Give mount for 25 wins above 2400 in rbgs. High Warlords Battlesaber, tiger with red glow and horde armor, Grand Marshals Skeletal Charger, skeletal warhorse with gold glow and alliance armor. Give top 0.1% “Legend of the Alliance/Horde” and Hero gets a remastered GM/HWL set.
Bracket is dead and no point in doing it Blizzard. fix ur game
maybe make is so people just getting into pvp are not romstomped. you’re gear is low, you get singled out then killed in a few sec, you are useless and in some modes a flat out hindrance, everyone yells at you for having poor gear. whats not to like coming in freash. all this does is make new pvpers quit and when “skilled”(<=>geared) player leave no one else comes in.
You don’t speak for most people. My opinion is waiting for a guardian to log on (because none of my friends want to reroll one) takes hours. He’s saying it’s gear, and you’re saying because it’s a tiger.
Rewards were tied to PVE power level, and people were willing to run with DH tanks. Also, guardians who did PVE joined up more frequently because they wanted strong vers gear. I’m confused on how catering to the top 1% would increase participation?
More people playing means higher inflation which opens rewards to more people. Season 1 had a ton of 2400 rbg players and was an incentive to push and play
I’m 99% sure the entire community doesn’t want to q because it’s too much of a hassle to get a group together. I don’t think I’ve read a single thread other than this one that includes “needing more cosmetics” as a reason as to why people don’t Q rbgs.
It’s almost like that’s the first season of the expansion. It’s almost like that’s the case EVERY expansion.
Barrier to entry too high (Guardian tank, hard to get into groups as some classes, people requiring abnormally high ilvl for 1300 games) → less people playing.