How to increase RBG participation

I had to leave a RBG once due to a reason beyond my control. I felt bad about it since you can’t exactly backfill those. But all the same I had no choice but to leave.

I’m fine with being “locked out” of being able to queue for something else for the time being. It doesn’t need to be severe.

Like what? And so what if they do? Is it bad if top end exclusive rewards are added to this bracket like they have been added to every bracket?
Cutting Edge?
M+ Hero?
R1 Titles?

Adding 0.1% cutoff rewards isn’t a resource sink. Wake up chef.

Because you say so?

He’s sharing his anecdote from his experience with other players who were the best of the best.

True. Nobody is arguing otherwise. This is just an arbitrary comment though.

The rewards are an incentive to get better and eventually achieve that reward in a longer term goal.

Why should you be achieving literally any reward in your life time without effort?
You want a reward you can achieve with 0 effort for the sake of arguing against anybody in the top 0.1% achieving it.

You’re so lost it’s insane.

this is exactly why … to hard to make a group. join a group … everyone is looking for JUST the RIGHT comp


Honestly? This is what increases RBG participation.

Make gear not matter. Stat templates are dumb, just scale everyone to a specific easy to aquire ilvl. Such as like 180 or something.

Make the honor grind give good gear that is comparable to like normal mode raids. Lets be real those raids aren’t hard, lets stop pretending pve is any harder than pvp. People don’t do content that is meaningless and offers no decent reward.

Make the honor gear look cool. Be a nice little transmog worth getting. I’d make it different from the arena gear and not just by color either. This isn’t to say… make them “peasant” sets like that crappy WoD LFR gear did. No give us proper looking alternatives someone can be proud to wear in a future expansion pack further down the line.

Also… please get rid of the faction war. Remove the stupid limitations. Re-design every BG if you have to. WSG could be two warring goblin lumber factions for all I care. Maybe the map layout is kept and they just go to a new area. Not everything has to be horde vs alliance to be a battleground. This world is filled with smaller warring factions. Aldor and Scryer anyone?

Reasons why it is nowhere near as popular as it was back in say… WotLK?

  1. People get farmed too easily. The ilvl limit will fix that enabling them to actually play the game instead of promoting them to hide and afk or not bother at all.

  2. Even if the gear won’t matter in BGs, getting it will still be a nice bonus for them to perhaps dip their toes into raids later. Or other content. Instead of making BG’s feel like they just give useless rewards and waste my time if I go into them after doing something as basic as a m0.

  3. New mogs are always popular. There’s nothing to really aim for these days. So less reason to queue.

  4. And yeah, the slow faction decline killed pvp big time. Turns out people just want to play with their friends no matter what. And others want to “be on the winning side” so the best way to not have a “winning side” and thus also a “losing side” is to just ditch the sides all together. Now every new BG is a chance to seek victory.


They really don’t. They do their own thing and we live with it. Then they see subs drop and come up with their own fixes. Have you seen the constant decline of rbg pop expansion after expansion?

Not even remotely close. Again random BG’s are the que up and at version of solo que. There’s decent penalties for that. That’s very very different than putting a group together yourself where you can block people that leave.

Not even the same realm of content.

Again, doesn’t matter. This happens in every game. The good players will find ways to play around this. With 6 players it would also be easier to solo carry games than with 10.

Eh possibly… I really haven’t played a ton because PvP died in legion, pretty sure that was the last time I played more than a few.

For me it’s honestly barrier of entry. Getting ten people you like together to play is pretty impossible these days. I’m lucky to get two other pvpers on to do 3s.

That and gearing. Such a pain in the A and rating locked gear is the worst.

If you block someone you won’t be out in a BG with them. They added that in like Cata. So still same thing… But also someone quiting a random BG doesn’t make or waste your time.

Other end it can ruin your key and have to push it again and if it is pretty high can be a pain. One is far worse than the other.

So yeah, don’t think they will punish people for leaving a solo que RNG when people ruin keys all the time.

Don’t try and act like RBGs are a sub thing lol. People who only pvp make up such a small fraction of their subs. What have they ignored about RBGs for years? They gave more rewards via mounts. They changed rating gain. They fixed tanks being unkillable till ten stacks. They fixed map bugs people exploited with pets and charge. They fixed people forcing DCs. Changed 15 man BGs to 10. I mean there is a lot of changes if you look back.

Easier with more people. More people can make up for someone being terrible. Less people is harder.

I mean 1/6 of a team under performing or 1/10 of a team.

I honestly have maybe done 30 to 40 BG’s this entire season. I don’t have a problem with their idea. I would still prefer just two sets but upgrading just gave me something to do. I honestly just don’t like doing it because of the people in general.

Randoms without a pre-made or just so bad. There’s so many people who are clueless and don’t understand basic strategies that go back years.

Today I was in WSG and the horde was intercepting us and watched four people try to ride right through them and we just got demolished.

Then someone who was trying to ride through the battle said he is tired of losing. Then I honestly politely ask him then why did you try to avoid the team fight? To the typical answer, the objective is capturing the flag :rofl:.

