How to increase RBG participation

And honest to god I don’t know why people think there needs to be 1% rewards for RBG players as if the top RBG teams have had anyone quit or significant roster changes. These people will play the game regardless. Adding in a trophy for the winningest teams isn’t going to increase participation.

It was fairly obvious what drove participation and what didn’t when you look at S1 Shadowlands gear being on par with mythic raid gear in PVE. That brought players. Real tangible power-based rewards brought people to RBGs, and when that was removed nobody queued them anymore.

And when you looked at S1, even post-rating inflation, 2400 was still achievable by a large amount of people. I feel like we’ll still get the same PVP ilvl increase mechanic on gear in DF. I think what might help though is allowing an item, or maybe three, to be upgradable to mythic level in PVE. For instance, gear would be 278 in PVE for those pieces if you were duelist, and 285 if you hit 2400, but only for whatever 3 pieces. Could say like, MH/OH, and necklace.

This just simply isn’t true. The RBG community used to be massive, now there’s a maximum of 2 competitive teams ever qing at one time. Idk what perspective you’re looking at it from, but 90% of the players that queued RBGs at a high mmr in MoP don’t play anymore, and haven’t in a long time. The community dwindles more each season.

I also don’t know when or what changed, but people used to care about trying to get good at a video game, rather than have every reward given to them for simply participating. Add rewards for every % of the bracket, but the top rewards should be more unique and better.

Also before anyone tries to say they already are, please just don’t. There hasn’t been a unique reward added to RBGs since the original rewards when the bracket was invented. (The rescaling of rating and the boring new titles for each “new” bracket don’t count.)

And to take it one step further, there technically hasn’t even been a new BG added since MoP, either. The rework of Deepwind ruined one of the best maps (Legion Season 4-7 Excluded, but you can’t blame a bad meta on the map) , Seething Shore was added and removed, and I highly doubt it’s ever coming back. Arathi and Warsong got graphical updates, but the maps remained the same. Almost 0 effort has been put into the bracket in the past 10+ years. But, people still log onto the forums and act like it’s the player base/community at fault.

Its dead because the game sucks (garbage class design), not because people dislike RBG.

just add the m+ rewards to rbg its not rocket science cmon now

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RBGs were popping off in S1 of SLands where were you? It wasn’t a 1% reward, it was literally gear being on par with raiding that brought lots of mythic raiders to RBGs because the CR was easy and the rewards were good.

What you want is for like 30 people to come back so the same 3 teams now have another 3 more teams to queue into. There were hundreds of HotH/A in S1. I know because I got it literally just dicking around and fell into it. In S2 they removed that PVE power and participation went back into the trash can.


It’s RBGs nobody takes this bracket seriously besides literally an amount of teams countable on a single hand.

IDK man the well-documented list of ridiculous shenanigans and behavior didn’t really help. Like, I can go queue arena and not deal with that.

Dude how many people cheated in WoD RBGs? Bots, fly hacking, lag7… What do you think happened? PUBG was fun too until I was playing against aimbotters left and right. Then I quit. It’s probably not an issue anymore, but why would I bother going back? That ship has sailed.


You’re great at picking the outliers for your arguments. High item level gear specific to one season does not classify as a unique RBG reward, especially since they could be obtained in any PvP bracket. Also, the mmr was near the most inflated it’s ever been in RBGs, at least early on. People got their player power and quit playing, that doesn’t mean the bracket was alive. They were just taking advantage of a bad game design. It was also the beginning an of expansion, where numbers are always higher than later on for obvious reasons.

As if this was only an issue in WoD, or only an issue in RBGs. People did all of the above in MoP, people did all of the above in arena too, but Blizzard actually banned them instead of waiting years to do anything. Of course people are going to continue to cheat if Blizzard fails time and time again to take any course of action.

Not only that, WoD was the easiest expansion there’s ever been to buy a new account and gear your character in less than a few days with all the different ways to get mass amounts of honor/conquest.

Blizzard deserves a high amount of blame for the bracket dying is my main point. People come on here and act like it’s only the player base at fault.

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I would have no problem with giving more rewards for high end rankings , but the ppl who get these are ging to play RBGs any how it wont increase more ppl at lower levels. I enjoy RBGs but i range 1300 -1400 every season and am lucky if i can sneak up to 1600 . These are the brackets where you want more ppl . How to increase those im not sure

Yeah I never said it did. I said it’s what got people to play RBGs.

Great, since it is a dead bracket who really cares. Let people feel good about getting gear and 2400.

S1 of Slands probably had the most RBG participation in the past 3 expansions.

It was rampant in WoD. Hell you couldn’t get into a group as aff unless you were a bot. This was the worst season for it.

Literally this. If they want RBGs to be good they may want to also reconsider the 10 man roster is horrendous and politics-based.

Cheating wasn’t specific to WoD. I think from your PoV you were exposed to it in WoD moreso than any other time.

Because once most people have hero they don’t care to push for something they already have again.

If they can’t incentivize PVE players to play, the only other pool to draw from are PVP players who don’t currently play the content. Poor balance, etc. happens in arena too, but people still play it because they get seasonal rewards from it.

A one and done reward system just isn’t that fetching.

So make the Hero title disappear like glad titles do.

the 10v10 premade bracket just has too many probs with it

  • promotes toxicity
  • promotes flavor of the month cherry picking
  • promotes wintrading
  • promotes throwing
  • promotes carrying
  • promotes degenerate gameplay/comps

lets just have a 6v6 solo Q. would be ten billion times better


Wod had way WAY more botting Mop was bad as well 2 but botting Teed off in wod.


increase participation is really easy, just remove the garbage stuff that ruin the game for everybody there, fixes … how? remove retarded stuff like “Legacy of the Sleeper” and “Craven”… done

Agree with most of your points, but I’m curious why you feel 6v6 would be any different?

That really only works for Glad because of the mount (which a seasonal hero mount would probably make the bracket a little more active). But either way, I’m really surprised to see so much negative reaction towards increased rewards from so many people.

If they’re not going to balance the game, throwing a few more trinkets to show for people’s effort doesn’t seem like it would have any negative consequences that I can think of typing this.


I’m not comparing anything.

Cheating isn’t expansion specific.

Also, argumentative. Forums didn’t blow up about cheating until WoD. People only started their anti-cheater crusades in WoD too.

Comments like that almost make me wanna convert to christianity.

Toxicity exists in all forms on competition.
FoTM re-rollers exist in every bracket. Just look at the ladder everytime something new is found out. E.g. AWC Outlaw rogues!
Wintrading occurs in retail and classic 3v3.
Check the Arena forums out for boosting complaints. Literally one every week.
DK Lock. MLX. Double destro. Yeah, not degen comps in 3s or anything…

Probably the most disgusting comment in this thread.

its the most accurate comment in the thread lol

theres a reason no one cares about rated bgs

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