Found a white knight
This is where you’re not understanding what we are saying. First of all, it doesn’t matter how other people act. Saying that the person you are respond to is doing something wrong is not an excuse for your own behavior. Secondly, no one should ever expect to receive flak here for a feature request. That is not in the spirit of the CoC. We don’t treat people we disagree with with vitriol ever. We are a community, and that line of reasoning will always lead to toxicity in our community.
Stop assuming I don’t understand, saying that is beyond ignorant at this point, if you read the entirety of my post, you’d understand what I was saying. Henceforth why people like yourself and Celessi get called out for being a troll and not constructive in any capacity. I have zero tolerance for the way you treat people who disagree with you, you are a walking hypocrisy and until you understand that and have a constructive opinion on what I said, we’ll talk more conventionally, otherwise, you’ll be further dismissed than you already have been by myself and others.
Something tells me you have a looooooot of “Participant” trophies lying around…
You can continue to defend your behavior by shifting your argument all you want. Your fundamental belief that people should expect to get treated poorly for unpopular opinions that are simply game features being added to a video game is fundamentally against the spirit of the CoC and a threat to the welcoming and open community we need to be building here.
Everyone who posts here should expect to be heard or at the very least left alone without harassment, which by definition includes inflammatory or continued posting that someone cannot hold an opinion because it goes against what is currently the direction or content of the game.
Being nice on the internet? Does that include hammering an idea ad nauseam with the hope that you will eventually break down resistance to it.
You want your ideas to be respected. That’s not really what you want is it? You want your ideas to be accepted and baring that you minimally want compromise around it.
Vendak has been far more patient with you than most of us. I am much more blunt. His responses have been considered and nuanced and, yes, respectful. You on the other hand only take up portions of his arguments. The ones that undermine where you want the conversation to go, you ignore completely.
I used the word “similar” for a reason. You contesting the similarities seems like a weird argument against posters’ rights to voice their concerns/opinions. Perhaps my post didn’t exactly connect the way it was meant to on that analogy, but reading the rest of your post it sounds like we agree on the basis that everyone should have the right to post their opinion, but should not feel a right to be validated or agreed with.
I’m unsure what was unclear about;
This is a pretty big statement. Sounds like you’re advocating public executions lest the heresy spread.
I’m not sure that religious level zeal is absolutely necessary on an open forum about a video game.
Dudes are just asking questions and trying to have a discussion about a game, ffs.
I used the word “similar” for a reason. You contesting the similarities seems like a weird argument against posters’ rights to voice their concerns/opinions. Perhaps my post didn’t exactly connect the way it was meant to on that analogy, but reading the rest of your post it sounds like we agree on the basis that everyone should have the right to post their opinion, but should not feel a right to be validated or agreed with.
Agreed, nobody should be attacking the person. Personal attacks are not only weak, but against the community guidelines of virtually any sane community. However, you have to understand that virtually every person (I have not seen your thread, so I can’t comment there) has taken an attack on their idea as an attack on their person. This makes the threads spiral downhill super fast and creates a professional victim scenario that is aggravating and unproductive.
You said
I said
Nothing about your post was constructive or relevant to the argument at hand, so again;
Why, because we’re trolls for thinking something should be different?
If you’re so about #nochanges and the original experience, well, part of that experience was people suggesting changes, and blizzard sometimes deciding to follow them. A #nochanges classic is a dynamic game.
And It doesn’t matter how long you’ve been asking for this classic server, because it’s not made for you, it’s made for me, it’s not made for any of us. It’s made for Blizzard protecting their IP, something they cannot do with private servers being put up, and this is the only legal way to go after some of them.
It’s only marketed to appeal to you because they needed Nostalrius shut down. They need Elysium shut down. But more importantly, they need to not have new ones come up in their place. THAT is what Classic is being made for. It’s to pull you away from the private servers so that Blizzard can keep their rights to this game that streamers are making money off of, with Blizzard’s logo slapped right on their loading and login screens. By law, they’re responsible for what happens on those servers if they’re not acting to get them shut down.
