How to get Artisan's Acuity?

Double gathers got the 2 gathering quests so that’s 3 KPs per and 30 acuity for the 2. Five drops from gathering each at 1 KP and 5 acuity. The sixth get you 3 kps and 15 acuity. All in all, you get 95 acuity per week. No recipes for you to buy and delay your tools acquisition. My double gatherers were swimming in mettle at the end of DF for lack of a way to spend it. No difference in that regard for TWW. To quote a spider: patience my little morsel!

There are KP books that cost 200 acuity for each profession.

True, bought the kej ones but I will look for those too then. They are worth the delay though. Ultimately they increase your yield so you have more to sell. You will still drown in AA not to worry.

I dont really care about eventually drowning in AA. What I care about is the fact it its literally going to take months for me to get all blue profession gear.

To get the KP knowledge books and blue profession gear on a double gather it is going to take months. Based on a rate of 95 AA a week, plus the initial AA you get, it will take about 5 months to achieve that, which is semi ridiculous IMO and quite a bit different than DF.

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for DF is the same without shenanigans like using alts?

The profession shuffle is dead.

no, it isn’t.

You can get like… 1600 AA in one week.

I did some shuffle for the crafting quest this week. Some goblin was asking for unacceptable amount for the mats to a patron’s WO for a measly 10 AA so I went with something i could afford!

How? I’ve got like 200 …

Each accessory/tools is what 300 AA? Assuming you do not touch the books whose currency is AA, it will be 8 months to get em all! Notwithstanding recraft if you are too eager and the crafter hasn’t topped the tool crafting part of his profession.

Adding to your despair I know! On the other hand you will be gathering for those KPs drops and selling the fruits of your gathering sorties. Same as every other gatherer, the more there is of you out there, the more mats gets in the AH. Sprinkle a few undercutting morons in the lots and those prices should go down nicely for crafters and customers to enjoy. It’s a conspiracy! Everyone and everything is out to get you!

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Where are you getting 8 months from?

(300AA X 3) x 2 for all the profession gear for 2 professions, is 1800, plus 400 for the books is a total 2200 AA.

You gave me a weekly rate of 95AA a week. And then there is the 350 AA at the beginning.

2200-350=1850. Divide that by 95 which is 19.47 weeks total, divide that by 4 for the months which is about 4.8 months. Which is too long IMO, and these forums exist to offer that feedback.

Why are you going on about conspiracies? Are you ok?

you cycle through profs and pick up the recipes that you want to craft to AA, and do it again and again.

They stopped the shuffle. You no longer get any AA from first crafts that are easy to do. I made spark of omen boots and gloves and got 10 AA for each first craft. I was a little surprised, but then I realized that these crafts besides JC, you need to go deep into the profession tree to obtain.

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Who said easy to do crafts.

Drops, prof recipes, all give AA.

Have you been playing at all or just remembering what people did during DF?

The acuity rate is definitely insanely bad. The patron orders dont provide all the mats and the rewards just arent worth it. Then also requiring a certain level of craft to even complete them in tje first place. Man professions are pretty bad… i did do some shuffling the other day, got around 700 total or so acuity. But the price to get there isnt really worth it

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Right! I was off! Let’s see, 300x3x2=1800-350=1450 aa to get for bare minimum! Just the tools and accessories. If you add the 3 books for each professions. 200+300+400=900x2 = another 1800, I was way off! I’ll blame the hour, yeah let’s do that. Ok, 1450+1800= 3250 AA to get! Even worse for crafter though. Bunch of recipes in there too. It’s like you are required to gather/craft for your AA!

Yeah I’m not doing that. That is completely absurd to even posit as a solution.

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That might have been a solution on the beta with throw away toons. I got toons with recipes that can no longer be learned. Not loosing those for something time will fix.

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Bold of you to assume they will fix this problem.
First time?