How to get Artisan's Acuity?

Get your KP items and crafting/gathering quests each week and TIME will fix your AA ‘problem’ . It’s not as big a deal as you think.

Here to say this system is still bad. Bliz please fix, not enough AA to craft anything. We have to spend AA to buy books to gain skill, then more to by the recipe, and then again to make the object for ourselves, this is time-gate overkill. Its making crafting completely unfun.

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Just do the AA shuffle.

It’s a shame Blizzard allowed the AA shuffle to go live as is though.

What is the AA shuffle?

You go through every profession for the easy to pick up AA and drop it and go to the next.

It’s not that expensive to reach 1800. Maybe 500k? Really, 1650.

Oh wow, that is horrible.

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But cause it exists, people did it.

I spent around 4 million the first time around.

The big tools become needed when you start crafting items with full slots filled like missive, embellishment and crests. Are you already there?

Why buy new expansion now when you can buy in one year and have real game to play then.

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? 1 year isn’t the real game lol.

That’s missing an entire raid tier.

Do you ever stop talking about how much gold you have and spend?

Near every thread here I see you boasting about throwing gold cap away like pocket change and how “It’s not that hard to make 9,999,999 gold, I did it in like 6 days”. You really like to inflate your ego about a digital currency.

Now tell me how much of a billionaire you are in real life. /s
Then we’ll talk.

Lacks all the humility of someone who genuinely earned their gold via legitimate methods. The Faux in your name is quite telling enough and probably your own inside joke. Fake.

Nobody here is impressed with you.


lol omg man roasted :rofl:


thats such an out of touch thing to say lol.

500k is equivalent to like $50 of real money.


Just because Blizzard arbitrarily stamps a real world value on gold doesn’t change how easy it is to acquire. When gold is EASIER to acquire, token value goes DOWN. (Token is easier to buy with gold.)

Just be quiet. Your advice is both unrealistic and condescending. You are of no help to anyone here


Right, remain in the dark to how easy gold making can be.

I mean he is not wrong, its pretty easy to make gold in the game. You can just chill by the AH and flip stuff all day and you will easy get 100k a day, and thats if you are like casually doing it and not even taking big risks.

The secret to it is volume trading, not big flips.
Get an item you can flip for like 1 or 2 gold, but then do that x 1000 items and it adds up SUPER fast.

Jokes on them profession shuffling lets you do a plethora of patron work orders.

Whens the last time youve ever used those crafts? Youre kidt collecting them at this point. Play a new toon next expac if you want to treat your professions like a museum

You do you, Ill do me, thank you very much.