You have been heard. What was heard has been soundly rejected. To continue to hammer at us with a thoroughly rejected idea is trolling.
It has been soundly rejected by other players. None of which are Blizzard employees responsible for the design of this game.
Where have you been? Non Vanilla changes to Classic have, in fact, been soundly rejected by Blizzard development and management.
You have been heard. What was heard has been soundly rejected. To continue to hammer at us with a thoroughly rejected idea is trolling.
We’re not here to continually have you bash our opinions. As you yourself illustrate, there is really a core of maybe 100 posters at the most who do not understand the point of the forums or the spirit of the CoC enough to make us need to explain ourselves in a thread like this by jumping from change thread to change thread in order to spend all day harassing the person asking for the change.
Every thread is not an excuse to bring up the same debate that your opinion is somehow fact and no one should be able to create a thread proposing a change. If they wanted that to happen, the threads would be deleted. If they wanted to prove us wrong, Blizzard could post themselves.
Why, because we’re trolls for thinking something should be different?
you are playing into people’s emotions, and what they possibly have very strong emotional attachments to, so when that is the topic of contention, yes, you are going to be the target of a lot of controversy.
That being said - a lot of people have already made this perfectly clear, including Ion Hazzikostas and J. Allen Brack himself; they have said Classic is a recreation of Vanilla WoW. Something that myself, along many others have been asking for, for nearly a decade. Yes, you are allowed to have your opinions, thoughts, and ideas as to how the game should be constructed, but they are not applicable with Classic World of Warcraft.
If you’re so about #nochanges and the original experience, well, part of that experience was people suggesting changes, and blizzard sometimes deciding to follow them. A #nochanges classic is a dynamic game.
This is how I know neither you or Vakul are reading what I’m saying, it’s kind of sad really, but here, I’ll once again redirect you to disprove this shallow point;
It should be pretty self-evident that the only changes that will be taking place are the absolutely necessary ones to the health of the game.
Weird how you said
If you’re so about #nochanges
And wonder why this statement always comes up;
Why, because we’re trolls for thinking something should be different?
And It doesn’t matter how long you’ve been asking for this classic server, because it’s not made for you, it’s made for me, it’s not made for any of us. It’s made for Blizzard protecting their IP, something they cannot do with private servers being put up, and this is the only legal way to go after some of them.
Yes, this has been acknowledged several times, I’m unsure why I have to continuously repeat myself to you and Vakul. The point of that was to show the target audience in mind, as part of the marketing for the game. So this point is invalid from the beginning.
It’s only marketed to appeal to you because they needed Nostalrius shut down. They need Elysium shut down. But more importantly, they need to not have new ones come up in their place. THAT is what Classic is being made for. It’s to pull you away from the private servers so that Blizzard can keep their rights to this game that streamers are making money off of, with Blizzard’s logo slapped right on their loading and login screens. By law, they’re responsible for what happens on those servers if they’re not acting to get them shut down.
Again, this point is irrelevant from the beginning considering I made this point myself. Focus on what was said and being discussed and not bringing up irrelevant factors to the conversation.
Yeah, you bring up the post about what Ion said. He only said their design direction. The idea is to be as close to vanilla as they can. The idea was also that you can’t have both factions on a PvP server.
Blizzard NEVER deals in absolutes for that reason. Ultimately, it’s THEIR creation, not ours, and they’re going to make it however they want to, no matter which one of us hates it.
You’re allowed to make posts saying that you think it should stay the same and we’re allowed to suggest minor changes and for some people very major changes. Because at the end of the day, neither of us are Blizzard.
Blizzard is designing classic as a package deal, the changes they are making is how they offer it to us. We take them because we see objectively how (most) benefit the health of the game.
The changes you want to make go outside that package and enter a new realm of game. Many times it’s been pointed out that new game ideas are for the general discussion. You have just as much right to post the idea there under the proper guide lines for a new game and servers.