How to Kill a Zone in One Easy Step

The last 2 zones pretty much DOA. I seen a bunch of people in Reach for the first couple of days then nobody was there. 14 rares up at once and the treasures sittin up. Then the Cavern came out and it was a similar thing, busy first couple days then it just as empty as the Reach was with lots of Rares up but nobody in the zone.

An to think this Zone is suppose to last another 4-5 months…

I liked the Maw… after I hated it. The Maw and Torgast… I actually miss. go figure.

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It’s a game? programmers created? a game? Just saying.

It’s a game? programmers created? a game? Seriously… how many other games do you play that aren’t the same?

The Maw was the best zone in SL outside of instanced content. Until they ruined it in 9.1.


I just want my dragon helm and I’ll never set foot in there again

Blizzard knows they are making ZC obsolete with 10.1.5 so they likely decided not to go “all in” and held back a bit so that they could pace themselves and have more to release in 10.1.5 and possibly 10.1.7 as well.

It’s not. 10.1.5 is adding new Time Rift grinds that will likely be one your main farm once it comes out.

I’ve seen this happen before, even on a busy server like mine. It actually wasn’t because the zone is abandoned, but rather that I was tossed into a nearly empty shard. It happened a few times before on my various other alts as well, on yet another high population server. I could get back onto an active shard again by either leaving the game and returning, or joining a premade group and returning.

Being on an empty shard like that wouldn’t be so bad if one were able to solo these rares…

Yeah I had to think hard about this. Timeless Isle was the first form, and then we didn’t see it again until Tanaan. Argus probably did it too, but I was a bit out that tier. BFA did it for the island, and shadowlands heavily abused it via maw, korthia, and whatever the last place was called. And now whatever of DF has done.

Pretending they haven’t leaned into it harder and harder each expansion is stupid. If want they want to say is “Guys we know we’ve done this for a long time but we’ve decided it’s not really strong game design and want to give you better content” then say that rather than trying to polish the turd via “Oh hurr durr this isn’t what we wanted for makn content”

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Ah not really Timeless isle being the first one …TBC we had the Isle of Quel’danas, which contained a raid and dungeon and dailies…I would say that Quel was the first off shoot of this type of play.

IOQD didn’t have a single rare to kill which is what we are talking about. It had some reps for some ok gear, but I don’t even think it gave badges for the catchup vendors.

I know what you’re saying but inefficiency Does suck fun away even if there was just little to be had.

Dailies yes… rare farming wasnt a thing then

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Was wondering on this zone before the announcement happened. The Forgotten Reach was great fun and full of people. If you head up there you will find it still has a lot of activity and longevity.
This new area not so much. I think players were ok to be killing bosses for a good possibility of a random piece of gear with a secondary possibility of a 1 time upgrade.
Not really much joy for multiple gear that has to be upgraded multiple times using differing currency. Yes, you can nut it out and make a very complex system, but its proving already users of that system dont like it.


Man at least Korthia got me that pimp bluebottle fly mount.

I legit do not see anything interesting in this zone. Rares, eff 'em they aren’t good. Ponzo? Gtfo his rewards suck worse than his business model. Sniffen around? Am I really going to get anything from doing that?

Just got two 408 pieces from the fyrakk event, so at least that part pays out. Those are six whole ilvl about LFR!

Yeah I’m a sub 400 ilvl bum, what of it?

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Well I kinda thought that too…
Just leveled new alt, … went there an thought I have NO chance to get the hard quest done or even get the ‘ring’ best thing I can get a quick 411. How surprised was I! SO MANY PEEPS DOING RARES THERE! HOW FUN!
Yes, it seem people think it is obsolete but not. I got 23 keys just yesterday from joining up with others just farming rares for the Vault…and also farming what will make 395 gear. …
Don’t poo poo it so quick in my opinion. At least for now.

What makes content bad is having mapped out the game progress to possibly even 2 years out and during that time not allowing changes to be made if the mapped direction of game content is proving to be a failure.

The game design process needs to change

And refuse to tell us the reason they claim is the reason they want us there.

Forbidden Reach gave me more content than Zaralek Caverns post-hotfix, AND was more active due to it.


On this point, honestly if they just had the rares drop more of those currencies it might bring some life back to the zone. Like 15-20 flightstones, and more than one or two fragments.

It’s not as bad a grind as centaur rep but yeah it sucks… And double sucks because they put hairy slitherdrake manuscripts at renown 16… (All my dragons are as fluffy as I can make em) so now I’m doing everything alone since I started caverns late. Massively Multiplayer my grass… lawn…

Also I see the guy with a :poop: fetish got to write these moles down there huffing farts all day…