them “set and forget” gameplay. They don’t get to be interesting because you can’t change them as you please and get punished for trying out new builds.

I think the community’s problem with conduits is that everyone wants something different. I’ve read lots of comments that people like conduits because they chose them once and never touch them ever again. That’s good gameplay FOR THAT PERSON and they are happy with it.

All I know is I hate that they slap so much anti-fun systems and restrictions on everything. Like they are afraid we’re going to enjoy ourselves too much.

Edit: Forgot to mention. It doesn’t really matter too much about conduits because they will be thrown straight into the trash bin in 15 months or so with 10.0 pre-patch.

Thanks, that’s how I read Blizzard’s meaningful choice comment back in 2020.

I get that it’s difficult to devise 4 spells for 37 specs, but why create more work for yourself? They had to know there would always be a minimum and maximum choice. If the difference was .025-.05% in output between the 4, great. But from what I hear, some of the dps choices could be a loss of 5-10% depending on spec/build/instance.

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At the very least, I would like the ability to create covenant templates and be able to use a template on demand. No more energy, tie it to my spec if need be. Use the gear manager for simplicity.

I create a gear template called Arcane which has my chosen gear can be tied to a spec and conduit setup. Then adjust on the fly.

Only change needed is to drop conduit energy recharge time. I think one every two hours is good. That way you can change your soulbinds once a day.

LMAO by WHAT Metrics are covenants a success?

What because people begrudgingly accept something we should all celebrate Blizzards incredible idea to ransom power behind covenants to make them uh, … meaningful.

Don’t worry guys Blizzard will balance things just you wait, I know it’s not good at the moment and it’s already been 6 months don’t worry changes are coming

How delusional do you need to be to read that and believe it, honestly.

It doesn’t need to be “perfectly balanced” to be good and fun. Burning Crusade was good and fun and wasn’t close to balanced, lol.

I’d literally just remove the limited energy that recharges every day. It’s such a gross, borderline mobile game tier mechanic - I hate it with every fibre of my being, even though I rarely use it all.

Conduits are actually a pretty fun idea, IMO - and a decent way to give us something akin to old-school talent trees without reinventing them entirely. Aside from the fact that they’ll inevitably be gone after the expansion ends, I think they have some potential.

Could you sum up reasons why you think covenants are good and fun?

Burning crusade had what locked behind it? Scyrer and Aldor which the overwhelming majority went Scryer because of how much better the enchant was.

  1. Remove the energy system. It serves no purpose
  2. Allow us to set and forget the SAME soulbind for different specs. That way, for example, I could have Narya binds for Balance and for Feral but have the appropriate conduits in. And all I gotta do is swap specs and it swaps conduits for me.
  3. Remove “unique” from the conduit upgrade thingy you buy from venari.
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Being able to change an aspect of your character’s abilities has zero to do with challenge. Challenge is what you do with your character after doing that.

You were allowed to change your talents in vanilla/classic. There was no restriction on that, beyond what it might cost for a bit of silver/gold. It’s purely a matter of degree and time.

I’m not sure why you believe it to be otherwise but if you do, there really isn’t anything more I can say to you, other than to say you are…well, wrong.