How to get Artisan's Acuity?

Are you running double crafting professions? If so that is probably why. I have done every first time craft and I have 55 acuity… I haven’t used any of it other than to buy 2 crafting patterns which I can’t make because they require 300 acuity lol. What a terrible system.

Nope, engineering and mining. My Engineering is 100 and i have 67 points dumped into it. I already made the new Engi mount. My mining just hit 100 about 10 seconds ago.

Learned recipes from specialisation and discoverable recipes grant acuity. There is a one time Consortium quest in Dornagal that gives 350 and patron work orders give it as well.

How do you get Patron Work orders? I go to the forge periodically throughout the day and look and have not seen a single one.

Go to the workorder tab and its under Patron, have to be 80.

Hmm, there has never been anything there for me whenever I check. Oh well.


Patron Orders aren’t in yet.

Wrong. Ive already done one of the 3 i had available.

You’re taling about Public orders not Patron orders. There is a difference. Patron orders are disabled along with the profession treatise.

Wrong it was a patron order.

Wrong they were disabled until the official launch.


I had one for green pvp bracers that i did, i have 2 more available right now that i am farming mats to do.

You can’t even get the PvP Bracers yet. The vendors are empty.

I bought the leather and cloth patterns on the AH…are you daft? Do you enjoy spewing incorrect information when presented with facts?

I just check the PvP vendor and it’s empty. Just checked all my characters and there are no patron orders.

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I have 3 Algari Competitor’s bracer patterns, and the Algari competitor’s rifle pattern. Have made all 4 and got Acuity from the first craft.

Explain this then?

They screwed up on AA. they disabled it for all trainer recipes but forgot to disable it for other recipes.

It wasn’t a screw up. It was just vendor recipes. They never said you couldn’t get Acuity in EA. There’s a freaking quest that gives you 350 for free in Dornagal.

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That was always in the game. In Beta you got AA from gathering and crafting. They disabled that for EA but forgot about non trainer recipes.