How to get Artisan's Acuity?

first time crafts from non-trainer recipes.

or discoveries.

Okay well week 1 is officially live, where’s the source of weekly acuity?


yeah no acuity quest popped today. I guess they counted the early access as part of the first week.

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I was just going to post asking about this because I’m not seeing a weekly either.

Confused as well.
I checked both tables and have 0 Patron orders.
No acuity quest.
There was an NPC offering a quest to fill 2 work order for 2 profession points.

This is not a good start to professions. I can’t even level up without Artisan’s Acuity and have no way to get any. 0 work orders, 0 patron orders. Stuck at level 65 Tailoring. Thanks Blizz.


Blizz has lost the plot with this one. Patron orders are a joke. No weekly source of acuity. So what next expac I can buy a pattern??? Total clown show.


I’m also stuck at 65. I have the recipe for the Consecrated Cloak but no idea where one finds “Sparks” at the moment

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First spark is supposed to be live

Where is the weekly acuity quest giver? I have collected all that was available and now I only get 5 acuity for a first craft. This has to be the stupidest way to gate professions.


It’m guessing it’s next week. This week they added campaign quests that unlock the area but they tell you that it will take some time.

One of my Blacksmiths suddenly finds himself with a mountain of Patron quests with various Knowledge/Acuity rewards.

I hope this isn’t what they consider a reasonable replacement for the Crafting quests we had last expansion. One of the “No materials provided” requests is somewhere over 100k worth of mats for 2 Knowledge.

Edit: Also had to use all my remaining Concentration to get the 2/3 star requirements the snobs also demand.


This says today

Yeah so I did those TWO quests and got a whopping 25 Artisans Acuity - only 4 more months and I will be able to make ONE ITEM!

This has got to be a joke. Worst crafting system in any game I have ever seen.


The NPCs WOs finally popped for some toons, granted most of them are ( insert strong swear word here) no mats WOs, but some have AA in it, 20 a pop there about. Some award KPs items so AA there also.

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Yeah that ain’t gonna cut it chief.

At this rate you get to craft 2 items per year that require AA.


How so? I reckon about 7 of those WOs per week and you are at 150 AA per week, the same as the DF weekly.

Blizzard feels like in DF we had a flood of artisan’s mettle but now they have gone the other way and made it a drought instead.

Why can’t they just figure out a middle ground?


Sure, once prices stabilize and people are proficient enough to A) have the recipes that are called for and B) able to make them at the requisite skill level.

Right now, that’s not happening.

they spent all beta testing one system and then in the last week they made an adjustment to how you acquire AA without any real testing at all.

Blame the whiners on beta complaining about people switching professions to get all the jump.