How to Kill a Zone in One Easy Step

I corrected just a second before you did :stuck_out_tongue:

like my love life you win by finishing first


i think it’s very heavy layering. has anyone tried to do a /who in the zone and collect wowcensus data? I felt all of DF, even while leveling, there’s no way I never have to wait for a quest mob on a 15k server.

Well, when you fly into the cave, and you see that all of the rares are up for that day, and then check again 15mins later and none have died…kinda feels empty. Flyover an active researchers event and no one is there…notice that all of the little bugle horn side events are showing on the map. They should change those map markers, use crickets instead.


You were having fun wrong, it had to be stopped. :slight_smile:

But seriously, was it actually more fun or just more efficient?

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Seems like they are trying to do open world activities I’ve seen other games kind of do (Like GW2) only the other games do it better.

I think either the gameplay loop needs to be fun or the rewards need to be better. Or preferable both. Right now it doesn’t excel in either.


Blizz: Here! You can farm rares for stones to upgrade your gear to i410!!!

Players: But every other form of content drops, like, i424. I was already i417 from S1, wtf is the point of i410?? Why would I farm something like that for a week, let alone weeks, or you’re suggesting MONTHS??? Who’s going to do that?

Blizz: But they’re RARES!!!

Players: …


Korthia was fun. Just over stayed it’s welcome by making you do the same grind on every alt.


I atleast found myself willing to explore around Korthia and The Maw. All I do in these caverns is mining lol


Korthia was bussin when it came out and people played it well into the next patch. So I think it’s safe to say it was at least better than this patch. Of course it’s all bad, but Korth was better.



Korthia, is that you?

The question becomes then, “what’s the main objective of Zaralek Cavern?”
Is it snail racing? It better not be the snail racing. And why would you put an entire faction down there with nearly no way to rep grind. It’s worse than the Tuskaar.


The reason why Korthia worked and ZC failed was due to a number of reasons:

  1. It had no flying. Flying actually causes big problems for player interaction. I know that truth is unpopular on this forum to say out loud. But some truths are uncomfortable. There’s a time and a place for flying (the big patches). But 10.1 isn’t it (judging by the content, it actually appears to be more of a 0.5 patch in reality).
  2. The HP of rares in Korthia scaled. Because ZC rares do not scale, it means that if you come across a particular rare and only 1 or 2 people show up, you still can’t kill the rare. It also means solo players are completely screwed.
  3. The gearing path was much simpler. ZC has like 4 different gearing tracks that using multiple different currencies. It is for this reason that the FR is far more popular than ZC despite being old content.
  4. The items that should be a currency, aren’t e.g. fragment stones and crests.
  5. Most people are unaware of the fact that the ZC flight paths actually do connect to the above ground zones.
  6. Rank 12 renown actually screws you over for barter bricks as the vendor prices shoots up when it switches to barter boulders. So there is an incentive to stay below renown 12 since getting to renown 20 takes too long compared to staying below renown 12.

The best thing of all… I critique forbidden reach… people go ‘‘well man, it’s just a minor patch be glad you got anything’’… now with 10.1… a major patch and something I expected at least… a little more, something that shows me they really want to WoW me but it ended up being more of the same with some event stuff. And not mentioning the ones that enjoy everything Blizzard does but I seem to now finally be seeing more people that are tired of this kind of easy crutch.

I think the zone needs more puzzles, but like why would there be puzzles down there. Yeah the digs are considered puzzles but even then they’re intended for mole people. The riddles and such from ZM / Legion were cool and hopefully next patch theme being time makes them a cut above.

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They need to add Drake stones as World quest rewards, even if 1-3 still better then zero, i got a billion whelp stones: if drake stones can’t drop let us trade in say 15 whelp stones for 1 drake or something to clear up that mess.

They also need the rares to just drop more exciting stuff, its either the SAME item over and over or nothing at all but again worthless whelp stones.

I might be the odd one out here but Forbidden reach was more fun then this, mind you it was just fly in a circle and kill same things over and over but still more exciting then this understand poop show.


Well, yeah. It doesn’t offer much in the way of gear upgrades for casual players, and the hardcore players can get more upgrade currencies from elsewhere.

5.4 Timeless Isle, 6.2 Tanaan Jungle, 7.2 Broken Shore, 8.2 Nazjatar, 9.1 Korthia, 9.2 Zereth Mortis, and 10.07 Forbidden Reach saw so much more activity than this, even months after their release.

Give me a full gear set to earn. Let me earn upgrade currencies for it through daily quests, world quests, rares, treasures, and whatever I like. I don’t really feel like Zaralek Cavern is letting me work towards anything.

Divorce player power from the open world, and you are effectively divorcing the playerbase from your new zone (and ultimately your game).


Only in so far as I actually did them. I haven’t even returned to the cave.

I would say it started with TBC and the Isle of Quel’Danas…very similar right there too Timeless isle …dailies out there …Raid and Dungeon…