How Will Anduin Look When He Returns

Big Brother sees all … and then chugs a fifth of cheap bourbon because he really, REALLY wishes that he hadn’t.

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Like this…

For real though, it bugs me that not only can Maw Walkers EAT the stuff in Shadowlands that’s supposed to be made of soul stuff and whatnot… but actually somehow get nourishment from it… like a Warlock and DH that maybe makes sense… but how is a Mage Draenei eating souls/soul stuff?

Oh yeah. Forgot about his mentality. All that time wandering around by himself with no one to talk to can’t be healthy.

I was thinking along the same lines

Stormwind guards capture a pirate ship, as they lead the captain onto the shipʻs deck is revealed to be Grizzly Adams beard Anduin!

Jaina: “A-Anduin? What ever happen…”

Capt.Andy “YARR! stow it ye wench!”

My thoughts on it (a photomanip of another image). Though he might change into his more priestly garments.


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Nice. But did you keep the bob/pony tail?

You can imagine that since we can’t see it. :sunglasses:

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i would laugh if he looses a limb lol

What if he’s hanging out with Sylvanas?

It would start to become awkward when he thinks back on all that “Little Lion” talk.

they will probably have him come back either looking normal but secretly possessed by some entity/force to help further whatever their insidious cause(s) are


It’ll be some sort of “dark wanderer trip” where we eventually find out, much to our horror, that it is anduin.

Either way, we will have to kill him.

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No, Anduin will be the king of human and Wrathion will be the king of dragon.
A match made in heaven, it is the ultimate WOW pairing.

I really hope he is a raid boss so the Alliance can see why it sucks.

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Yo facts though. All the cool Horde leaders get turned into raid bosses and killed off. We got Baine as the last dope horde leader. Big sad.

Like a slightly older Brad Pitt, obviously.

Like a combo emo, goth, vamp kid.

There’s sylvanas. Maw rats and aaaaall the ore you can eat


Garrosh did nothing wrong and did not deserve his fate!