I can give you examples in almost every single BG where it goes wrong for teams. Then it’s blamed it’s against a pre-made or they outgear us. When in truth the team was hust being stupid and tried to do something stupid and got outplayed.

I don’t understand why you’re still here if you apparently hate the game this much?

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LOL as if this would make ppl want to RBG with how horrid balancing is and horrid gearing system LOL i cant . Its a lil early for a sunday post .


You keep misreading what I’m saying. Anyways, we are going to agree to disagree. I think my list would help. As they stand they’re pretty dead.

You’ve already asked this and I’ve already answered you lol… But here goes again I guess.

  1. I did quit, for a good chunk of time.
  2. I came back because a few RL friends wanted to PvE. First time I’ve bothered to get KSM. Was mildly entertaining, mostly because friends make anything more fun.
  3. I miss the days when PvP in this game was good so as long as I’m here I’m gonna advocate for it to be better.
  4. If they don’t implement DF gearing in season 4 I might quit again. KSM is only so fun lol.

Hey guys- yeah I finished a Grand marshal in non-seasonal classic and then did the Tactician. I never got into rated pvp because honestly I found that the server participation wasn’t really there.
That’s cool too that you said something about the Dragon Flight pvp system being revamped to remove Conquest Rewards. My take will be that people who like pvp lifestyle will keep pvp’ing, because that is what they do and people who want to paly based on an itemized elo will likely not- but that’s neither a good or bad thing.

shrug Just seems odd to maintain a sub just to argue on and on with forum strangers. I guess that’s your entertainment, oh well. :slight_smile:

I mean that’s one of the 4 parts? Focus on what triggers ya though.

Seems like we both get a kick.

points at the Rated Mogs, Titles, and Mounts

Not the clap back you think it is.

It is because they already have those top end exclusive rewards.

It absolutely takes resources.

And again, spending resources on something most people aren’t going to interact with is not a good move or a good look.

That’s not what he said at all.

It’s at the root of why PVP participation is down. Skill and tactics don’t matter, only ilvl, and you have so many people trying to pretend otherwise and something else is the issue.

But people can’t get better currently, it’s not a skill thing, practicing doesn’t help, it’s farm gear in one way or the other and just stream roll the otherside.

I never claimed this.

I spoke against Rated getting MORE exclusive rewards on top of the exclusive rewards they already get because it wouldn’t help participation in the slightest.

Ok random insult over something you yourself made up.

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Solo queue. Fixed.

the current gear system makes rated pvp and pvp in general stink. then add the frustrations of making a group on top of that. its pretty obvious why people don’t want to play. as more and more stop playing, this has a snowball effect of shrinking the ladder so that you are facing harder opponents at lower difficulties, making climbing even harder.

also, the main issue with the gearing system is that if you go on any win streak to try and get an upgrade, this can boost your MMR into a higher gear upgrade bracket, meaning you end up stuck with 1400 gear in the high 1500s CR with an 1800MMR facing players with 1600/1800/2100 gear.

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Rated bgs were only fun when it was a huge pve fest in the middle and the best team fight would win the game. You could have a rogue sitting flag carriers to slow them down and each defensives and you could sit certain defenders at bases where they could hold for 30-45 seconds.

They just need to stop trying to make rated bgs about capping things and instead be about either double capping bases or huge team fights the 2 most fun things about rbgs. If both of these things are decently balanced then it doesnt really matter which tank you have or what base sitters you have you still have fun.

Let this be a lesson to wow devs. The moment you implement scaling of ANY kind to pvp you are trying to bandaid a much bigger underlying cause. In this case…anyone with half a brain realized during the announcement of sl about conduits, covenants, soulbunds, legendaries that were crafted again, you instantly had all the ingredients for a situation that would be impossible to balance. NASA space engineers would have to be hired to balance the math out. So what did you do in s2? You started scaling again. Now In s3 participation is way down. S4 will be even worse. And we will be back to full blown scaling like end of bfa and all the hidden math. You were so close to good pvp in s1 except for all the parasitic systems you had before the gates to sl even opened.
Let loot be loot. Remove time gating. Don’t have scaling. Address the underlying causes of all your systems


“Elite” mogs that are at 1800 are not a reward for the top 0.1%, more like the top 30% or more. Vicious mounts, the only mounts you can earn in RBGs are even more of a joke if you are trying to talk exclusiveness. They are available to anyone over 1k rating in arena or RBGs. Nothing about that is exclusive to the 0.1% at all. Titles are earned once and are never an incentive again unless you are playing alts. There are no changing titles for the top players each season in RBGs like there are in arena.

There are basically no rewards or incentives to push high-end RBGs other than once for titles. Seems like a problem to me.


you get a mount for reaching 2k+ it doesnt seem like a problem for me . An exclusive mount that ppl are buying boosts for lol . Maybe if they got rid of boosting the mounts would feel more rare for you guys .

No, you don’t.