How to increase RBG participation

Thats how you feel about it…but the ability to put yourself in other peopls shoes is required to understand why the participation in rbg’s—or currently any content at all----is so low.

Catering to a microscopic part of the community wont make the majority enjoy it more…BUT I do tihnk that it wouldnt be too hard doing both. Making gameplay good, fun, fairly balanced, while also giving rewards for those who put in alot of effort…I cannot see how it would be so hard to do both really!

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I just don’t see why anyone would want to do something if there’s no rewards? It’s weird to me

And why anyone is against it is even more weird to me

Think of old school wpvp. The pvp itself is the reward.

I think Hero is still like 2200 right now. 2400 this season would probably be a pretty tall order unless you’re friends with someone like Camel. lol

2400 gets easier every week with free MMR injection to every character that played in their respective bracket.

People just don’t queue up for ‘strategic’ reasons

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You do hero every season. You think it’s puggable content during a low participation season? Getting a little burnt on spamming 2’s, thought I may give RBGs a little more attention next season.

It relies on the bracket as a whole to collectively queue and not hoard MMR to themselves in fear of losing a virtual number for self-gratification.

Participation is pretty low, but the real influencer is how long the season lasts until Season 4.

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Yeah but that’s casual bgs? So it’s still confusing on why people are against rewards in a rated content

Can you run rbgs as a twink still with your own bracket?

why not try both and see what get filled. the top 1% can have their pvp and the rest can have the low effort ones based on skill. i feel the top 1% didnt like legion because they found out their “skill” didn’t hold up.

random is and will always be the most played pvp mode in the entire game, they should work to make randoms a more balanced playground and everybody will love it. RGB are bad mostly because people don’t want to wait 30minutes waiting to play or being rejected because they not playing FoTM specs

it is mindblowing the way they work to make their more played pvp mode so miserable.


need a battleground thats only available in rated at the gallywix pleasure palace 4sure

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I wonder how viable it would be if your highest enhanced gear rating would only apply in RBG, and only the base attribs were applied in unrated BG’s? Would it limit the steamrolling effect we see now? I don’t feel that severely undergeared with welfare conquest set, and the Legendary slots add some punch, as does the Set piece conversion.

Too many cd trades and high burst, making it a complicated, fast paced esports game. The learning curve is steep, and not many enjoy the long, hard work that needs to be put into the “game” before it will be possible to enjoy it…at some point in the future.

There are so few playing WoW pvp at low rating that it doesnt take many matches before you start facing high rated players. (not to metion the pro booster teams)

Its like any other competitative activity…if a beginner amateur only faces professionals he/she wont be participating for long.

I think lower skilled players needs to be protected from the high rated players for a much longer time. It takes a long time to “git gud”, but a very short time before you start facing the pros.


Do you want more participation or not? If the rewards only go to the top .1% of players, that means only 1% of players will bother with them. And some will be discouraged and quit, knowing that the program which is intended to funnel more rewards to you is a total waste of their time.

If Blizzard wants more participation, they need to encourage more players to participate, not make it clear that if you aren’t already in the top 1% you’re wasting your time paying for your subscription.


Tidepod laying waste to people with logic lol.

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People keep forgetting this is an MMORPG, not an arena or RBG exclusive thing, and frankly, they’ve been treating these aspects of the game as a sort of side end game for years, and for a reason.

This doesn’t mean that PvP shouldn’t be given the love and attention it deserves, but the mentalities in this thread are one of the reasons why it’s so hard to cater to the audience.
The mindset behind your average MMO player and that of your “average” PvP player differ immensely. The same problem can be seen with high end M+ and even Mythic raids now, but it’s the worst when it comes to PvP.

It doesn’t take a degree in psychology to look at how the game is structured, and understand that an average player is going to do something that rewards their time and efforts over something that doesn’t. They will always take the easy way out, so now that RBGs are a pain to form, people are just capping in 2s because it’s easier.
I get the same rewards from 2s as I do from RBGs. 30 achievement points isn’t worth the time investment, because frankly, that’s all I get out of RBGs, and I’d rather play with my friends, who aren’t good enough to keep up with them too.

Until people change their mentality towards PvP in an MMORPG, it’ll continue to wane. They can put as many rewards as they want for top percentiles, but it’ll still just be the same group of people playing for those rewards. You need a base for the MMR pyramid, and we lost the base harder in RBGs than we did in arenas. Focusing on building the playerbase as a whole back up matters more than people’s egos.

XIV changed it’s rewards structure to a battle pass style grind system, and it’s PvP blew up within it’s community, attracting people who normally wouldn’t touch the feature at all, and eventually getting those players who were in it just for the cosmetics to push ranks for the frames.
But the moment you say grind a vocal minority of players lose their mind, and we’re back to square one. We can learn a lot from how they completely revitalized their scene, alongside other MMOs who just rain rewards upon people for just playing.

Meanwhile, we can also learn a lot about how hard and fast Wildstar killed it’s PvP scene, and I’m seeing a lot of the same egotistical takes that were being spewed right before that game’s PvP scene died well before it’s PvE.

This is a forum, read. This is an MMORPG, stop treating it like something it’s not, and people will play.

Also yes, balance matters, but we’ve been moaning and complaining about imbalances and outliers since the very start. It matters less than people want it to. The gearing issues were worse than class balance, outside weird outliers like only one tank being viable. Fix that too, for the love of god.


I disagree

Giving rewards won’t increase RBG participation if it’s only for the top % and it isn’t like it was in S1 where weapons were great for PVE. At the end of the day, RBGs just aren’t that enjoyable because class balancing doesn’t happen for RBGs like… ever. Once you play against competent players who have a semblance of how to play, if you aren’t one of the RBG meta specs then it feels even worse than not being an arena meta spec.

On top of that, the whole Guardian druid Incarn lego is just game ruining when 6 of the 8 total maps utilize the legendary. When you take into account you need 3 healers, 1 tank (surprise it has to be guardian) and a rogue, you’re left with 5 choices for dps and generally speaking this season they are.

Aff lock
Fury War
Second rogue, second aff lock, second moonkin, ret paladin.

That’s basically what you get to be in RBGs. If you want to play above rat league, this is basically what you get to be. Add in the toxicity of the bracket, the carries, the Russian carries that just leave, and the wild MMR swings, and it just isn’t fun.

Blizzard needs to, but won’t take the time, in making it a 6v6 bracket and changing the maps around. Too many of the maps like AB, Gilneas, DWG, and EOTS, revolve around just floating a single person to reinforce a base which drags out long fights in mid. Smaller group fights would make other classes more enjoyable, and team fights would be more arena-style rather than m+. Again, Blizzard will never do this, but that’s probably the only thing that could make RBGs more mainstream.

I think that Arena gear and RBG should be scaled. People are getting geared in Arena’s (Duel/Glad) then going to RBG’s with 0 rating and dominating. If the gear got scaled based on rating it would encourage more people to do RBGs. I am terrible in arenas but good in RBGs.