How to report a forum troll

Exactly Never feed trolls. If not fed they get bored and go away

That’s where I got the idea to create Darth Baiter:


This isn’t a thing. No one is immune to flags and no one (except Blizzard) is above the forum rules.

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Like seriously.

Tyrande , Malfurion and Illidan with all their angst
Kalecgos wanting to be with the Sunwell
Elune and that Stag I can’t remember the name right this second
Tyrandes short story about being infertile
Cataclysm ending in the fact that Thrall got it on
Mankriks wife and all the other married non lgbt couples asking us for help

This whole “we have to be subtle or the non lgbt are gonna get mad” thing is getting old at this point.

And no I don’t agree with Talonel either but that’s pretty obvious to the forum regulars.


Except it kinda is. If a post is reported and buried, then unburied on review, it can no longer be reported at that point.

Jaina w like several love interests

LGBTQ+ storylines are just as valid in a plethora of ways.

Some of the subtle stories are cool. But to say that they alone are the way to tell LGBTQ+ stories isn’t cool, the stories should be varied as everyone else’s story and some of those stories are more obvious / prominent than a subtle story / “occasional mention”.


I used him as example in this, but we’ve have many trolls that bring negative light to good subjects.

I think we’re getting off track and I believe all that can be covered on reporting has been so I’m going to close the thread. Thanks, all.