How to report a forum troll

I’m not a moderator for those forums, nor is this how to report Code of Conduct violations so there isn’t much that can be done through this thread. The replies here are mostly to try to provide some direction and understanding of the process…

Just to put it out there. I read general discussion now and then, following specific threads as I can and I often see accusations that X is actually an alt account of Y. Curiosity has often gotten the better of me so I check it out, and can say it is rarely the truth. Perception on the forums can be a little skewed.

Editing this, since it’s been quoted a bit. I didn’t say people do not use alt characters or alt accounts. That does happen, it just doesn’t necessarily happen as often as some seem to think.

That is a valid opinion, Unian, but not everyone in our community feels the same way. I don’t feel a lot of the requests are specifically about halting everything else that is going on, (i.e. the war), but more to incorporate lore and storylines that represent the diversity of the community and provide representation that feels more inclusive. Even with war there is a great deal of living that is going on during and outside of it.


that entirely depends on the plain now.
a paper/toy plain, Darn… now you gotta go get it :angry:

but a Real life plain?
Now that’s a entirely different story that both inspires confusion and some form of applause…

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Is it really landing, if they never touch the ground?

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depends on the plain.

a giant one, yes.
paper/toy plane? No

Yea, I caught myself and edited that it was off topic. I really wish there was a proper way to report; add a note, something, so the GD can be free of some of the obnoxious trolls that only put subjects in a bad light. I’d like having a discussion about subjects without trolls derailing it and making it all about them or such.

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I mean, the same can be said about pretty much any topic in GD. :slight_smile:


Indeed, which brings me back to the original topic of why I created this thread. But yea, if there’s no other way to report forum posts than clicking the report button… =(

If I slip you some cookies, can you put in a good word into it being added into the ticket system as category? ‘disruptive forum behaviour’? :stuck_out_tongue:

Is that not already encompassed by several of the other options, such as “inappropriate” and “trolling”?

It is unlikely it would ever be added to the ticket system, as only Moderators really handle the forums. If you mean the forum reporting system, I can tell you that there is a lot of feedback in about improving the overall reporting options for the forum. Change is often painfully slow.

However, I’d point out how subjective such a category would be considering how simply disagreeing and arguing a point is considered to be disruptive by many.

Very true, and often ‘off topic’ already deals with that.

Thank you for your insights, go forth and nom these imaginary cookies!
:cookie: :cookie:


We’ve done this everyday for weeks now and the person in question usually ends up getting flag immunity on their posts, despite the fact anyone seriously investigating the issue would need to do is scroll through this users responses to see them openly admitting they are purposefully making the posts to cause arguments so this user can bait them into getting banned.

EDIT: Also, if it was just an occasional thing from this poster, then yeah we could just give them the benefit of the doubt that it’s just someone passionate about their beliefs. But when it’s EVERYDAY and often time multiple threads a day from the same user after people stop responding or their posts get shunted off into something like the story/lore forums…that beggars disbelief.


I mean look I get it. When threads become derailed it can be frustrating, but not everything that gets derailed is trolling. So many people seem to have this mindset that anything said in opposition to something is bullying and trolling. Its not. Everyone on the forums has the right to respond to any topic they so wish, and express whatever message they wish to as well.

Just as you might have strong opinions on something so too do other people. Sometimes more. Some people will die on the hill of something they find passion in and believe in. Some people genuinely think they are being the champion of something and will get very zealous in their responses to prove they are right - even when to most logical people the message got lost in the translation about 5 posts ago. That doesnt make them a troll.

You ask for an option to report what you think is trolling posts but realistically, every man and his dog report posts because they dont like them, because of the weather, because they spilt their coffee. Each report makes a file and the mods have to sift through all of this to even get to the few posts that genuinely need moderating. Its not hard to act like adults, realise that different opinions exist and move on with your life rather than think you need to be the tool of punishment or get the last word in. Inflammatory topics are normal when you get people together, it doesnt make them troll content. Its the general social response to those topics that can do the most change. Don’t engage if its not something you want to join as a discussion.

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Its not an excuse - but… some people live their lives online, in a very unhealthy manner and take the causes they hold as gospel. Like that persons entire social experience could be the wow forums. It wouldnt be crazy to think that to someone like that, they think their opinion needs to be shared constantly with the world to validate their own existence.

Logical adult thought patterns dont exist in all people.


I really appreciate and support this post as it currently stands, since context is meaningless pretty much, simply “engaging” these types of situations can put you or even some innocent guy taking the thread seriously at risk of doing something against the rules. (Not saying that it’s justified, but we should be going after the root causes to weed out the issues, lol.)

There are probably a few of these types of fellers trying to “feel good” by engaging in said sock puppet behavior…


An effective strategy to counter that tactic would be to ignore that poster on all their various characters and accounts. Have you tried doing that?


Yeah…kinda hard to do when these actions actively harm my friends, family, and loved ones. The fact it’s actually causing the LGBTQ+ community active harm should absolutely be addressed by Blizzards moderation.


I just scroll to the bottom of their post and mute it. I don’t even bother to read them anymore. I sure hope there isn’t a limit on that.

To be fair, that’s a whack-a-mole game. Unless you dig in and look at the collected pets of every single person posting to a thread, you don’t know if you’re looking at a post by someone that you’d rather not engage with just based on their posting history on their other characters.

Advise your friends, family, and loved ones to also ignore them. They do this because they have an audience. Take their audience away.


looks at all the non lgbt romance in the game

I get the point of this thread but gonna take a hard disagree on that point specifically