Blizzard. Please fix pvp. I’m not a raider. Today, I was soooooo bored, i actually joined a raiding guild… AND I was #1 DPS lol. No no no no.
Big Doze, don’t do it. Just come horde already. I mean, it’s not much better, but still better.
EFX, not trying to sound all cringy, but i HATE the horde.
I might actually do that on my warlock Xelod which is on Sargeras. I friggin hate PVE too, but if that gets y ou gear to get to do pvp efficiently, I might ahve to do the same.
We could be running War/SP but you playin.
Well then.
bb you replaced him, he was getting my 417 alt so
Yeah I encountered the same scenario multiple times. It’s funny when an undergeared PvPer outdps’s mythic raiders who’ve done nothing but DPS for years.
That’s because PvP is PvE but on hardmode. Everything is always changing so you have to find ways to max your dps in other windows.
TBH a little sad i can’t raid with my guild this tier, they’re 7/8M and i’ve realized there is literally nothing to do in this game unless you spam arenas/keys 24/7.
I would like to play alts but with essences… lol no thanks
When I login to WoW, it’s literally all I do–spam mythic+ keys and TRY to do arenas. I was so bored yesterday though, I decided to join a raiding guild and actually it was kind of fun. I haven’t raided since last xpac.
Doze lets play arms/arms/whatever the heck. I got this sweet hammer, we’ll terrorize the ladder.
Should’ve read the writing on the wall in legion. By now you would’ve been an officer. Then in the future when they make PvP fun again you loot the gbank and ride off into the sunset.