How to get Artisan's Acuity?

No in beta they had it set up all differently. One person complained that people were going to learn professions and get a bunch of AA from first time crafts and then drop the profession and get another bunch of AA from first time crafts and so on. So the last week they changed it without no real testing.

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Anyone know what the Acuity limit is for dual gatherers? herb and mining? And how you get it?

The knowledge point drops and weeklies give it but I think tha might be it.

do you mean the little 1 knowledge point things you get when you mine and herb, those give acuity? I got 100 this week so far

Yes. They give a small amount. There is 3-5 blue drops and one purple drop.

Im curious of dual gathering professions can earn as much acuity as crafting professions can.

Right now, they earn more.

Patron work orders are your main source of acuity, followed by the 2 weekly profession quests (although only 1 is spawning atm for crafting professions)

25 per week…yay

Everything spawns but enchanting from my experience so far.

Enchanting is treated as a gathering profession in regards to acuity this expansion I have been told, you get yours the same way miners/herbalists/skinners do from profession quests

I have gotten both before today’s maintence, which nuked all my Patron Orders. There were 4 Patron Orders. Three were for Glamours, can’t remember that last one because the it would have cost a fortune in mats.

I alos got knowledge point gain drops from disenchanting items.

What an utterly abhorrent system.

The worst system/resource for crafting I have ever seen.

Blizzard, do better.


I got an enchanting quest after skill 25 on my warrior from the enchanting area. But on the main topic, Darkmoon Fair quests no longer gives AA. What the hell is up with this. I understand the whole shuffle and the removal of AA, but for these quests, thats insane.

Yeah so you just don’t get AA and the profession system is complete garbage.

Got it.


So am I missing something? Is it just supposed to take a long time to accrue this now?

Want to make sure I am not missing a weekly quest like the one we had in DF. Its gonna be weeks before I can get new profession equipment i guess.

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I don’t think Blizzard actually thought it through all the way.

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you do the prof shuffle.

on my double gatherer? That a poor way if blizzard really intends that for us to get more artisans acuity.

Blizzard you have to change this horrible system. I’d rather play ArcheAge and deal with the Labor system than this nonsense.

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