Do the following and advertise the following for next expac and watch people come back as fast as they left in wod.
1- remove titanforging
2- go back to MOP or earlier class design ( optional, while it was better, people don’t like their classes changed completely every xpac )
3 - go back to MOP or earlier gear design
3b - make mythic raiding 25 man instead of 20 man
3c- bring back master looter.
3d - bring back valor / justice / pvp vendors
3e- bring back socketed gear and enchants
4- make flying available right off the bat at max level
5 - add high elves as alliance
6 - add vulpera as horde
7 - remove rep requirements for allied races from previous expacs
8 - break ice ( optional , can be substituted with better writing department )
You can’t cross the river back home once you leave. There will be classic and bfa. Pick the one you like or play both there is no longer a reason to try and change the game to your liking when soon you will be given the choice.
I agree with but that’s blizzards way to not have to create multiple levels of gear - won’t happen
2 and 3) I agree with
3b) I don’t raid so I can’t make any suggestions there or say if this would be good or bad
3c) they removed master looter because of the tools who used it to “ninja” gear - don’t see it coming back
3d) This i could agree with. When I pvp’d I liked having a vendor and being able to pick what piece of gear I was working towards purchasing
3e) I also agree with this
I’m a huge fan of flying, but I’m going to disagree. I actually like the pathfinder way of doing it, my alts love being able to fly right away once I’ve earned it. BUT the ability to earn it needs to come much sooner in the expansion. My main right now is exalted with everyone and has finished almost every zone. I refuse to do this on a second.
5 and 6) I can agree with these. I would love to be a vulpera
You said “go back” and “bring back” enough times that people are just going to assume you want to go back to an older iteration of Wow…which is what you literally said in your post.
This will only satisfy the Mythic raiders, why should they remove something just because couple of CE raiders wants to fight against each others when it comes to Logs/parses and IO or other 3d party programs?
This TF doesn’t effect any Heroic/N/LFR or Casual player in general.
Give me a break, just add Valor points/Upgrades and keep this system.
Add Masterloot back btw, because it’s not effecting anyone else so give them this option back.
Well, I like that you’re actually stating individual things that you want with the game. However, phrasing as you have you’ve kind of set yourself up for an endless argument of “hey I don’t want that, that’s just you.” And there’s no guarantee it will affect subscription rate.
I think you’d be better off telling people how each item in your list would benefit the game for you and why it’s going to make your gaming better.
There really isn’t any going back. Just forward. But some things we liked in the past can certainly be inspiration for where we go.
There is certainly going back. Just gotta wait for summer. Going back looks brighter then going forward to me. Leave bfa for those who want bfa. Me? I’m hoping for a burning crusade release.