who cares about the “newer” generation. its about getting back the people they lost. i myself quit 2 years ago because of all the terrible changes and only came back 3 or so weeks ago just to see if anything got better. if they did everything that op stated i can almost guarantee you that wow would boom once more. its not about being afraid of change… its about changing something that should of never been changed in the first place.
Could get back to the basic unlock flying at max level with all pathfinder ready to do, so I don’t have to unsub after part 1 is done then come back 7 months later or so to finish part 2 but too late already behind in expansion I lost interest.
Exactly! I don’t know why people can’t see this. The Diablo developers trying to shoehorn Diablo systems into WoW is the reason the game stinks for many MMO players.
don’t get me wrong im sure they are good at doing D3 type content but this is WoW while it does have some similarity its still an entirely different genre and as such needs people that understand the distinct differences
after all just because a mechanic understands how to rebuild an engine block on a Dodge HEMI still doesn’t qualify him to crawl up and start working on an SR-71 jet engine he might be able to grasp the basics but its still a whole new ballgame
PvP vendors are all I want, the rest is meh. Happy as hell that not only master loot is gone, but also vulpera went to the Horde. Alliance have enough issues without having increased furry issues too
Don’t forget Sylvanas needs to be killed by players and permanently removed from the game.
Remove Corruption*
None of that will work. simply because the age of mmo’s has passed and wow still keeps its player base from nostalgia more than anything else. Also because of all the mmos they have constant updates and content flooding in. There is a reason mmos start up and fail all the time.
That game genre is relic at best
Well… 1 out of 2 ain’t bad depending on where you’re betting.
Exactly everything bad in diablo 3 came to wow and made it pointless.
Crafting? mostly pointless as of the exception of warlords on
Having guild perks would be nice also.
And there’s the conundrum! It’s not cheating because Blizzard gets 5 times the money… unless someone finds a way to cut down time on any sort of grind or gearing. Then it’s cheating. I’m sure they have a proviso in the EULA somewhere.
oh here we go again the multi boxers cheat conspiracy seriously someone needs to take off the Reynolds Wrap Fedora and see a doctor
Blizzard has specifically said while they do not officially support MBing they do not outright condemn it either in fact on the support pages they even provide links to multi boxing software and info on how to use it properly but they also say use it at your own risk and under no circumstances will they reimburse you for any gold loot or other ingame losses resulting from MBing software usage you are basically on your own either way
Why? This was a choice that should have never been taken away from guilds. This had ZERO effect on pugs and casual guilds.
Sure it did. You act like there were never ninja looters in raids or times when people were denied gear because they were not regulars. Now, if people were in a bind and up front that I wouldn’t get anything then I was okay, but this wasn’t always the case. Much prefer having a shot at the loot if I completed the kill.
I will add this though, it’s what I feel but as I no longer make time to raid I am not going to pitch a fit if it’s brought back. I just won’t go back to raiding.
All right, who necro’d this?? I thoughtit was dust and gone.
Ninja looting wasn’t an issue for guilds though, try again lol. Guilds still require you to handle over gear that you get on personal loot, try again.
Master loot for guilds was never an issue mate and they didn’t change it to appease casual players either. It was done to stop split runs by the hardcore raiding community.
Blizzard just spun it that it was for casuals so that the masses would get behind it. Personal loot stinks.
If guilds are requiring people to give up gear that drops for them then I am glad I am not in those guilds and perfectly happy never raiding again
So then ML coming back wouldn’t affect you since based on your toon you don’t raid in content directly affected by it.
See my previous post