Right. But if you read the post I was referencing he was talking about how Blizz forces you to pay for things that they can timegate. That way you pay more money over time for the things you want because you either have to wait or rep grind for them.
I retorted with the fact that you don’t actually have to pay anything. YOU don’t have to pay to do the grind.
Someone else does… Sure. But the comment wasn’t about keeping money from Blizz, it was about the principal of having to pay just to do a lengthy grind. Which you don’t.
Someone else who wants to buy a token can happily spend the $25 to buy one. They’re choosing to spend extra money. But someone who is complaining that they have to pay in order to do a long grind that they don’t want to do; has the option to not pay, and instead buy a token with their in game gold.
The comment was never “Keep money from Blizz”, but rather “If you don’t want to pay to do a grind you don’t want to do, then don’t pay. There are alternatives.”
Apologise for launching BFA in it’s current state.
Bring back ML.
Get rid of pathfinder.
Either bring back class design to either Legion or some other expansion. Prolly Wrath.
And make everything exploration wise not as bothersome as it is in BFA. Seriously gonna be an alcoholic if I have to run around anymore on ground. I loathe pathfinder.
They would never make flying available immediately in a new expansion. You should need to explore the zones on the ground first or you would consume the new content way too fast and get bored and complain of lack of content. I would say make flying available about 3 months after the expansion launch given that you meet the requirements.
Had that discussion a week or so ago, it was a little confusing, but the argument was that it wasn’t cheating as nothing extra was being added into the economy, and that nodes have a respawn time, it confused me to no end though as I’m bad at mathematics.
so my friend multi boxed a dungeon with me once upon a time in lich king and he got 2 week ban for exploiting the bosses loot table;so multi boxing is cheating.
It’s 2020 - MMOs are not and have never really been S tier games. They are at best a B tier, but it’s still worthy of playtime because of mainly the social aspect. It is what it is, so can we please let Blizzard let this thing die with honor instead of trying to tell them how to make their game?
The inevitable #somechanges outcome in Classic should clue people in to the fact that we can’t have our cake and eat it too. Maybe it’s time to not put this game so high up on a pedestal. There is a lot of brand loyalty still yea, but that would evaporate so fast once the next best thing shows up. It’s just that other game developers haven’t quite figured out the formula to dethrone WoW. They just keep adding to the pile of corpses.
The simple fact is that most players aren’t coming back, and most young people ain’t gonna play a game designed for boomers.
They would need to create a new multiplayer always online game with cash store like Fortnite if they want a massive cash cow that attracts the young people.
You know, now that warmode is a thing, I think it could be done with warmode off. Keep no flying for warmode since it messes with world PVP so much, but keep it for warmode off.
the 12 million peek time was the End of Wrath. for Cataclysm and Mist of Pandaria had a average active subs in the 10 million player base.
The loss of subs after the no flying announcement was regained in time for the release of Warlords of Draenor.
The majority of the lost subs is because of normal attrition, people get jobs, move, get married, get bored of the MMO genre.
As for your suggestions:
it is not why people left. If anything, the basic concept is well done, but Blizzard is making mistakes with it. However how it’s done or if it’s done at all is not going to affect subscriptions
Not really, I personally want the spells back, but I want to go back to the old Tree.
affects only a tiny percent of the population.
Yes, but it’s not going to affect the subs.
more like bring back the importance of Professions, and make crafting older expansion material is still valuable. But still not going to help subs.
actually, this might bring some people back, but it’s not going to bring that many back. Also once you have flying, you have flying, stop gating it.
We have them. Night Elves and High Elves (Void), what is needed are more options for the elves we have. To include Night Elf Paladins.
no. We have furies, they should be removed from the game, but sadly it’s too late.
?!?! huh?
Well over all this is just a wish list of what you want. Most are terrible ideas, some are good, but none of them will change a thing. WOW is past peek, they need a New MMO, only the market isn’t doing so well these days. As people who were playing MMOs are either playing Solo RPGs with some social content, or playing the MOBA type games.
If you want to see a rebirth of the MMO genre, and you want it done by Blizzard, this is what the game should be like:
Enjoyable as a SOLO RPG.
Full Custom Characters with lots of race and class options.
Gear shouldn’t be as important as Skill Points or player skills.
PVP should be more important than Raiding. However it should be 100% optional.
No faction DIVIDE, all players start off neutral to the PVP factions, and the PVP factions have to be an in game Choice.
Story Focused immersive game, with strict rules about what can be said in open channels. With a focus on Immersion.
Crafting, and Player economy should be considered important, and should never be made irrelevant, some people like playing Civilians, let them play that way.
Raiding exclusives, never stop being available, and raid content should never become easy, However the “A head of the curve” type gear should exist but it’s only a Color Option to gear that is earned. Afterwards the gear gained from the same raid will have a different color. ie AHOTC gear is always trimmed in gold, and never looks damaged. While afterwards it has no gold, and looks used.
The world should feel real and lived in. And should never be treated as a Joke or a Game. Although humor is fine, but it needs to not be 4th wall breaking.
I could go on, however first thing Blizzard would need to do Is break away from Activision, and hire new lead developers. They need to also take time and fix the franchises they have, bring them back to Blizzards standards of the past, and then move forward from there.
This game is hardly for boomers, it is actually for kids 12-15 but not marketed as such…
The fairy tail story line, the (npc) characters their dialogue the mini quests for items the puzzles …
Wow is more for young, the boomers actually miss the grandeur of the environment, sunshine, rainfall, there is a lot that a younger crown may be amazed with.
only one step needed to fix it get rid of the people turning WoW into Diablo and bring back the older staff that actually cared about the game and keeping players entertained and not simply because of what the shareholders wanted