How to increase RBG participation

I’d argue it’s more about the community that makes up rbgs. It isn’t that toxic around 1800 or so but woooo boy trying to push duelist and the groups get more and more toxic.

I don’t think it’s gear gap or rewards… I’d argue it’s community perception, and a combo of gear gap and rewards in addition to the general malaise about SL and BFA.

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This is also a big one. They want you to have glad titles at 1500 for a rbg that I can do in my sleep

I agree. The attitude you have to endure from Q selection to performance to outcome is often painful. This persists not only in high-rated RBG’s it is in every competitive aspect of the game.

Be honest, does Snowcrest mean you have white hair? :upside_down_face:

I’ve stated plenty.

Giving more exclusive rewards to the smidgen at the top who are already enjoying the exclusive rewards isn’t gonna trickle down and increase participation, so as a means to increase participation those resources could be spent elsewhere. You’d just be rewarding the people sitting at the top already, not drawing more in.

My comprehension isn’t in question, yours or your lying is.

So you’re getting carries/running around in basic Conquest gear (that puts you around 250 ilvl), that puts you above a lot of people wanting to PvP, since you can be anywhere between 60-100 ilvl on first hitting 60.

As I said, go see how well you do with just ilvl 100 gear.

Nah pretty sure it’s the possible 100+ ilvl difference.

The last time I managed to get a Rated group was in Season 1, we basically ended up staying dead to avoid getting farmed cause we were all getting 1 shot.

Wouldn’t care that much except the same scenario plays out in Randoms. Skill only factors in when the ilvl is similar right now, otherwise people with higher level steamroll the others and then brag that they’re skilled when they’re not.

Aren’t y’all the ones crying for more participation?

I didn’t, I said 30% of RPVPers (your claim) is more or less the 0.1 or 0.01 or whatever in comparison to everyone palying WoW, they’re not a majority by any means.

Nah, you’re just too quick to insults and tantrums.

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There are no rewards rn for anybody at the top who have already got them once already.
Fortunately with Arena, M+, and Raid, there’s new achievements to get every season for said players.

Again, with the reading. I’ve already told you I believe participation issues are solved with game design. Idk if you need that translated into whatever language you speak primarily.

I just had to remind you what my POV was above. You honestly just don’t read or understand the content of what I’m saying.

Idk man, make your own decision and watch. Streaming now if you want :slight_smile:

I seem to be doing more damage in challenger gear now than people in full duelist with gems.

I’d exaggerate needlessly too in your position.

I’m busy actually proving you live on tv rn.

You’re going to be way higher than 100 at 60 lmao. You can buy a full set of 233 gear and a 262 piece for less than 12-14k on most servers.

And you lying in order to throw a tantrum, this specific tangent had to do with the other poster that becoming the best of the best was everyone’s goal, I disagreed and you took offense to that.

If you say so.

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I was just giving it as an example, my main point if that ilvl determining outcome in PVP is bad in genera, in Rated, in leveling PVP, etc

I think you have a warped idea of reality.

No offense taken; you’re fine!

I’ve been completely honest to you in our coversation. If you believe there’s some malice in adding seasonal specific rewards to RBG that matches what ever other bracket of content already hasve then sure; you can have that opinion.

But can you honestly say you can transition this POV and arguement if we were talking about M+? Arena? Mythic Raiding?

You said gear is the reason for low MMR player woes and not their skill. This is your boat, you sail it champ; I’m just a sight to see.

I do have some but that’s not the reason, lol. It’s actually the name of the company I work for.

It’s painfully obvious from looking at his account that he does not play this game.

queue up with 9 friends and sit a 20min+ queue

matchmaking system is horrible

make it a queue system thats the only way to increase participation we are getting solo queue arenas next expansion with rating so why not rbgs?


This thread so fried my kfc looking soggy. My lord jesusv

Speaking of rewards…do you tihnk people get Honorlevel 1k + for rewards or because they think casual pvp is fun?

I think the best reward would be good fun gameplay…not esports or all the chores needed…or the oneshot burst meta.

I wanted all the rewards I wouldn’t care about an honor level if there were no rewards

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RBGs are fun if you’re doing them with friends/guildies. Otherwise it’s literally the most boring, toxic gaming experience I’ve ever had.

A vast majority of people I’ve grouped with are arena boosters that just want to stomp around on BG/RBG kids. And I’m assuming the reason all these 0 CR YOLO’s are queuing into 1900+ players is because RBGs are dead.


make rbgs a queue system thats the only way to get more people playing it.

If you don’t have a regular discord crew going RBGs are impossible to get into without being a healer, guardian, or very meta DPS.

It’s gotten snobbier in terms of “mic required” too (lol), even though some of the most roflstomp groups I’ve gotten into around 2000cr were all mic-less PUGs at odd hours.

Realistically all you should have to be talking about is who is going to which base, and target calling. Some “required” discords are just pointless gabfests, though.


I can’t see there being some massive resurgence of popularity in any flavor of WoW PvP. The older experienced players are entrenched and as has been discussed thoroughly, more elitist than ever. New players are diametrically opposed to the idea that you need to be at the top of the food chain in order to play. I can’t see this polarization going away…it has been around since vanilla.

What I hope will happen is that the small things change, as has been promised in the new expansion. If we see the effort worthy of being called a success, we can at least spread the word and share with our friends who have left. That would be a good start.