How to Reach Devs to Get This Message Across?

The developers should review this but I’m uncertain how to get this to their attention:

There is a universal problem for all players that are Not just running the casual world content in the World of Warcraft. I think we can all agree when I say there is strong imbalance in the various classes and specs. In an effort to avoid being negative, I wont say a gross imbalance, however, this could be accurate. Personally, as a player that has become heavily involved in this game, I don’t have much going on in my life family-wise, kids, etc, so I turn to my hobbies. Long distance running, racing super-sport bikes, and now WoW has become one of these hobbies since Feb of 2024. I learned a few classes and stuck with what was fun. This season has been a total nightmare for my class (havoc). I get messages at the end of dungeons like I just received like “next time don’t play an 18 (key) if you are that bad”. Blizzard reps reading this- do nothing as a consequence to this guy who said that… because, he or she is right. Frankly, I would feel the same way if I did more than 250k overall in a key. Having said that, I upload my keys to Warcraftlogs where I can look at multiple data. For these keys where I receive comments just like this, I’m parsing 90% or higher in damage for my item level and key level for my class, of course, while these other classes are doing more than 250k overall and parsing lower. On top of this, there is a very large amount of danger in having to vengeful retreat (backflip) to generate fury for my spenders and my fel-rush for 18% damage increase windows. This is something that is done multiple times/minute. It’s very risky. As a small range, dps class, I’ve got to be right up next to enemies to make sure I connect. Fel-rushing through mobs is a vital component to my damage but the one-shot cleave mechanics further endanger my class. This, the over exaggerated movement, and small distance of my abilities make my class not only overly dangerous to play, but the damage rewarded for this risk is Extremely low. Every key I get into I feels like I’m ‘sneaking’ in because there are far better choices for a dps class than myself and many others. I can always switch to a ‘meta’ class but that takes time that a lot of working professionals just don’t have. Instead, I feel like there is a toxic culture being promoted (unfairly), almost incentivized against certain players that have large caps on their in-game abilities. This should not be the case. I love marathon and long distance running and I love your game, developers. I do not want to stop playing your game. I believe there should be a balance where more classes are viable and are closer in their output. A class that offers vital tools for the team like mind soothe, battle rez, and lust, should not do 250k-300k dps more than me, a havoc dh, with none of those capabilities while I parse a 90+ in damage for my item level and key level. This is more than just a rant; it’s that every time I get into a key I go in with my best, and come out on the bottom. It’s burning me out and I simply don’t have the time to invest in multiple characters. I want to keep playing your game. I want to play what I enjoy. I understand making classes move around on the totem pole is exciting and can potentially bring in more revenue, but there is too great a gap between these classes. This gap needs to be closed some and the reward for skill needs to be just that; a reward. There are infinite possibilities in the realm of programming. There is a way to make classes scale appropriately with content level and difficulty. This should be done because this would unburden your players and essentially FREE them to play whatever they enjoy playing the most! It’s a win for everyone and will make you as a company look very good by increasing your service levels to your players. Your reputation would improve vastly as a result. So it can be written, so we hope it is Done.
Thank you for listening and I hope you have a great weekend.

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I think you’ll want to boil this down somewhat.


You’d post it in a feedback forum to be collected by employees that can forward it to the devs. In this case by the brief skim I just gave, it looks like class feedback and would be appropriate in that class’ specific forum.

If you can prune it to 100 characters or less, you can also tweet @WarcraftDevs and hope for the best.

There is otherwise no avenue for direct contact or guaranteed communication.


I’m having difficulty picking out the salient points – it appears to be:

  • "I play very well for my class, but my output is still below par; I feel WoW's classes are unbalanced."
  • "It's very difficult for me to successfully engage and execute my class during content encounters."

Please keep in mind the pre-patch period is very unbalanced, and that it is very difficult to draw solid conclusions at the moment.


Paragraphs paragraphs paragraphs wall of txt is hard to read.

Class feedback goes to apropriate class forum general feedback general quests go to quests forum pvp goes to pvp forums.


Post in your class discord. And wait for TWW to see how your class balance will settle in live. Prepatch etc is always a bit funky between gear catchups and nerfed content.

But, seriously, dont get caught up on the numbers and looking at logs.


It’s more than just seeing how it will perform in just one season in the future- it’s about having the confidence to know my class will be viable at all levels at any time in the future. Not just my class but for everyone of all classes. Not overpowered, but balanced appropriately for a better player experience.

