How to get Artisan's Acuity?

No one knows? Google doesn’t know, wowhead doesn’t know, I don’t know.

Where is this acquired? I did the quest for 250 of it and that’s it. I am 100/100 Mining and 60/105 Blacksmithing and I have 55 after buying a crafting pattern to make a pickaxe, which REQUIRES 300 to make?


Weekly npc work orders is my guess, witch start after the real launch. Got a head start but not that much

There’s no way that it’s just some time gated nonsense… if it truly is this is the worst game design I’ve ever seen.


They disabled it for early access, so we wouldn’t get too much of advantage on everyone else.

I don’t understand what you mean by they “Disabled it” for “early access.”

Am I going to have to re craft everything? Will I get my thousands of gold worth of materials back then since it was pointless to craft?

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Everything you’ve done you’ll get to keep. You just likely won’t be able to go any further until the official launch on the 26th.

Seems unethical to me.

Why even have “Early access” if you’re not able to actually play the game normally. Extremely shady practice.


To ensure that people that didn’t buy early access aren’t too far behind.


So will I automatically be granted to Artisans Acuity on Monday? Or will I have to re do everything?? A single reagent is 5k+ gold for some items. Absurd.

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I believe they removed Artisan’s Acuity from first time crafts and are now lumping it all into the first weekly quest. This was to avoid profession shuffling.

So how are you supposed to get more??

I don’t understand.

There will be a weekly quest once the expansion “officially” launches. Blizzard disabled most weekly quests/cooldowns to keep early access players from having a noticeable, permanent advantage compared to those who didn’t.

So it’s just a weekly dripfeed time gated resource?

Yeah that’s the worst game design I’ve ever seen in my life. What is this, ArcheAge? Yikes. Shame on Blizzard.


About how much per week can we expect? Cauldrons currently cost 40 (flasks) and 80 (potions) to make, which basically ruins any chance of getting profession blues, or knowledge books. Would be sick to see them remove that from cauldron crafting.

A single pick costs 300.

I don’t understand how this system is supposed to work or how we are supposed to acquire this resource.


There is nothing new or hard to understand here. It’s the same as Artisan Mettle from DF. You get a certain amount each week, through a quest from your Profession. Those quests aren’t in yet. You got a big from a single, one time reward quest, to use in Early Access. The rest you have to wait for, and will get a set amount each week.


I don’t remember how it worked in Dragonflight at all, as I never messed with Professions after the first week or two.

However, what I said still stands. That is a terrible system, especially when items cost huge amounts of Artisans Acuity to Make/Learn to make - such as the [Plans: Charged Claymore] from the Auralia Steelstrike vendor in Maledar. That is an entire weeks worth of resource just to learn to craft a single item.

Time gating is bad, and this is the worst possible form of it. I could not imagine a worse system being implemented into a game.


Um, no. I got first craft acuity and 350 from doing the quest in Dornagal. i had like 660 acutiy and purchased the 200 and 300 acuity knowledge point books already

You do not get Acuity from first time crafts anymore, they removed that so that people wouldn’t be able to swap professions to do all the first time crafts.


Yes you do. VENDOR recipes do not give acuity. all other first crafts do.
im telling you i had 660 accuity. I spent 500 and 160 in my bag right now. I purchased the 2 engineering books that give 10 KP ea, 1 for 200 acuity, 1 for 300. You are wrong.