I love Blood Elves, but I loved them more when their morally grey attitudes were played on. Now we just kind of exist.
I’ll say that I wish there were fewer of them.
They have hookah lying around in the buildings of their city yet i cant smoke it. Why? Because apparently the tip will taste like cow breath. I’ll have you know that I brush my teeth with the earth from the earth mother three times a day thank you very much!
Be gone Troll!
I don’t care about Blood Elf characters or players. The Forsaken are the only faction that matters to me. So, I guess I’m mostly indifferent, though the Blood Elves have been good allies to the Forsaken and the Horde, so that’s good.
As a person who plays Horde almost exclusively from the start (and used to be a Blood Elf main) I think the story of the blood elves fits the Horde Thrall was trying to create. With the War Council now I think they fit in even better.
My now personal disdain for all elves aside, I feel the Blood Elves and the Nightborne are a welcome voice within the Horde.
I’ll be honest. I still feel kind of ‘betrayed’ when BC released. Not the Blood Elves themselves but the fact that we lost one of the big things that made each faction unique. Paladins were Alliance and Shamans were Horde. But I’m old and fear change
Blood Elves haven’t been a “new addition” since 2006. I think we’ve had time to adjust.
I used to play non elf Horde races. I was a bit ambivalent about them but the deeply flawed nature and the fact that they got a guy who was a voice of my childhood growing up was very attractive. If they had been generic elves instead of zombie apocalypse survivors I wouldn’t have been down.
I wanted to play a race where the male character isn’t super orc level swole but also isn’t totally emaciated and looking like death like forsaken and make darkspear are.
come on cousin, don’t be like that
That’s my first 2 hours of gameplay in any game with a decent editor XD
Elf fantasy never appealed to me. Doesn’t mean I don’t like them.
Just their atmosphere and overall ideology seems to sit around haughtiness and perfection. Even when they “fail” it is chalked up to being done that way cause they pitty x persons.
I’ll be honest, I feel their inclusion in the horde and all the story beats leading up to it (night elf and dwarf spies / saboteurs) were forced so the horde could have a “pretty race” and their lore and personality has been a train wreck since the end of BC, going from a darker take on elves by being power hungry, self serving, vengeful and spiteful to being a background element for like two and a half expansions until they were effectively made into light elves / horde humans (they are basically stormwind humans in terms of their outlook and faith in the light) and quite frankly I’m shocked people think it was the void elves that took their “uniqueness” from them when they lost it long ago.
Edit: sorry for the wall of text and run in sentence structure.
Most played Horde race are Blood Elves in the game.
They are an attractive race, one of the most human like to play on horde. Interesting story. Lovely zones. Lovely architecture. They can be a bit vain/skobby as characters in the narrative.
They are one of the most played races for there aesthetics. One of the best horde races for sexy mogs. Which is cool to have that choice for some of your characters.
They look good in many transmogs.
I think they are a bit overplayed but they have so many exclusive class combos like paladin and demonhunter I wish more races had access to.
I feel like complaining about them is pointless since they’ve been in the Horde for 15 years now. Also there is a surprisingly large number, a “horde” of them if you will, for a race which is supposedly on the brink of extinction.
What are you talking about they are delicious!
Parasitic elves sound cool.
( 100% Horde - ~30% BE ) = ~70% Horde not BE = Horde mostly not BE = the Horde is still mostly monsters.

more stuck up
Lowborn scum!