Some classes will always be OP or underpowered balanced unbalanced especialy at the begining of a expansion no offense to priests but i find them tend to underperform at the beginign of a expansion.

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The detail is important. It conveys my feelings as a player and many others Ive encountered. Its a 2 minute read and encompasses one of the biggest problems for their players beyond the standard bug.

Post your suggestion in the game under feedback or post in your class forum. No developers come here to read stuff like this. You need to post more then its broke fix it by the way. And use paragraphs, that wall of text made my eyes bleed.

Somebody has to be at the bottom of the damage meters not everyone is going to be top damage. There are no guarantee’s in a game as there are too many variable’s with content you are doing.


Right but u need to break it up no one is gona read a giant wall of txt paragraphs are easier to read and more cohesive.

Also the CS forums is a black hole for feedback or suggestions no dev will ever see it.

You will never get a one on one conversation with the dev will they look at it sure if its readible wall of txt does more harm then good.


It encompasses exactly what it should:
-a player that has a deep appreciation for their hobbies
-their game being one of those hobbies (as well as for millions of others) but unable to maintain a positive experience for something out of my control (balancing)
-an overall thorough skill in the class that is still unrewarding on multiple levels and downright dangerous as the movement is necessary for damage but cannot be used in many, many areas of the dungeon, raid, or content
-A general feeling of being an undesired class that has to ‘sneak’ into keys promoting toxic culture by this underperformance
etc etc. It’s all pertinent and as far as I’m aware, it has been a problem to many players over a long period of time. So a 2 minute read to potentially bring awareness to make improvements that will improve the quality of life for hundreds of thousands of their player base would be totally worth it.

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Any class is viable at all levels - If you know how to play your class. It doesnt matter if you are ranking on warcraftlogs, what matters is you are pulling your weight, doing the mechanics and turning up either for your raid/key or other activity.

Youl be fine.


The issue here tho is, as has been explained. This is NOT a feedback forum. This is a player help player help channel, moderated by Blizz staff. No one collects feedback from here and forwards it on. You need to post a constructive, formatted piece of feedback in the appropriate relevant forum.
So if this is about DH balancing and numbers, id suggest the class forum. But actually include some specifics, leave out the emotional fluff, thats not anything they can use. If you think a specific talent or build isnt working right then include that. But just saying this doesnt feel like its got enough numbers, when they are not performing badly currently, isnt really feedback they can use.



It’s clear you care a lot about the game, and Blizzard loves to see that kind of passion in its playerbase – people don’t get into gaming to make money. They do it because they love games.

Class balance has always been on Blizzard’s radar. However, being that every class is different, gears differently, and operates differently, there’s no way to perform identically in every scenario unless we reduced down to one class.

Anyway, this kind of discussion is really off-topic for this forum. If you’d like to be heard, you’ll preferably want to rethink your approach, then repost to a class forum :slight_smile:


I mean looking at Havoc currently based off Beta testing lists they are sitting about midpack, so entirely viable for all levels of content.


Not quite. In theory, what you are saying is true. Moridh is the #1 havoc dh for this season. I had the pleasure of speaking with him. I said “how”? He said he has a group of people, a team that he has known for a long time and they are his close friends that have been playing for years. They literally have to plan the entire dungeon around him and when to save him. He said, “want to see something depressing?”. Then proceeded to show me his damage compared to his shadow priest friend. Higher content becomes significantly more challenging based on the class not just for damage output, but survivability and desire for said class (brez, lust, mind soothe, damage, etc, etc). These are essential to higher level content. This is part of the reason why you see only a few havoc demon hunters as in 2 total get title, and many other classes didn’t even have 1 player get title for M+. But when you look at VDH, Mage, Shadow Priest, Aug, etc, etc, they have hundreds of players that achieved title. The vast majority of players have to pug. And at these levels, they aren’t using discord to plan communications and mechanics to save undesired classes in high keys. Plain and simple. That is not how it works.

Yeah and? Not everyone can be top dog all of the time. Logs dont even contain every run ever done, only those that have been logged and alot of ranking players dont log.

Unfortunately the nature of alot of players is to play the FOTM character. That does in no way shape or form mean another class is not viable. Thats just people bickering because they think someone else got more cheetos in their bowl.


I just cannot follow your point. Mine isn’t to make havoc top dog, just to increase viability of all classes in higher content. There is more than enough data and player feedback that clearly indicates my point of the heavy imbalance at these levels. It’s not about the Cheetos, it’s about the foundation, the bowl, holding those Cheetos. Thank you for your input. Gn.