How to horde players feel about Blood Elves?

I think most horde players want and like blood elves.

I just hope there’s more of a focus on magic and nature for the blood elves going forward, because that’s what’s compelling about them in the horde.

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It was a request from us Asian players, according a wow former developer.

They’re cool.

My only real objection is that they were over-saturated to a ridiculous extent on my home realm for a while. Allied races seems to have helped with that. And I never really have managed to play a female blood elf for an extended length of time, though that’s entirely because of the grating (to me) combat yells instead of anything interesting.

Horde may be portrayed as an orc faction, but we put garrosh down for a reason.

Vulpera and blood elves are what the horde is truly made of.


The worst part is the devs will never do the same thing again to give the Alliance more players.

They monkey paw the High Elves into Void Elves, give them other races nobody wants and gives the ones everyone does (vulpera) to the Horde

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They felt about as off to me as Forsaken did at launch. I never really thought of Forsaken as being Horde until around TBC which I guess I can thank Blood Elves for.

At this point we have so many elves and pretty trolls that thematically it all just meshes.

But I like my void elves :frowning: Always been an obnoxious Lovecraft fan, so I gravitate to anything voidy in this game. They actually did bring me back to the blue team.

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I feel like the belfs belong.
To me the forsaken were not real horde until woltk. The siege of Undercity was the moment they went from ally of convenience or necessity to brother in arms.

The blood elf moment came in Mists with the purge of Dalaran. Before the purge I could of seen the belfs leaving the horde, but after the purge Lor’themar was 100% horde. Witch we see throughout ToT and SoO. Heck he was even a pallbearer for Vol’jin.

Witch is why I especially hate the voidelfs. They weaken the impact of the blood elf story, and could of easily been the elves that left Quel’Thalas during WC2 with Alleria.

BEs are literally the Horde. Without them the Horde would be nothing.


But this is not how the majority feels. I do agree that the Void Elves fit but they were just shoved in because Blizzard did not want to give the Alliance an already established High Elf race… but hey, those mere 5-20 Blood Elves turned Void Elves will do just fine.

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Idontknowhow spits on you.

Beefborn filth. Go back to the pasture!

That’s why they got more high elf customization instead of void, I guess. I won’t lie and say I’m not bitter that the new “void elf” customization wasn’t void at all.

I need at least 4 more eyes.

Get back in your hole, elf zombie

I’m still waiting on blood elf druids. I need them.

I’m feelin’ it. eyes


Given they are letting loose some of the class restrictions for df, I’m hoping they continue that and get rid of all restrictions. It’s been over what? 17 years now? The restrictions don’t make sense anymore.


I’m kinda sad that mage/rogue/priest got the first treatment because I think they’re the most boring xD

But they’re probably the easiest, so, makes sense

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Ima start a gnome druid one day just to have a tiny bear.

Call him Littlebear

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You’d think goblins and worgen could get monk already. I mean the vulpera have monk moves so goblins are practically done.

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They really should. I’m surprised that out of all races they can’t be monks.

worgen are kinda begging to be hand to hand combat fighters, it’s really stange to me

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