sigh thanks for proving my point
I dont agree with your opinion. Sorry I guess
Or the opinion of a hundred other posts I suppose
Catering to the top .01% is why this game is so bad atm.
Youre entitled to your fried opinion lol. Also hundreds isnt like 4 people
I suggest you look at the entirety of the BG forums. You are literally the ONLY person who talks about cosmetics being the only reason people don’t do RBGs.
A majority of the BG forums isnt worth reading imo
Yea the opinion of the bottom 99.9% is pretty worthless when you’re talking about building a community.
You keep using random made up percentages of playerbase lmao
Idk you just like to argue so gonna move on from this back and forth
You started using the percentage that we need to give rewards to the top .01%
There should be lol. Should be the same system as 3v3
It’s starting to make sense to me why you lost 300 rating after the destro nerfs.
yeah i was going to say he has 0 pvp cheevs much less any ranked cheevs loool
In 2s? I just help friends get 1800. Idk why youre going down the personal attack route because someone disagrees with you? Pretty cringe
Maybe you dont like the idea of rewards being added youll never be able to get?
Just trying to make the point that you’re dense as a brick
Also higher xp than you in both brackets dork
Nah youre just being a child as usual
Have fun at 1900 <3 cya around Sockems.
Have fun being perma duelist or whatever as prot pally
Hey now, I resemble that comment!
With less success, interesting. Last minute inflation or something
Haha you got it literally the last week of the season. Weird ego
I don’t understand how people aren’t getting the topic of this thread?
We all know gearing is a huge issue, do you really think that will increase participation in rbgs? Maybe a slim amount?
Adding mounts or any cosmetics will increase game play? Why play it if there’s nothing to earn from it? If you argue about “just having fun” that’s why people queue random bgs over rbgs. You’re contradicting your own point lol. Everyone in this thread is terribly wrong except OP of course