That’s a good question honestly lol. I post on whatever toon I’m playing the most at the time. When I’m on the prot It’s generally because I have a lot more energy irl, which translates to more forum trolling ig :C?
I do think OP has a point, better rewards are way overdue for rbgs and honestly, I know a lot of old hota friends who can’t be bothered to do rbgs because there’s really no reason to.
I also think the rbg bracket would be much healthier if they addressed the FC issue we’re having where only 1 spec of the 36 specs in the game can actually do the job. I think if they just committed to tanks being FC’s and added PvP talents geared towards grabbing the flag and moving the flag we would see a lot more participation because groups won’t have to sit at 0/3/6 for an hour.
I think a lot of tanks can move the flag, the main issue with guardian being the only tank, is because it’s the only one that can stealth. That’s not easy to fix. Remove guardians ability to stealth for a good pvp talent maybe? Maybe make it so you can get sleeper effect but forfeit your right to be able to stealth? Even then you would rather have stealth psure.
Honestly, I know how insane it is to stealth directly to the flag, but I really think the biggest difference is sleeper & guardian survivability. Guardians actually can’t die for some reason; I think it has to do with their mastery and how strong frenzy regen is. If they made it to where guardian was actually the squishiest tank but was the only tank to have stealth it would be completely different. I think the blizz team has to be creative though, for example I think they need to give Brewmasters the ability to roll with flag, I think they need to make it to where Demon Hunters can ‘walk through the shadows’ (DH Tank Stealth) with a PvP talent, Give blood dks Instant Door of Shadows as a PvP talent. They can go crazy with ideas but they need to do something. It’s insane that Guardian is the only real PvP tank.
Ya Its True.
So Sad
Giving rewards only to the top 0.1% is gonna motivate the other 99.99%? LOL
Better/more rewards would be beneficial. That being said I think other things would help more.
- Actually balancing rbgs a bit. They only balance around 3s really (and barely that). If they put some effort in it would be more fun. Right now 3sl/PvE balancing can make rbgs more whack than most other modes.
- Make it 6 man so it’s easier to get groups.
- Make it solo/duo que so again it’s easier to get groups.
I would play it more if any of those three things were done. Regardless of rewards.
As great as people think it will be solo queue is going to be cancer. If they make it for rated. It’s going to be the same thing as randoms. People are going to complain. They didn’t have any OP classes while the other team did. People are still going to leave after their team gets smashed in the team fight. They’re not going to punish people for leaving.
The coordination is not even going to be. There. Will be the same thing as tanks in randoms refusing to sit bases or grab flags.
It generally is. Still it would at least be a thing then. Now rbgs basically don’t exist. I actually don’t want it for arenas but do want it for rbgs.
Who cares?
Why not? Most solo/duo que games do.
Again who cares? If you try, eventually you’ll get to your desired MMR.
Anyways I’m not saying solo/duo que would even be my main recommendation. It’s just one of the possible solutions. Simply bumping it down to 6 man’s would probably help.
give us a rated battleground where its just petbattles yeah that would be so sick and cool yeah please yes
They do exist just like it would for solo. But having a solo queue it just makes it random with a number tied to it. It’s going to be the same thing as don’t tell me how to play. It really is going to be cancer.
Every person on the wow BG form. I can already see the amount of post about how terrible it is and people need to be banned.
They have already made statements in regarding this for mythic plus. People will leave after a tank Does one bad pull or wipe on a boss. They don’t want to punish people if they got disconnected and they don’t want to punish people for not wanting to sit in a bad group. It’s going to be the exact same thing with solo queue. And they already don’t punish people if they leave in the middle of a rated BG.
The best solution has to do with the community. Catechism was the best because everyone just took anyone. It was new and tons of people were playing in. There were too many different types of groups. Now you have extremely low rated players wanting to run a meta and they can’t even use the strategy for the meta correctly. Most of the problems with this game is solely focused around the community. Whatever top groups are running in everyone’s eyes below them, that is the only possible and viable comp.
They don’t. Solo/duo que would make it much easier to get groups going. Especially if it was for 6 people instead of ten.
Again who cares? The forums are a whinny mess. Blizzard hasn’t listened ever so why start now?
Lol wut… Why are you comparing m+ to solo/duo que PvP. It’s not even remotely the same. Literally zero similarities. Ones scripted content where you make your own group. That’s literally what I’m saying isn’t working for PvP.
Again this is premade content where you pick your group. The actual comparison is random BG’s which have a afk penalty so it would most likely exist.
