How to get Artisan's Acuity?

You just keep believing that. I’ll i got acuity from all my discoverable and purchased patterns. I’m at 100 engineering with 67 knowledge points.

Still waiting for you to explain how i did a patron order and have 2 more pending? literally a screenshot showing my 2 remaining patron orders.

oh look other people have them too!
Are there patron orders in early access? : r/woweconomy

I’m just going to assume that, like most things in this “early access” nonsense, it is bugged for some people.


Seems to be a mixed response. Looks like Blizzard tried to disable them and AA but did a half assed job.

If you played beta you would know.

I did, but beta is irrelevant because on live the patron orders are present, and acuity can be gained regardless if you think its a screw up.

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You can go on the PTR and see Patron Orders. Not just one or two but a whole page. You can get the knowledge skill gains from gathering that drop, that aren’t currently dropping.

They clearly tried to disable many features for early access and didn’t pull it off completely.

You cant stand to be incorrect can you?

Are you going to remember this after everyone’s Patron Orders unlock and admit that you were wrong?

Im not the one who said that patron orders weren’t available and that you couldn’t earn acuity. That was you. Repeatedly. Being incorrect. Repeatedly.

They aren’t for the vast majority of people. You found a bug and exploited it rather reporting it.

A bug that my whole guild got to? And a couple dozen if not more on the woweconomy reddit and several discords? Maybe its a bug you didnt get it. There is nothing to indicate that they are disabled. The only post was 18 hours before launch saying they disabled the vendor pattern shuffle.

Just sliding in amongst the bickering, but I’ve taken over 20+ alts to Dornugal and checked the work tables religiously - only one alt has had any patron orders so something def seems borked with their availability (she’s level 71 and a blacksmith, and not even my highest level blacksmith). unfortunately they were all for sparks gear in different specialities so i couldn’t do them.

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Keep in mind that patron work orders follow the same rules as regular ones. Anything a player would be required to provide themselves is provided by the NPC. If you’re lucky enough to get a patron work order for a spark item you can craft, you’ll be able to do so.

The downside is you have no control over what the NPCs will ask for, but if luck is on your side you can get the bonus skill ups and get profession knowledge from the first craft ahead of S1.

So will we get the quest to get more today? or tomorrow after reset?

why are you continually saying that patron orders are locked/disabled? they certainly are not. Ive had them since the second day, just sadly they are for specializations that i have not taken so i cannot do them.

Because I was in Beta and I’m on the PTR. There are lots of them and you don’t need to take specializations for them. It’s very different than live.

Probably after reset. But don’t quote me as they can still stuff it up.

I just checked my Blacksmith and there are zero Patron crafting orders available.

Haven’t seen a single one since EA started either.

So yeah about that Artisans Acuity…


Reset is in about 12 hours.