How to turn off a player from this class

I enjoy classic but want certain dk features that were removed to come back. Dks are not in classic so classic is not relevant. You are right though about people always wanting to repeat the past even when it’s gone. The experience of the wow of the past isn’t coming back because we’ve all moved on and are in différant parts of our lives we can’t recreate wherever we were 10 years ago. Classic would not have been a success without people trying to relive 2004 even if it can be enjoyed on its own.

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Honestly, I think part of Classic’s success was cause of how tired some people were from the direction of current WoW. But if Classic WoW helps show the devs what they did wrong, and the possibility of them listening to fans again, then that might be some good news I think. Hope they get to do stuff right for everyone again in Shadowlands.

I do want two hander frost back and frost spec fixed.

And while we at it. Windwalker monk 2handers need to come back too.


Monk suffered the same problems as there being dw and 2h frost dk… namely that they couldn’t balance between the two and had to cut one.

Once again, is there a source for that, or is it still just speculation? It still seems like weapon options being removed was because of the artifact system.

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There is a source from a dev explaining the removal of 2Her. It would take time to dig up .

I can’t find anything in regards to 2H WW mechanics but if I remember correctly, using a 2H apparently lowered the Monk’s chances of gaining the Blackout Kick and Tiger Palm proc or something? Which would make it the same, toned-down version of the 2H Frost mechanics. Windwalker was just such an underplayed spec I don’t have anybody’s word or forums to reference. I used a 2H in WoD for the faster auto-attacking, but the weapon choice of Windwalkers seemed so irrelevant compared to the flat damage they did. I mean they had a high skill cap with a ton of damage potential.

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Yeah, last I heard about WW, 2h and DW were so balanced that there was virtually no difference between the two. Or at least it was negligible. So they should have been able to do the same for Frost 2h and DW, but they didn’t sadly…

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Suffer well, brother. This post is a cringe to core.

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