How to Kill a Zone in One Easy Step

Yeah, whenever I am in the caverns I just wish I was forced to fight 30 packs of elite mobs to get absolutely nothing from the rare that is probably already dead because of having to corpse run 20 times… ( How’s your weekend ion?)


The design of this zone really baffles me. In appearance I am the target audience for it. Yet it’s designed in such a way that I can’t really do much other than the 2 quests per day that pop up.

It would be nice if they at least give a bump to the drop rate of flightstones. That’s what I run out of more than anything.

I never used to buy into the whole they are trying to prod/encourage/force players into the instanced and group content but the design of this expansion is starting make me wonder if it’s not true.

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The mole people are the worst rep to grind. I’d say it tied with the Tuskaar as a pain to grind out.

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I was going to say nuke it from orbit but…

Seems like an effective method too.

I for one am glad that the new zones are not mandatory grinds…god going to Korthia every day and then months later repeating the same thing with Zereth Mortis…shoot me.

I mean, you could have included the rest of that quote that nullifies your argument instead of cherry picking and running away with a strawman, but you do you.

Maybe unpopular opinion but I actually really enjoyed Korthia. At least it gave us good reasons to be there

Yes the cavern does already feel like a dead zone. Just like most old zones in WoW they have no reason to be there any more

Those rock-ray things are the worst mount/creature I’ve ever seen.

It’s just a pancake with a dragon’s head attacked to it, and they called it a day.

It’s so dreadfully lazy.

Remember back when expansions gave us new skeletons we’d never seen before?

Like when TBC came out and we got ravagers for the first time.

And Wrath gave us a ton of cool new models like geists.

Dragonflight, feels like a showcase of all the skeletons they can recycle.

The devs definitely don’t spend money on WoW like they used to- and I’m feeling like I may do the same as a consumer, lol.

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They tried new content. Most of it was fun. The rest could have been fun it they continued working on it.

But players complained about all of it. From visions to islands, warfronts, pvp assaults, emissaries, artifact and class hall quests etc. Players complained about being “forced” to leave town and do things.

So they listened. And went back to mop/ wod. Now you complain they don’t do anything different? The irony.

S.E.LF.I.E. and twitter integration patch says hi

Argus had a lot of elites that were tough for average players. But we had our Lightforged Warframe even a badly geared player could use to kill elites.

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  • Visions weren’t soloable save for someone obscenely geared or certain specs until the gear wasn’t going to matter much anyway.
  • Warfronts rewards were nerfed to irrelevance before they really got started.
  • Warfronts were converted to be nearly auto-play very quickly.
  • PvP assaults were never going to work…forced PvP is the only thing worse than forced grouping.
  • Emissaries had the rewards issue crop up again.
  • Class Halls were pretty good but the timegating pacing was aggravating.
  • Artifacts…the ap grinding gate.
  • Islands had the gear removed. Cosmetics and collectibles dropped crazy rarely.
  • Torghast had the gear removed.
  • Scenarios had the gear removed.

Edit: Doesn’t help they really didn’t continue to evolve a lot of them after launch.
None of those were an issue about leaving town (I’ll get to this in a minute).
Notice some commonalities in there?

  1. Gear removed/nerfed/layered gating.
  2. Heavy handed gating.
  3. I didn’t point it out but a lot of these had the “exploit early and often” happen followed by the strangely slow hotfix that seemed to allow just enough time for certain player groups to make sure they were out of the way.

Now I believe this was done, at least in part, because a lot of these were going to end up as a valid gearing option outside of M+, raiding, PvP.

The “leaving town” part came about on how fast the content burned w/o being a part of player power progression making it “not worth leaving town” after it was consumed by a vocal chunk of the players.

ZC got the same treatment. Wide open, then the “oops, wasn’t intended” hotfix after a week and some. Loot drops nerfed, for the most part, by one level to base. WQ gear rewards lackluster, when they show up at all. A weekly that takes a decently geared raid. “Events” not linked to anything but the rep progress.

So…“not worth leaving town for”. Unless you didn’t get your stuff before all the nerfing and hotfixes. Or you’re just fishing for mog items and the recolor mount.

Don’t get me wrong. People liked all of these for various reasons. But the dislike was LOUD.

Look at it this way…say for islands. If they had let islands be a gearing path, a casual M±lite, it would’ve provided 3 pillars for casual players (LFR, PvP, and these). It would’ve provided a legitimate way to keep all those players that are constantly castigated as too unskilled to be in everyone’s M+ runs.

Would any legitimate raider or key runner waste time with LFR or a lesser version of M+, outside of mogs, since the ilvl potential would be slower and lower?

Raiders, KM players, PvPers. All that stuff wasn’t contributing to funneling into raids, M+, etc. Same <1% group that brought us all the other “not hard enough” stuff, design against add-ons instead of interesting encounters, etc.

I don’t have any opinions on the rare drop tables outside of the collectables and mount customizations… so this change feels really bad for me. I used to pop down to the caverns once in awhile for dailies or to see if i could snag a rare I’m missing an item on, but with the new rotation it feels like I’m being forced to play every day now if I want to collect the mogs or mount unlocks? That feels opposite of what the earlier dev commentary said where they wanted to take the game in a direction where you didn’t feel like you had to be on every day.

If they want to make less rares available for whatever weird reason, at least make the loot tables overlap more so we don’t feel like we need to log on for a specific rare on a specific day it’s in the rotation.

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I miss Firelands NGL

That’s why I said worst patch ZONE.

And yeah, the selfie camera patch was pretty bad.