How to increase RBG participation

K youre just going on some tangent about class balance.

The extra rewards should also include the lower bracket. imma be honest when I see “top 0.1%” attached to a reward I immediately think “yeah I’ll never see that lmao” not “wow one day I’ll get that, let’s queue up!”

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oh sorry these unlike raiding cosmetics are time sensitive so you missed the season lockout, so now neither you nor anyone else will ever be bale to get them ever again.

As if that has nothing to do with people enjoying the game. By your logic the best way to get more people pveing is to create more hairstyles at the barber shop?

Analogy makes zero sense

Coudlnt hurt, we do like options.

About as much sense as your ability to type.

Cosmetics won’t fix RBG’s, fixing the game would. End of story.

the red elite pally set from cata :sob:

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Mmk anyways add better rewards to rbgs

hugs and headpats

too many for me to count.

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This is the 1st exp I have ever attempted to focus on pvp for rating(cuz of the gear). It has way to many variables for me to enjoy it. You have 4 covs, 3 diff soulbinds per cov, a dozen or so legos, gated gear, and the time waiting for the groups to form. Then throw in the meta snobs who kick in at the 1600s.

I would rather just do randoms with the all the brainless FOTM players and blanket premades to destress from my day.


This post is how I feel 99% of the community feels.

That should tell you something when Wintergrasp is the most liked BG currently.

Maybe for people on defense that want an easy win. I hate it tbh.
My favorite epic is ashran.
The constant teamfighting is much more interesting than vehicle combat.

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<== see this toon? i pvp on him when i’m not subbed because 20/29 is more fun than end game. i like to pvp and i get jack at this level but i find it fun. i’m subbed right now and tried to do end game pvp and i can not wait for my sub to laps so i can play a more fair 20/29 bracket. you could offer what ever you want i’m not pvping at end game.

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It is possible to win on offense, you just have to corral all the kitties XD

Ashran and AV are really fun too.

We don’t talked about the one-sided other one >_>

For rbgs MW monk and hpal are meta healers and they hard cast.

As a one button tank, I don’t think that is THE reason RBG participation is down.

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It’s boring and not challenging. People would rather play other tanks but can’t. That’s what I’m getting at.

I also listed several reasons as to why RBG participation is low.

Off-topic; why is it that you’re rational when you post on this toon and not your prot pala?

On-topic. Rewards for the higher end is fine, and overdue.
Making your game better quality overall increases pariticipation.
Like removing borrowed power; at least in pvp.
Having 1 set of gear.
Not dying in a stun with 50% DR. (but thats borrowed power ig).

Give classes clear playstyles. E.g. Why was deathbolt ever a thing; why is deathbolt still a thing. Why was soulswap ever removed in Legion.

Revert rating system back to MoP.