How to make Ret more fun

Again, your opinion, not everyones. Might I also add the condescention in tone as well. You wouldnt be telling a 1%er to “slam it on cd,” so assuming we are all too stupid to understand the finer details is a bit presumptuous.

If your problem is merely bc it does too much, honestly, thats a you problem. I LOVE knowing that when i hit a freaking button its worth something, and that i am going to see a difference. I hate having all these buttons on my action bars, and zero, yes, zero feel empowering. Nothing is more boring than pushing buttons going “oh, #, oh, #, oh proc bigger #, cd proc, #, #, oh, back to normal”. Just god awful.
Having ashes + wings together paired wth other cds and trinkets you hit cd, ashes, burrrrrrrrr. At the end, whats great is just 15 seconds and u get to do it again! Not 45 sec of oh, #, oh, #.

Quit questioning a good thing b4 u ruin it 4 everyone. Seriously.

if theyre holding it for stupid long amount of time, i would yes. i have during mythic fyrakk era

its not a good thing, and i long for the day for either rg gets deleted or ret gets a new cd to compensate for its loss

I do resent Wake not being affected by AW/Crusade ever again.

I understand the design choice coupled with the Hero specs ( specifically templar) to have AW running each time with it.

It’s just that 1min wing build felt pretty good too with wake acting as a mini “CD” every 30secs.
Now it’s all just wake.

I wish it could be tuned in a way that it really is just an upgrade for Templar specifically.
And when playing Herald the result becomes more advantageous to run 1min.

But that’s asking alot of Blizz.


Yup. Blizz would look at us (and rightfully so) like we’re nuts.

And I couldn’t blame 'em.

For, you, again.

Everything you say is antidotal and only based on what you want.

I can understand your sentiment, however, how the game is built today, it doesnt quite qork that way anymore. The reason ret is flourishing atm is bc it has its main cd up nearly every pull. That is literally what it takes to be successful in todays wow. If you want to know what it looks like with what your talking about, look at locks. They are scraping the bottom and cant get into a m+.
This antiquated idea of having multi-level cd systems, with long downtimes, “skill” choices for when to use them is dead. Completely dead. Thank blizz for that, i am just the messenger. Everything is based on mobility, burst, and speed. This means incorporation and streamlined rotations to include cds.

I don’t disagree with the overall assessment, I think all classes could take some lessons from Ret’s design even if I don’t partircularly like RG but this specifically ain’t right.

Ret has been flourishing since it’s rework.
Popularity numbers are steady since 10.0.7, so it pre-dates RG.

What plays into it’s popularity right now is 2-fold:

  • The rework still hold true
  • The hero specs were a “hit” for Ret or , at the very least, didn’t fumble how it plays like some other spec got stuck with.
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I think it holds true in the essence that the way they changed ret’s core playstyle helped solidify its position as a modern spec in a game with modern playstyle requirements.
As for the hero talents, id say ret’s choices are certainly much better than many other specs. There are countless hero trees that are not only functionally garbage, but also visually embarrassing. I agree this gives ret a foot above most other specs.
Yet, id be remissed to not state that even if rets hero talents, in context of other classes, are doing well, still need work. Herald should not be so far behind templar as it is now. Templar definitely could use some smoothing out. Herald could have its damage profile evened out a bit.

Of course.

I think people were mentioning how herald “scaled” better than Templar at the start of the patch but I don’t know how much it can realistically claw back from the numbers we’re seeing.

Sorry, but :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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Yup. 80% of forum talk is opinionated.

Why use numbers when you can use hyperbole. Hyperbole is so much more exciting.

This is very simple in my opinion leave HoW as execute and give us Blessed Hammers from prot tree and then bring back Exorcism to interact with anything standing in our conc to spread Exorcism. Leave rest as is.

Yea yea. Autocorrect. Child.

It’s not hyperbole if it’s true. We are not the designers, as such all we can do is give our opinions on subjects.

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I think the most enjoyable aspect of playing Paladin over the years is our ability to support.

Bringing a teammate from 10% to at least 50% with WoG/EF, saving them from certain death with a BoP or LoH, finessing BoS to break certain CC while reducing damage taken. All of the support has made me an avid enjoyer of the Paladin class.

I do miss seals though, hoping we can see another WoD seal concept in the future.


I think the most enjoyable aspect of playing paladin over the years is our ability to knock a dragon or unbeliever upside the head with a big-@$$ warhammer.

But that’s just me. :grin:

Radiant glory is an interesting problem to have. AW and Crusade having the buttons you push do less damage than Radiant Glory is an interesting issue because the old problem I had with pressing AW was I would always be feared or stunned during it. Now having it be almost useless, but is almost always active… Instead of a two minute old Avenging Wrath CD twarted by shut downing the ret quick, enemies have to try to shut down the ret real quick after every single Wake of Ashes. Shutting down the retribution every 45 seconds, when they also want to crowd control the healers and other DPS lets the ret at least do some damage.

Dying in a stun is also less frequent with 20 seconds of Forbearance and Divine Shield ignoring Forbearance and casting a heal, Lay on Hands having an Armor buff, all optional, but nice to have. Kind of like the pvp nerfed Stun duration reduction talent, totally optional, but kinda nice to have.

To the original post. How do we make Ret fun?
I think Ret is fun, it would be more fun with some instant mobility, but I will concede that the movement improvements we’ve gotten are improvements, however minor. I’m not against Ret having some dots, its fine, very anti stealth classes if not always powerful, but I’d like Final Verdict’s damage to be noticable when I press it when looking at my targets health bar. Moving back to a melee rebuke feels real bad, but I guess I can live with it, that part sure isnt fun. Minor tweaks could have Ret be S tier in my mind again, but for now its a middle of A tier spec and thats ok.


Strongly agree that Rebuke should have a bit of range to it, prob 10 yds to match HoJ. It could be part of the baseline spell or added to Punishment.

I sort of agree that TV should hit harder, I know a lot of people feel this way, but “fixing” it might be one step forward, two steps back. Where do you take the damage from? I don’t want our generators to hit like wet noodles again.

As for making Ret an S-tier PvP spec, I agree that wouldn’t be hard to do. Just gotta tone down some of the negative PvP modifiers. We have so many, lol.

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Having melee range back on Rebuke has been awful. I honestly think every melee kick should be extended to 8 yards to compensate for wonky hitboxes.

In PvE I don’t really care about the values.
In PvP you’re going to get swinging opinions on how much more finisher’s should contribute over spenders. Nobody ever talks values like wanting generators/spenders to be 40/60 or 30/70 but they communicate through tone and I always feel the tone is “I want FV/HoL to delete people”

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