Yup this is a problem. One of the many. Hilariously enough solo/duo que also addresses this
RBGs are dead and I will tell ya why…
Lets say you are doing a guild run … Ok…
From my experience this is how it goes and Ive done it with multiple guilds.
They say RBGs in 10 minutes… Ok?
People trickle in one at a time and it takes 30 minutes for everyone to show up… OK?
Now we wait until everyone is in voice coms… another 10 minute chore cause people have no awareness of others time.
Then we get everyone in chat channel and someone say GTG. Wife aggro or dog aggro etc.
Bam , awesome, we wait longer for a replacement.
So now we have waited a very long time doing nothing and its BORING!
Now if we do LFG for rated stuff the wait is even longer and when 1 loss happens half the group bails out for greener pastures and better carry group… Then you wait more…
Thats whats wrong with RBGs…
You wanna fix it?? Put RBGs in the group finder thing like randoms are and allow rated stuff to be solo que… Bam I just increased RBG participation …
Now will the elitists like it? Nope.
Will the traditional no changes crowd like it? Nope…
Who cares what they think. Lets get rated stuff in the solo que NOW>.
There are 27 groups right now in LFG. With six players you would have to cut the maps down to like 3 only. That will be stale. Would make it easier but to little maps.
They do, just because they don’t agree with every single change doesn’t mean they don’t. They have through the years made tons of changes people have complained about.
It is 100% the same when you are asking them to punish people for leaving groups for no reason. The statement on itself stands. They will not punish people for “DC” or sitting in what someone thought was a failed group.
That isn’t a punishment. People just log onto other toons and queue up. Most of time in a new BG before the other one finished. And again, they don’t punish people now for leaving a rated BG.
Until one team gets the FOTM OP classes while the other team gets below par.
Honestly people wont even agree on strats for most part. Even in PUGS right now people argue about strats. You will probably even have a lot of people who just want to sit afk and let their team try and carry them. Their is a lot of problems already with players in PvP, this just adds another place for them to do nothing.
They do need to find a way to make it more bearable. IMO I don’t think it is possible. Most people in RBGs are just toxic and I think they should scrap RBGs in general.
I’m not understanding. If nobody who isn’t already doing RBG’s has a chance at that reward, you won’t get a single new player into that.
A new mount for a handful of top performers is all about rewards. It’s certainly not intended to be an incentive for a large number of players to start doing RBG’s.
yeah like… man i miss those… having an INCENTIVE to Q up for something
mogs mounts skins titles achieves challenges blah blah blah
they could make the game a lot better if it was a tad bit more rewarding imo . like say i do a fudgeton of BGs and i have 10000000 honor points. i can use them to spend on stuff like mogs and mounts and new skin colors and titles… omfg how leet would that be
If pointless arguing on the forums ever led to anything good rbgs would have been fixed 10 years ago.
There’s obviously a lot of issues, but adding more rewards would be a great start.
I don’t understand the mentality of players who think it would be bad for Blizzard to only add rewards for the top 0.1%
When I first started playing this game, becoming one of the best players is what I felt like everyone shared as a common goal.
Nowadays, if you can’t get the reward for being mediocore players thinks it’s bad to implement.
More rewards will 110% increase participation, a lot in the short term and probably a slight increase if you look at long-term data.
However, there’s a few other things that would make a much more significant impact.
Separate class balancing for RBGs and Arena, fresh map ideas, as well as new cosmetics, mounts, toys, titles.
But you’re only kidding yourself if you actually think Blizzard would be smart enough/care enough to ever do any of the above.
Your “punishment” is that you are locked to that instance until the match is over. Not too much different than a deserter debuff.
Because there’s millions of players and that 0.1 already has a bunch of special exclusive rewards?
It’s not a smart business move sinking who who’s how much resources into something that 99.99 of the players are never going to use (see original Naxxramas and the development of LfR), the point is to increase participation, not give rewards on top of rewards to the smallest “community” in the game.
It wasn’t.
Having fun and exploring was the main draw. Power progression is nice, but that applies to every game ever. “I want to be the very best, like no one ever was!” Is not a universal sentiment.
Buying Carries or having a higher ilvl does lot translate to skill.
Not if people can’t get those rewards. The point of the reward, is to actually get that reward, not just dangle it out of people’s reach.
Not much of one since most people stop trying at that point. It can be like a 3 min punishment. They will never give out punishments for people leaving.