How to: Write threads requesting things

The transmog thread was locked due to community flags and in part to this blue post. So let’s be clear here, as you said;

is not a part of Classic, therefore, requesting as such reinforces the blue’s suggestion.

Nothing about people saying, disliking, or showing disinterest in the fact that insolent suggestions are being made is illogical. I’ll reference this again so we’re crystal clear.

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Making a suggestion of an addition to classic WoW is staying on topic to classic WoW. The thread was locked because of the flame war going on. Go actually read the thread.

No transmog in classic. It wasn’t added until patch 4.3, cataclysm.

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Sorry - was 4.3.0 a part of Vanilla, or Cataclysm?


OMG, seriously, READ THE THREAD THEY’RE REFERENCING! They went 100% off topic of even being about any iteration of WoW anymore.

Here we go boys;


I’m telling you to read the thread. You’re completely missing the point of why it was locked.

And you’re also completely missing the point as to why the transmog thread was locked and why it was flagged. Not to mention why you and Vakul have been the main focal point of a lot of forum goers.

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I’m talking about the transmog thread. It erupted into a flame war, that you were personally a part of. You should already know why it was considered off topic.

It could be argued that the #nochange crowd are also the #catertomypreference crowd.

Both sides want to be catered to.

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I said it was illogical to claim a status quo argument when the thing you’re arguing for exists because of a status quo change, which is accurate. You took my quotation out of context and didn’t understand what I was saying.

Some of the #nochangers have actually done a really good job of defending the point and putting a lot of quality work into their posts like Caketown and Vendak. You’re really just bringing down their movement with low quality posts like this.

As am I, I’m also discussing why it was locked, and why it was considered a problem, points that you’ve failed to address. You’ve also failed to discuss any of the points I’ve made besides making the statement:

You say a lot of things without understanding even yourself what you are talking about. I’ve already addressed everything and anything you’ve claimed, and the only reason why you look towards Caketown and Vendak, is because you had room to work with both of them, they were more patient than myself and others, and kudos to both of them. With myself, and others, you don’t - why? Because being open to the idea of a change in a recreation of the spirit of an authentic experience is illogical inherently. The people in that thread saw that to begin with, and that’s why it got flagged.

Your opinion on logic and quality is tarnished by your own perspective of how Classic should be.

Those who didn’t understand this before this post won’t after it either, sorry bro. You just wasted time :slight_smile:

It was locked literally because you and your friend took it away from being about adding transmog and turning it into being about bashing Varkul. YOU, PERSONALLY, are why it was off topic.

Now, before this thread gets closed, I think all of us need to just start ignoring you

Go ahead, but you still have yet to address anything I’ve said, and only claim to be under attack by myself and my “friends”. I made points, you and Vakul failed to address them then, and fail to address them now, yet continue to wonder why you two are subject to argumentative reprisal targetting both of your suggestions and points.

Between you and I, we both know how Classic is going to go from launch, to Naxx, even after Naxx. I’ll just preface it by saying this; you aren’t going to like the outcome.


Because it’s not possible to think some changes would be positive but still be able to enjoy the game if they don’t happen? Please, just stop.

It seems pretty self-evident that it’s imperative to both of you that these insolent changes that you two propose and try to push along make it to Classic, furthermore proven considering neither of you can accept “No” for an answer, no matter what language, variation, or explanation is given to you.

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Yes, saying you don’t want things to change is conservatism, which is totally an opinion.

My opinion on logic is tarnished by my own perspective. :sweat_smile:

Considering your perspective holds no rational ground on an objective and established topic, it’s not difficult to make the correlation, but for you, perhaps that seems to be a tall task.

:sweat_smile: Go on, don’t stop now