When they were first introduced, I was not happy with the idea at all. In zone chat I don’t think anyone Horde side was thrilled with the idea. I was even more unhappy when I learned they were the only race to play Paladin. I grudgingly rolled one to play paladin. By the end of the expansion I was ok with Blood Elves.
Never really been a fan. They are too pretty and too arrogant for my tastes. I have grown to respect Lor’themar and the other leaders from the way they have been portrayed in the last few xpacs but the overall portrayal of the regular population leaves a bad taste in my mouth.
Personally, I would have liked them better if the Fel and the withdrawals from their magic addiction had warped them a little more. Maybe made them a little more aggressive and less perfect. Lean more toward the withered with some slightly demonic traits than just High Elves with green eyes. And portray their addiction a little more prominently. They are an entire race of junkies but you would hardly know that the way they are shown.
Blood Elves have been a part of the Horde for far longer than they were ever with the Alliance, a faction they only begrudgingly joined thanks to an ancestral IOU Lothar had.
But, that doesn’t stop the cries of, “not muh Horde!!!” from those who never evolved beyond WC3. Also from those who think Garrosh was anything other than the worst WarChief in history, and those who think we should all just go back to WC2 where the Horde was pure black Evil for Lulz and pretend that basically all the franchise since never happened. There’s not actually many who think that way, just that the ones who do are loud, so the impression is inflated.
There’s… no reasoning with such people either way, so it’s just something you to live with and ignore.
I don’t mind Blood Elves but I wish Blizz would realize there’s other playable races in the game that could use attention too.
Are you telling me you don’t use seasoning?
They’re okay.
Need more Zandalari Trolls though
Literally any race > Belves > Vulpera
They could try to make Belf Male faces to not look like plastic masks.
Blood Elves fit the Horde perfectly. Love them. Considering they’re the most played race in the Horde I’d guess most Horde players probably like them, alot.
Not a fan of them and not a fan they are in the Horde.
The race just feels like Blizzard said “let try to create a Drow type race that is pretty as High elves but not as evil as the Forsaken or Drow”.
Nightbourne many not be as evil as Drow, their looks fit a LOT closer to what Drow would be. The blond skinny humans should be Alliance so all the Legolas fanbois can have their hunters
They’re good and interesting and need more lore. Silvermoon needs a revamp.
Blood Elves are the reason Nightborne are in the Horde. As a Nightborne, I don’t feel all that strongly Horde. They are just more welcoming of our need to freely practice magic. I appreciate the Horde’s hospitality.
And we sin’dorei appreciate you shal’dorei as well. Have any arcwine? I do love the berry flavor.
Their models are great, but I really, really dislike how most gear looks on them.
Actually, I recall Blizzard’s explanation at the time was they wanted to give Horde a “pretty” race to play.
The concern at the time was that too many players were Alliance and not enough were playing Horde (despite Horde’s racial abilities being generally better).
Blizzard thought to right the imbalance by giving players who wanted to play a pretty race a way to do so as Horde.
Unfortunately, Blizzard tipped the ship of faction balance over the other way. Now nobody plays Alliance and everyone is Horde.
I play both factions but in my experience everytime I do an alliance quest I cringe at the whole “goody goody good guy motif” also “for the alliance” sounds bland and boring compared to “for the horde”
Their racial accounted for part of their popularity, as did the fact that they’re the Horde DH race, and that until BFA they were one of only two Horde races that could be a Paladin - one of the most popular classes in the game.
I have two BE. I don’t like them a lot, or at all. Particularly the way most legs+boots combinations look on them. But my DH has to be a BE, and I don’t feel like paying $25 to race change my Paladin.
Well Jeff Kaplan felt that you Hordies needed a pretty race. So they gave you a pretty race back in 2006.
It’s kind of stupid now to even say you Hordes dont want Blood Elves anymore.