Pretty to easy to see you’ve been reduced to nothing but meager trolling at this point. Maybe the thread that was permanently closed, the one that your ‘best ideas’ lied alongside your supposed impact, was finally a wakeup call you don’t hold any weight in this community, at which point, I commend you for making that realization. It took you too long to understand that. So, cheers to you and your failed, and continuation of failed endeavors, and see you in Classic without your’s and Celessi’s dead suggestions.
The thread was locked because it was a troll thread from the very start. There was never any question that it would end up locked, as it should have been.
Again, it’s not trolling just because you disagree with it.
Making suggestion for additions to classic is 100% within Blizzard’s forum rules.
Yet those threads constantly get locked.
because they constantly go completely off topic and turn into flame wars, like the thread that keeps getting linked in here
If that is the case you would think people would learn not to make those troll threads. If you know your “suggestion” will turn into a flame war then that is the very definition of trolling.
People’s reaction to your thread does not determine if you are trolling or not. It’s a matter of your sincerity - do you actually believe in what you’re saying, or are you actively trying to incite people. Also, is it on topic for the forum you’re posting in. If it’s about adding features to Classic, which is the subject of this forum, then it must be on topic.
The level of maturity the majority of players bring to the table in discussions where they feel counter to the OP is unfortunate, but irrelevant in determining the nature of the OP.
You really think so? How is blizzards new reporting and auto squelch system working out for that point of view?
Changes being an improvement are the definition of your opinion… Most of us dont see them as improvements.
That just says whether they think you’re trolling. Posting for reactions, trolling. Posting because you believe in the topic even if its not popular, not trolling.
If it is not trolling how come you get auto squelched then?
No idea. I’ve only had one comment auto-squelched and I don’t even know which one it was.
Reporting someone because they hold an opinion you disagree with is against the CoC and a misuse of the feature. The idea behind the system is to lighten the load on Blizzard by reporting egregious acts like actual trolling. Then Blizzard can look over fewer posts and make decisions just on those by using the full context of a user’s account and history.
End result is the same. You anger the mob then it is you that suffers, not the mob.
Isn’t the new reporting system awesome?
It is, because false reporting is also looked into, and as it is a CoC violation, can lead to permanent forum bans. I’m glad we can also submit tickets to Blizzard, as I was able to talk to a community manager about why this abusive behavior is still a work in progress and that they will eventually follow up when they have the time.
Uh huh. Has the mob settled down any?
Yes, I would say aside from a few trolls who persistent in being as antagonistic as possible, the community has improved. I also constantly get notifications that players are liking my posts across the posts were I have argued against abusing the forums, shutting down discussions, and for changes, so I have hope that there is a silent core of people who believe as I do, that we can be adults and have good discussions about where Classic should go next.
You joined in November 2018 and only have a total of 94 likes received on your account.
So, yeah. But keep that dream alive.
The same seven accounts (notice I didn’t say different people) “liked” your posts in the locked troll thread. So seven is a “core group” now?
Obviously I would hope that more people begin to see civility in discussion and an openness to new ideas as self evident truths, but I am just glad to see there are others. As long as there is a community, however small, there is something that can grow to flourish.
I like your optimism. In fact, have a forum like as well.