My argument is that since #nochange agrees with Blizzard’s published article and stated guiding principle for Classic WoW, it’s not asking Blizzard to cater to any preferences. It’s just encouraging them to stay on their existing stated path, a’la no changes. Insisting that they change to suit your preference (wow tokens, transmog, new graphics) is why that group is #catertomypreference
The only thing I can say is that, even though they may have stated that (I haven’t read it so I’ll just take your word on it), small changes may still happen.
On the stress test, I saw there was an option to leave feedback and offer suggestions for “improvement”. This tells me that they may possibly make some changes, depending on what people want.
The #nochange crew are vehemently opposed to this and, I think they know that changes may come, hence why they flood the “classic changes” discussion topics. Demanding no changes when you know they are possible makes them a part of the #catertomypreference crowd.
Personally, I’d like to see a few minor QoL changes. If nothing changes, I’m ok with that too. I’ll be playing either way because it’s going to be great regardless.
No need to take my word. Google " Restoring History: Creating WoW Classic Panel Recap" and its the article on BattleDotCom and WorldOfWarcraftDotCom. To quote that article:
In restoring World of Warcraft Classic, our guiding principle has been to provide an authentic experience. Things might run a bit smoother and the hardware is better, but the game should still look and feel like you’re playing World of Warcraft from 2006. Things like combat equations, original models, and hunter skills are certainly part of that—but things like social dynamics are a part of that too. The reliance on others, the effort it took to assemble a group, and how that impacted your journey into a dungeon—these were all part of the classic experience that we wanted to preserve.
Some key points being:
guiding principle has been to provide an authentic experience
the game should still look and feel like you’re playing World of Warcraft from 2006
Things like combat equations, original models, and hunter skills are certainly part of that
the classic experience that we wanted to preserve.
All of that aligns with a genuine authentic experience without any “improvements”, so we’re just asking Blizzard to continue on with that mission statement and not change for anyone’s preference.
To be honest, this is likely standard text from when the bug report feature has been used in all other cases in the past 10+ years (new expansion/patch testing). The verbiage here likely has no hidden meaning. It would be a bit contrived to argue that text like this means anything (either for or against changes) other than it’s always been there before.
Definitely. “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” We realize that Blizzard could get a false impression from the vocal minority demanding they change their mission statement. There are those of us who try and make sure to counter those voices and reassure Blizzard that their original plan is the best plan.
And I’d be totally cool with you and the other folks getting that… in the form of a different ruleset batch of servers. Essentially the “Classic+” concept, but limited to a special set of servers. Let Classic be classic, and Classic+ can fulfill the desires of those looking for a guided tour/theme park of Vanilla versus an authentic recreation. We can co-exist in this ecosystem on separate servers. Lobby for that, I’m behind you 100%.
I think everyone would be fine with this. They also need their own forum so we don’t have to constantly report them for trolling in this one. This is the Classic forum, not the Classic+.
It is trolling when the thread is made with the intention of being purposefully inflammatory.
I gotta say what infuriates me the most is the ones who don’t want a different ruleset and who just want to force changes into classic. Granted, they are very few in number, but they are there, and they do try to blend in with the well-meaning pro-changers.
I have absolutely no problem with Classic+ , none whatsoever…
Well if it helps, it’s not your choice either way, so just stop getting so stressed just because someone does or doesn’t want to make changes.